Module 4 Learning Test Flashcards
environmental cue that naturally elicits an involuntary response ex in pavlovs dogs is food
natural involuntary reaction the the UCS. ex in pavlovs dogs is salivation when seeing the food
formerly neutral cue that is paired with an UCS to eventually cause a CR. ex in pav. the bell
usually the same as the UCR,, it is the learned reaction to the CS,, ex is pav: salivation
stimulus generalization
demonstrating the CR to new stimuli similiar to the original CS+ little albert begins to fear other furry fluffy things
the repeated pairing of the UCS and the CS
stimulus discrimination
showing a CR only to an original CS and not to any new CS
believed that the some of out ancestors had ingrained fears that were conditioned and were then passed down from generation to generation
counter conditioning
repairing of CS with a new UCS to reverse or alter the CR (Mary Cover Jones)
Thorndikes law of effect:
when a behavior is followed by a desirable consequence the frequency of a behavior increases
increases frequency of desirable behavior
decreases the frequency of undesirable behavior
positive punishment
adds something unpleasant to DISCOURAGE UDB
negative punishment
removes something after UDB in order to DISCOUAGE future UDB
positive reinforcement
adding something to ENCOURAGE DB
Negative reinforcement
removes something to ENCOURAGE DB
primary punishment
a punishment that will impact your survival
secondary punishment
any type of consequence that you have to interpret
(BF Skinner) rewarding successive approximation behaviors toward goal behaviors.
linking a series of behaviors
overjustification effect
likelihood of a DB decreasing when offered a reinforcement
premack principle
a DB can be the reward
overexposure decreases the likelihood of the behavior
discriminitive stimulus
environmental cue that increase the liklihood of a conditioned behavior,, waiting till ur mom is in a good mood to ask to go out
reward based on BEHAVIOR
reward based on TIME
consistent and predictible
changing and unpredictable amount
fixed ration
reward is recieved after consistent number of behaviors: bonuses for workers after an amount of items sold
high respnse rate but not the highest
fixed interval
reward recieved after consistent amount of time
ie) allowance,, lowest response rate
variable ratio
reward received after changing number of behaviors ie) gambling
highest and most consistent response rate
most resistant to extinction
variable interval
reward recieved after a varying amount of time
ie) pop quizzes and random bonuses
lower response rate
token economy
fake money sorta as a reward
social learning theory
behaviror is not consequencial or conditioned,, Behavior is based on overvation
Bobo doll study ( Bandura)
kids imitate the adults behavior towards the dolls
latent learning
Latent learning is the subconscious retention of information without reinforcement or motivation