unit 6 Flashcards
- flexible
-gram negative
-used axial filaments for movement
What kind of gram bacteria are spirochetes
gram negative
Treponema sp. Borrelia sp. and Leptospira sp. are examples of what kind of bacteria?
spirochetes that are gram negative
Treponema sp.
causes syphillus
Borrelia sp.
causes lyme’s disease
Leptospira sp.
-causes leptospirosis
- found in dogs
Leptospirosis caused by leptospira sp.
- affects kidneys
-found in racoons/dogs/skunks
-lives in intestines
-found in fecal matter
Motile helical vibroids
- Motile by flagella
- gram negative
- located in soil, water , airbourne
Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pylori are examples of what kind of bacteria?
Motile helical vibroids that are gram negative
Campylobacter jejuni
- foodbourne illness
-associated with poultry
Helicobacter pylori
- transmission = person -> person
- due to salty/ fatty foods
- attacks stomach lining
- causes peptide ulcers/ stomach cancer
examples of Gram negative aerobic rod/cocci
pseudomonas sp.
legionella sp.
Neisseria sp. (gonorrhoeae/ meningitdis)
Brucella sp.
Bordetella sp.
Francisella sp. / F. tularensis
Rhizobium sp.
Azotobacter and Azomonas sp.
Acetobacter and Gluconbacter sp.
Zoogloea sp.
Pseudomonas sp.
motile and produces pigments
effects = weakens host
minimal carbon requirments
resistant to antibiotics/disinfectants
hospital infection (person -> person)
non pathogenic
Legionella sp.
-can be transferred from person -> person
- legionaries disease
- transmission = inhalation
- men over 50 more likely to contract
-colonize water lines
N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis are 2 examples of what genus?
Neisseria sp.
N. gonorrhoeae
- gonorrhea
N. meningitdis
- causes meningococcal meningitis
- produces endotoxins
- population = young adults/ head trauma
-vaccine available
Brucella sp.
-Milk bourne pathogen - zoonotic disease (from animals)
- causes Brucellosis (cardiovasuclar disease)
How is brucella sp. obtained
drinking unpasteruized milk
Bordetella sp.
-causes B. pertussis in humans (whooping cough)
-kernel cough in dogs
-virulent = capsule
DPT or Dtap vaccine treats what microbe
Bordetella sp.
Francisella sp. (F. tularensis)
- causes tularemia (rabbit fever)
- dangerous to handle
-transmission = breaks in skin
Rhizobium sp.
-symbiotic mutalitstic relation = legumes
Azotobacter and Azomonas sp.
- fixes atmospheric Nitrogen
Acetobacter and Gluconobacter sp.
- turns ethanol -> acetic acid (vinegar)
Zoogloea sp.
- sewage treatment processes
-good decomposers
examples of faculatative anaerobic gram negative rods
- Escherichia sp.
-salmonella sp. - Shigella sp.
- Klebsiella sp.
-Serrattia sp. - Proteus sp.
-Enterobacter sp.
-Yersinia sp.
-Vibrio sp.
-Pasterulla sp.
-Haemophilus sp.
-H influenzae sp.
Escherichia sp. (e.coli )
- enteries = gi tract
- e.coil found in intestinal tract
- help break down vitamin
- causes UTI, diarrhea, hemolytic uremic syndrome
Salmonella sp. ( S. typhi:)
-causes typhoid fever
- transmission = fecal/oral
How is Salmonellosis obtained
eating uncooked contaminated eggs/poultry
part of normal flora of reptiles
Shigella sp. ( shigellosis)
- is bacillary dynsentery
Klebsiella sp. (K. pneuomonia)
- causes septicemia and pneumonia
Serratia sp. (s. marcescens)
- hospital accquired bacteria (Nosocomial infection)
- causes red/pink pigmentation
- causes UTI’s and RTI’s
Proteus sp.
- UTI’s and wound infections
Enterobacter sp.
- Nosocomial infections / UTI’s
Yersinia sp. (Yersinia pestis)
-Bubonic plague (black death)
-causes buboes (swollen lymph nodes)
- treated by antibiotics
- rat’s prairie dogs