Unit 16c - Common Prepositions Flashcards
Some prepositions can have more than one meaning.
Let’s start with the essential chez.
Le restaurant Chez Benoît est dans le vingtième.
The restaurant Chez Benoît is in the twentieth arrondissement.
Some prepositions can have more than one meaning.
Let’s start with the essential chez.
Nous avons passé le week-end chez Bertrand.
We spent the weekend at Bertrand’s.
Some prepositions can have more than one meaning.
Let’s start with the essential chez.
Chez Sony, vous trouverez des produits haut de gamme.
At Sony, you will find top-of-the-line products.
Some prepositions can have more than one meaning.
Let’s start with the essential chez.
Chez Balzac, les descriptions sont merveilleusement détaillées.
With Balzac, the descriptions are detailed in a wonderful way.
Some prepositions can have more than one meaning.
Let’s start with the essential chez.
Chez cet enfant, tout est obsessionnel.
With this child, everything is obsessive.
The preposition with presents a number of translation problems.
Let’s look at a few examples—the easy ones first.
J’irai à Miami avec Etienne.
I’ll go to Miami with Etienne.
The preposition with presents a number of translation problems.
Let’s look at a few examples—the easy ones first.
Elle voyage toujours avec son chat.
She always travels with her cat.
To refer to an attribute or feature of a person or thing, with is translated by à + the definite article.
L’homme aux yeux verts est acteur.
The man with green eyes is an actor.
To refer to an attribute or feature of a person or thing, with is translated by à + the definite article.
La jeune fille au blouson de cuir est sa nièce.
The young woman with the leather jacket is his niece.
To refer to an attribute or feature of a person or thing, with is translated by à + the definite article.
Le coffre aux poignées incrustées de pierres précieuses est à elle.
The chest with handles inlaid with precious stones is hers.
To describe how to do something, with is translated by de.
Je l’ai remercié d’un sourire.
I thanked him with a smile.
To describe how to do something, with is translated by de.
Il a quitté la salle d’un air triste.
He left the room with a sad look.
To describe how to do something, with is translated by de.
D’un geste, elle lui indiqua la porte.
With a gesture, she showed him the door.
The preposition with is left untranslated when describing a way of doing things or carrying oneself.
Il avance vers eux, les manches retroussées.
He is walking toward them with his sleeves rolled up.
The preposition with is left untranslated when describing a way of doing things or carrying oneself.
Elle le regarde, les yeux écarquillés.
She is looking at him with wide eyes
Some adjectives followed by with in English take de in French.
Il est satisfait de son sort.
He is happy with his lot.
Some adjectives followed by with in English take de in French.
Elle est contente de son nouvel emploi.
She is happy with her new job.