Unit 09a - Pronouns Used with Two Verbs Flashcards
With the immediate future, object pronouns are placed between aller and the infinitive. With the immediate past, object pronouns are placed between venir de and the infinitive.
Tu vas lire la lettre de remerciements à tes employés.
You are going to read the thank-you letter to your employees.
Tu vas la leur lire.
You are going to read it to them.
With the immediate future, object pronouns are placed between aller and the infinitive. With the immediate past, object pronouns are placed between venir de and the infinitive.
Nous allons envoyer un paquet à notre client.
We are going to send a package to our client.
Nous allons lui en envoyer un.
We are going to send him one.
With the immediate future, object pronouns are placed between aller and the infinitive. With the immediate past, object pronouns are placed between venir de and the infinitive.
Allez-vous annoncer la nouvelle à votre mère?
Are you going to tell the news to your mother?
Allez-vous la lui annoncer?
Are you going to tell it to her?
With the immediate future, object pronouns are placed between aller and the infinitive. With the immediate past, object pronouns are placed between venir de and the infinitive.
Je viens de téléphoner à Antoine.
I just called Antoine.
Je viens de lui téléphoner.
I just called him.
With the immediate future, object pronouns are placed between aller and the infinitive. With the immediate past, object pronouns are placed between venir de and the infinitive.
Émilie vient d’annoncer la nouvelle à Jean.
Émilie just told the news to Jean.
Émilie vient de la lui annoncer.
Émilie just told it to him.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Je vais acheter un tapis au Maroc.
- Je vais en acheter un au Maroc.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Nous venons de changer les abat-jour du salon.
- Nous venons de les changer.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ils viennent de répéter la pièce de théâtre.
- Ils viennent de la répéter.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Vous allez demander l’asile politique.
- Vous allez le demander.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ils vont toucher les allocations familiales.
- Ils vont les toucher.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Elle va choisir le prénom de sa mère pour sa fille.
- Elle va le choisir pour sa fille.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Tu viens de visiter le musée des Gobelins.
- Tu viens de le visiter.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Elle va redécorer sa chambre à coucher.
- Elle va la redécorer.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Le gouvernement va augmenter les impôts.
- Le gouvernement va les augmenter.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Marie va faire ses valises ce soir.
- Marie va les faire ce soir.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Il vient de vendre sa vieille Peugeot.
- Il vient de la vendre.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- On va faire la traversée en trois jours.
- On va la faire en trois jours.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ils vont rendre visite à leurs amis.
- Ils vont leur rendre visite.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Je viens de recommander ce film à Noémie.
- Je viens de le lui recommander.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ils viennent d’engager Sonia.
- Ils viennent de l’engager.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Vous allez faire ce stage pendant l’été.
- Vous allez le faire pendent l’été.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Nous venons d’élire notre nouveau président.
- Nous venons de l’élire.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Tu vas comprendre les raisons de son départ.
- Tu vas les comprendre.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Tu viens de recevoir ton diplôme.
- Tu viens de le recevoir.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Elle vient d’achever son roman.
- Elle vient de l’achever.