Unit 09c - Pronouns Used with Two Verbs Flashcards
With some verbs, the object pronoun precedes the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
Ils ne laissent jamais Benoît jouer le dimanche.
They never let Benoît play on Sundays.
Ils ne le laissent jamais jouer le dimanche.
They never let him play on Sundays.
With some verbs, the object pronoun precedes the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
J’ai vu Patrick bâtir cette maison.
I saw Patrick build this house.
Je l’ai vu bâtir cette maison.
I saw him build this house.
With some verbs, the object pronoun precedes the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
J’entends les oiseaux chanter dans le jardin.
I hear the birds singing in the garden.
Je les entends chanter dans le jardin.
I hear them singing in the garden.
In the negative imperative with these verbs, the object pronoun also precedes the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
N’écoute pas ce ténor chanter!
Do not listen to this tenor sing!
Ne l’écoute pas chanter!
Do not listen to him sing!
In the negative imperative with these verbs, the object pronoun also precedes the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
Ne laisse pas ces fruits pourrir!
Do not let this fruit rot!
Ne les laisse pas pourrir.
Do not let it rot.
In the positive imperative, however, the object pronoun follows the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
Écoute le président parler!
Listen to the president speak!
Écoute-le parler!
Listen to him speak!
In the positive imperative, however, the object pronoun follows the conjugated verb. Common verbs of this type are écouter (to listen to), entendre (to hear), envoyer (to send), laisser (to let, leave), regarder (to look at, watch), and voir (to see).
Envoie-le chercher les enfants!
Send him to pick up the children!
Envoie-le les chercher!
Send him to pick them up!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- J’écoute le conférencier parler.
- Je l’écoute parler.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Nous laissons les enfants jouer dans le parc.
- Nous les laissons jouer dans le parc.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Didier regarde la neige tomber.
- Didier la regarde tomber.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Romain voyait sa fortune disparaître.
- Romain la voyait disparaître.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Sabine a envoyé son mari acheter du fromage.
- Sabine l’a envoyé acheter du fromage.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- M. Duvallois a entendu ce client se plaindre.
- M. Duvallois l’a entendu se plaindre.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Hervé a écouté le célèbre baryton chanter.
- Hervé l’a écouté chanter.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Diane laissera son collègue s’occuper de ses dossiers.
- Diane le laissera s’occuper de ses dossiers.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- La sage-femme écoute le cœur du bébé battre.
- La sage-femme l’écoute battre.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Les investisseurs ont vu le marché tomber.
- Les investisseurs l’ont vu tomber.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Maud a envoyé son fils chercher du pain.
- Maud l’a envoyé chercher du pain.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Ils voient leurs amis quitter le quartier.
- Ils les voient quitter le quartier.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Alex laisse son chien sauter sur le lit.
- Alex le laisse sauter sur le lit.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Jérôme regarde son équipe perdre le match.
- Jérôme la regarde perdre le match.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Hughes entend son ami pleurer.
- Hughes l’entend pleurer.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Les Dubois laissent leurs amis organiser le voyage.
- Les Dubois les laissent organiser le voyage.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Le couturier regarde ses mannequins défiler.
- Le couturier les regarde défiler.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Le chef regarde son apprenti préparer la sauce.
- Le chef le regarde préparer la sauce.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Le colonel envoie ses soldats explorer le territoire.
- Le colonel les envoie explorer le territoire.
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase in boldface with an object pronoun.
- Je regarde la comédienne se maquiller.
- Je la regarde se maquiller.