Unit 11b - Indefinite Pronouns Flashcards
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Chacun a le droit de s’exprimer.
Every person has the right to express himself.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Certaines de ses pièces ont eu beaucoup de succès.
Some of her plays were very successful.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Chacun d’entre nous a reçu un prix.
Each of us received an award.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Chacune a décroché un diplôme.
Each person got a degree.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
D’autres ont reçu des critiques défavorables.
Others got unfavorable reviews.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Plusieurs d’entre eux portaient de gants blancs.
Several of them were wearing white gloves. .
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Quelques-uns n’ont pas répondu.
Some did not reply.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Quelques-unes étaient habillées en velours rouge.
Some were dressed in red velvet.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
Elle sait tout.
She knows everything.
Other indefinite pronouns are certains/certaines (some), chacun/chacune (each, every), d’autres (others), plusieurs (several), quelques-uns/quelques-unes (some), and tout (everything).
On s’habitue à tout.
One gets used to everything
Quelque part refers to an indefinite location.
Il habite quelque part en Bourgogne.
He lives somewhere in Burgundy.
Quelque part refers to an indefinite location.
Tu finiras bien par trouver ce que vous cherchez quelque part.
You’ll eventually find what you are looking for somewhere.
To make quelque part negative, use ne… nulle part.
Vous ne trouverez ces articles nulle part dans la région.
You won’t find these articles anywhere in the area.
To make quelque part negative, use ne… nulle part.
Elle n’a nulle part où aller.
She has nowhere to go.
N’importe qui/quoi refers to any person or thing, in the sense of “it doesn’t matter which one.”
N’importe qui pourrait faire ce travail.
Anyone could do this job.
N’importe qui/quoi refers to any person or thing, in the sense of “it doesn’t matter which one.”
Je ne confierais pas cette responsabilité à n’importe qui.
I would not entrust this responsibility to anyone.
N’importe qui/quoi refers to any person or thing, in the sense of “it doesn’t matter which one.”
Ce n’est pas n’importe qui.
He’s not just anybody.
N’importe qui/quoi refers to any person or thing, in the sense of “it doesn’t matter which one.”
Il mange tout et n’importe quoi.
He’ll eat anything.
When you don’t know someone’s name, use the indefinite pronoun Untel—So-and-so.
Madame Untel s’est levée et s’est mise à chanter.
Mrs. So-and-so got up and started to sing.
Autrui refers to the human race as a whole and is usually translated others.
Il faut respecter le bien d’autrui.
One must respect the property of others.
Autrui refers to the human race as a whole and is usually translated others.
Ne fais pas à autrui ce que tu ne voudrais pas qu’on te fît.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Autrui refers to the human race as a whole and is usually translated others.
Ils n’aiment pas faire de mal à autrui.
They do not like hurting others.