Unit 8d - Order Of Pronouns Flashcards
In the negative imperative, the object pronouns follow the same order and placement as above. No hyphen is used to connect the pronouns to the verb or to each other.
Tu ne les lui rends pas.
You don’t give them back to him.
Ne les lui rends pas!
Don’t give them back to him!
In the negative imperative, the object pronouns follow the same order and placement as above. No hyphen is used to connect the pronouns to the verb or to each other.
Vous ne le lui donnez pas.
You don’t give it to him.
Ne le lui donnez pas!
Don’t give it to him!
In the negative imperative, the object pronouns follow the same order and placement as above. No hyphen is used to connect the pronouns to the verb or to each other.
Tu ne nous le décris pas.
You are not describing it to us.
Ne nous le décris pas!
Don’t describe it to us!
In the affirmative imperative, the direct object precedes the indirect object and hyphens connect the verb and pronouns.
Donnez-lui la photo!
Give him the picture!
Give it to him!
In the affirmative imperative, the direct object precedes the indirect object and hyphens connect the verb and pronouns.
Apporte-leur le fauteuil!
Bring them the armchair!
Bring it to them!
In the affirmative imperative, the direct object precedes the indirect object and hyphens connect the verb and pronouns.
Rendez-nous notre argent!
Give us our money back!
Give it back to us!
In the affirmative imperative, the direct object precedes the indirect object and hyphens connect the verb and pronouns.
Envoie-moi les dossiers!
Send me the files!
Send them to me.
The partitive en always follows an indirect object pronoun. In the imperative, the -s ending of the tu form of -er verbs is dropped.
Tu lui donnes des conseils.
You give him some advice.
Tu lui en donnes.
You give some to him.
The partitive en always follows an indirect object pronoun. In the imperative, the -s ending of the tu form of -er verbs is dropped.
Ne lui donne pas de conseils!
Don’t give him any advice!
Ne lui en donne pas!
Don’t give him any!
The partitive en always follows an indirect object pronoun. In the imperative, the -s ending of the tu form of -er verbs is dropped.
Donne-lui des conseils!
Give him some advice!
Give him some!
The partitive en always follows an indirect object pronoun. In the imperative, the -s ending of the tu form of -er verbs is dropped.
Tu me parles de ton voyage en Inde.
You are telling me about your trip to India.
Tu m’en parles.
You are telling me about it.
The partitive en always follows an indirect object pronoun. In the imperative, the -s ending of the tu form of -er verbs is dropped.
Ne me parle pas de ton voyage en Inde!
Don’t tell me about your trip to India!
Ne m’en parle pas!
Don’t tell me about it!
The partitive en always follows an indirect object pronoun. In the imperative, the -s ending of the tu form of -er verbs is dropped.
Parle-moi de ton voyage en Inde!
Tell me about your trip to India!
Tell me about it!
With the verb s’en aller, where en is part of the verb, the pronouns follow the same order as above.
Tu t’en vas.
You are leaving.
With the verb s’en aller, where en is part of the verb, the pronouns follow the same order as above.
Ne t’en va pas!
Do not leave!
With the verb s’en aller, where en is part of the verb, the pronouns follow the same order as above.
Go away!
When y and en are combined, en follows y.
Il y a des meubles à vendre.
There is some furniture for sale.
Il y en a à vendre.
There is some for sale.
When y and en are combined, en follows y.
Il n’y a plus de billets pour le spectacle.
There are no tickets left for the show.
Il n’y en a plus.
There are none left.