Unit 8 Personality Flashcards
what is personality
a pattern of thoughts, behaviors, and emotions
what were freuds methods of discovering the unconscious
free association, dream interpretation, and freudian slips
what is free association
being shown a stimulus and using the first thing that comes to your mind
what is dream interpretation
made up of manifest and latent content,, uses your dreams as a way to tap into your unconscious
what is manifest content
the actual content and plot of the dream
what is latent content?
the underlying meaning and analysis of the dream
what is a freudian slip?
when you accidentally day the wrong word, but it reveals what you’re actually thinking
what are freuds divisions of the mind
id, ego, and superego
what is the id>
(the pleasure principle) the unconscious psychic energy,, is unchecked bu morality,, it is the unfiltered brain
what is the ego
(reality principle) the executive mediatior,, between the unconscious and what is socially acceptable (combo of id and superego)
what is the superego
(morality principle) internalized ideals from society
what are freuds levels of consciousness
conscious, preconscious, and unconscious
what is the conscious
what you’re aware of
what is the preconscious
what you have access to, but not immediately in your mind
what is the unconscious
what you aren’t even aware of in your mind
what are the three instinctual drives?
eros, thanatos, libido
life drive,, survival and preservation
death drive,, aggressive, and deviant
sex drive
freuds psychosexual stages
Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital
what is fixation
being stuck on a stage bc you struggled to make it through
oral stage
ages 0-2
eating and talking to independence
fixation: chewing gum,, grinding teeth,, smokers,, drinkers,, and sarcasm
anal stage
ages 2-3
toilet training to control
fixation: anal expulsive= messy and disorganized
anal retentive= obsessive and controlling
phallic stage
ages 4-6
gender development to learn from observing parents
fixation: oedipus complex and electra complex and penis envy
latency stage
ages 7-11
no new psychosocial conflict to girls and boys separate
genital stage
ages 12+
mature sexual interests
fixation: reappearance of past fixations
oedipus complex:
boys romantically love theri mothers and get jealous of their fathers
electra complex
girls romantically love their father and get jealous of their mothers
what is penis envy
the female desire to hold social or political power like men
what are freuds defense mechanisms
repression reaction formation projection rationalization displacement sublimation denial regression compensation intellectualization
what is repression
keeping disturbing thoughts or memories from becoming conscious,, just ignoring them
what is reaction formation
switching unacceptable impulses and feelings into their opposites (boy who has crush on girl is mean to her)
what is projection
attributing ones own unacceptable thought and feelings to someone else
justifying the reasons for your unacceptable thoughts or actions while ignoring the deeper reasoning
shifting sexual or aggressive impulses toward a less aggressive option (you get yelled at when ur dad has a bad day at work bc he cant yell at his boss)
transferring unacceptable impulses into a socially valued and acceptable motive
refusing to believe or perceive painful realities (also ignoring feeling)
moving backwards to a more infantile psychosexual stage (not being able to figure out a math problem so you cry)
disguise unaccpetable urges, inadequacies, or frustrations by directing energy into another area
removing oneself emotionally from a stressful event by only thinking about it in a logical way (doctors giving cancer diagnosis)
carl Jung
-didnt think the unconscious was inherently negative
- collective unconscious
introversion and extraversion
collective unconscious
inherited shared memory of all human kind which is based on folklore/stories over the years and between cultures
characters across folklore,, consistent characters,, anima=female,, animus=male
gets energy from being alone
gets energy from being around others
karen horney
- didnt think primary social goal was sexual
- love and basic anxiety
- basic anxiety behavior responses
- womb envy
having social connections
basic anxiety
no social connection and feelings of isolation
what are the patterns of response toward basic anxiety
toward- take social initiative and directly get rid of anxiety
away- does NOT take initiative and submits to social isolation
against- seeks state of social power rather than connection
womb envy
men envy womens ability to give life
alfred adler
thought the primary drive was striving for superiority and focus on self improvement
- inferiority complex
- superiority complex
- birth order
- sibling rivalry
inferiority complex
the tendency to ive into the feeling of inferiority and helplessness,, you are aware of your lack of self improvement
superiority complex
the tendency to put on a front, hyperbolize accomplishments, or appear falsely overconfident
birth order and sibling rivalry
birth order affects personality and siblings compete for parental attention
humanistic theory
abraham Maslow,, thinks that your personality is formed by what youre seeking on the pyramid
pyramid order top to bottom
self actualization self esteem love and belonging safety physical needs
self actualization
morality, creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, experience, purpose, and inner potential
relationship between persoality and maslow
high on the pyramid the more personality you get
carl rogers
goal was convergence of personality
actual self and ideal self
how is growth promoted
- genuineness
- acceptance
- empathy
unconditional positive regard
total acceptance without judgement
self esteem
our self worth or value
self efficacy
our confidence in ourselves to do a task
gordon allport
cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits,
cardinal traits
traits that we have all of the time,, most dominant traits, passions, drives, that shape a persons personality
central traits
traits that are a majority of your personality,, your general characteristics
secondary traits
traits what are exhibited only in specific situations
ramond carttel
16 factors,, first theory to give personalities and traits words
hans Eysenck`
2 scales
introversion and extraversion
emotional stability to emotional instability
stability to instability
stability- calm passive and thoughtful
instability- moody, touchy, chaotic, aggressive
costa and McCrae
the big 5
the big 5
Openess- desire to try new things Conscientiousness- awareness of others Extraversion- outgoing and expressive Agreeableness- disposition to others Neuroticism- anxiety
Walter Mischel
cognitive affective model
trait vs state
marshmallow experiment
cognitive affective model
how you cognitively shift depending on environment
trait vs. state debate
consistent v. depends,, less interested in actual behavior and more about how you think through behavior and your thought process
marshmallow experiment
children age 4-6 were given the option to wait 5 min and get a second marshmallow or eat the one they have now. Those who waited had higher academic achievement
studied delayed gratification
projective tests
stimuli is presented and the client projects his or her unconsciousness
- rorschach
- Thematic Apperception test
rorschach test
- free association phase 2. inquiry phase (ink blot)
thematic apperception test
- show ambiguous but emotionally evocative pictures
2. subject tells a story to describe the scene
objective tests
longer questionnaires or surveys MMPI Myers Briggs 16 factor Big 5
16 factor
big 5
public test and compares your answers to the general public
myers briggs
extrovert v. Introvert
sensing v. intuitive
thinking v. feeling
perceiving v. judging
400 questions,, most highly validated,, and can be used for clinical diagnosis