Unit 4f - Pronouns With Pronominal Verbs Flashcards
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Le vin rouge se boit chambré.
Red wine is drunk at room temperature.
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Le vin blanc se boit frais.
White wine is drunk chilled.
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Les frites se mangent avec les doigts.
French fries are eaten with your fingers.
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Ces produits haut de gamme se vendent bien.
These top-of-the-line products sell well.
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Ça ne se fait pas.
It’s not to be done.
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Comment çà se traduit?
How’s it translated?
Passive pronominal verbs are used only in the third-person singular and plural. They reflect habit, manner, or tradition.
Comment ça se dit en japonais?
How do you say it in Japanese?
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- Agnès and Fabien met at a party in Paris. _________________________________________________
Agnès et Fabien se sont rencontrés à une soirée à Paris.
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- He stopped in front of a bakery. _________________________________________________
Il s’est arrêté devant une boulangerie.
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- Aurélien woke up at dawn. _________________________________________________
Aurélien s’est réveillée à l’aube.
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- Blaise was hiding behind a rock. _________________________________________________
Blaise se cachait derrière un rocher.
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- Get ready! (vous) _________________________________________________
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- We are walking along the Seine. _________________________________________________
Nous nous promenons le long de la Seine.
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- Nadir was resting under a tree. _________________________________________________
Nadir se reposait sous un arbre.
Translate the following sentences into French, using a pronominal pronoun.
- They write to each other every day. _________________________________________________
Ils s’écrivent tous les jour.
- The economic situation is not improving. _________________________________________________
La situation économique ne s’améliore pas.
- At what time does she get up in the morning? _________________________________________________
À quelle heure elle se lève-t-elle le matin?
- We will get married next year. _________________________________________________
Nous nous marierons l’année prochaine.
- They were always fighting. ________________________________________________
Ils se disputaient sans cesse.
- She cut herself with a broken glass. _________________________________________________
Elle s’est coupée avec un verre cassé.
- This is not to be said in public. _________________________________________________
Ça ne se dit pas en public.
- Maxime takes a shower before going to bed. _________________________________________________
Maxime se douche avant de se coucher.
- The actor puts his makeup on before the show. _________________________________________________
L’acteur se maquille après le spectacle.
- What is his name? _________________________________________________
Comment s’appelle-t-il?
- She fainted when she saw the ghost. _____________________________________________
Elle s’est évanouie quand elle a vu le fantôme
- He is always complaining! _________________________________________________
Il se plaint toujours!
- Wake me up at six! (vous_________________________________________________)
Réveillez-moi à six heures!a