unit 12 Flashcards
unbroken skin
- best defensive mechanism
provides moisture/nutrients -> microbes however it contains lysozymes and salts
nutritive for many microbes but also inhibitory
-mixtures of salts/lipids/proteins
Normal flora of skin
- microbes resistant to drying/salt
- grouped in clumps
- washing reduces # but does not eliminate
- moist areas of body have higher #’s of microbes
- microbes remaining in sweat glands/ hair follicles after washing will reeestablish their #
what microbes make up normal skin flora
S. epiermidis (90% of normal flora of skin)
Gram +
Staphylococcus aureus (bacterial skin disease)
- causes impetigo of newborn
- sty = eyelash
- gram + cocci
- halophile
- found in nasal passages
-enters -> breaks in skin - causes furuncle (boil) , Carbuncle , scaled skin syndrome , toxic shock syndrome, folliculitis
infection of hair follicle
- boils
-abscess - localized region of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
-focal infection
- body fails to wall off a furuncle
- symptoms of generalized infection
-can invade other neighbouring tissue
Impetigo of the newborn
- thin walled vessicles
- heaxclorophene lotion treats
- highly contagious
-can lead to neurological damage
Scalded skin syndrome
- late stage for toxic shock syndrome
- exofolitative toxins
- seperates skin layer
- Hai
- occurs in children under 2
Toxic shock syndrome
- menstrutation- tampons
- asociated with absorbent packing following surgery
Streptococcus pyogenes
- beta hemolytic impetigo or pyoderma
- secretes hemolysins
- salt kills this microbe
- spread by contact
- effects toddlers/grade-school kids
- bacteria penetrates skin through minor abrasion
- seldom serious
treatment for streptococcus pyogenes
penicillin / erthryomycin
Erysipelas: St. Anthony Fire (due to strep pyogenes)
- affects dermal layer of skin
- red patches w raised margin
- high fever
- preceded by strep throat
- if spread to other tissue can destory
treatment for Erysipelas
Group A streptococcus
- invasive exotoxin
- flesh eating bacteria
- cellulitis = solid tissue
-myositis = muscle - necrotizing fascitis = soft ct
Treatment for Group A streptococcus
broad spectrum antibiotics
Pseudomonas sp.
causes dermatitis / affects 2nd and 3rd degree burns
- prone to swimmers
Dermatitis (Pseudomonas sp.)
- Mild rash lasting 2 weeks
- associated with swimming pools
2nd/ 3rd degree burns (pseudomonas sp.)
- wound infections/bed sores
- opportunistic / nosocomial
- blue-green pus / odor
Propionbacterium acnes
- most common skin infection in US
- hair follicles blocked with cells/sebum
- sebum accumulates / forms whiteheads and blackhead
- converts sebum -> fatty acids
- bacteria metabolizes sebum to free fatty acids (acids cause inflammation)
Treatment for propionbacterium acnes
-benzoyl peroxide (effective against microbe / loosens plugged follicles)
what does Acutane do
inhibit sebum formation
Warts / Papilloma virus (HPV)
- benign skin growth
-transmission = contact - incubation is several weeks
- nongenital
Treatment for Papilloma virus
cryotherapy, acid chemicals, laser surgery
Variola (smallpox)
- skin scarring
- caused by orthmyxovirus
- first disease with vaccine
- respiratory -> internal organs -> blood -> skin
Varicella (chickenpox)
- RT/lesion discharge transmission
- mild childhood disease
- latent virus
- vaccine available
Complication of varicella
- reyes syndrome
-encephalitis - pneumonia
What is reyes syndrome
brain dysfunction
Shingles (zoster virus)
- painful vesicles
- latent / opportunistic virus
- vaccine for people over 50
Herpes simplex I: HSV-1
- cold sores or fever blisters
- oral/oral sex/ RT transmission
- latent (trigeminal nerve) virus
- reoccurence triggered by sunligh, emotional upset, hormonal changes, stress, infections