Unit 3 Flashcards
-unicellular eukarytotic
- Domain = eukarya
Kingdom = protista
- define nucleus / many organelles
- inhabit water/soil
-feeds on bacteria / small nutrients
What is the vegetative stage of Protozoas
Reproduction of protozoa
-reproduce through schizogony ( asexual reproduction
-some reproduce sexually
Encystment of protozoa
- under adverse conditions some will produce cysts
Purpose of cysts
-Cysts wrap around the cell membrane of protozoa
-cysts allow protozoa to live outiside of host in hopes of being picked up another host
-protozoas with cysts can live without water/ oxygen
-can live outside for long period of time
Nutrition for protozoa
-aerobic (need oxygen)
- chemoautotrophs
- require water
How are protozoa classifed
by DNA or by method of movement
-use pseudopods for movment/ engulfing food
-examples = amoebas
- example = euglena/ sperm cells
-move by flagellates (flagellum)
protozoa that are mastigophoras and move by flagellas
move by cilia
move by pseudopods
Paramecium sp.
microbe that moves by cilia
Apicomplexa or Sporozoa
-no independent movement
- lack cilia, pseudopods, flagella
-rely on host to move
they are OIP (obligate intracellular parasites)
- produce enzymes that invade host’s cells
- can move from host -> host
Plasmodium sp. is an example of what
apicomplexa or sporozoa
Arthropod vectors
- have joined legs
-segmented bodies - hard exoskeleton
-largest phylum in animal kingdom
what is a vector
capable of carrying microbes (arthropod)
Mechanical vector
caries microbes on outside of arthropod / can carry diseases outside of body
example = house fly
Biological vector
microbe multiplies within arthropod
example =mosquito/ malaria
Direct diagnosis for protoza
- stool sample
- O & P (ovum / parasite
Indirect diagnosis for protozoa
-Serology test (antibody test)
- Eosinophilia / increase in IgE levels (antibody levels)
Increase in wbc’s indicates what
person infected with microbe
Purpose of anti-protozoa antibiotics
-inhibit DNA synthesis/ damages DNA
Entamoeba histolytica and naegleria sp.
2 microbes that are sarcodina- amoebas
Amoebic dysentery
-caused by entamoeba histolytica
-affects GI tract
- only pathogenic in humans
-primary foods = rbc’s / intestinal tract tissue
-causes loose stool/ diarrhea
- stomach acid does not destroy cysts
What causes transmission for amoebic dysentery
house flys that pick microbes from fecal matter
Why can entamoeba histolytica live outside of host
due to cysts
what is entamoeba histolytica not resitant to
What does dysenteric mean
loose stool / diarrhea
what is the life cycle for entamoeba histolytica
trophozoite / cysts stages
Mode of infection for amoebic dysentery
- contaminated water
- human contact/ food contact
- mechanical vectors
- vegetables fertilized with human manure
Lab diagnosis for amoebic dysentery
stool sample / serology test
Metronidiazole / Iodoquinol
treatment for amoebic dysentery
Naegleria microencephalitis
- found in fresh water ponds/ streams
-brain eating diseases that affects meninges and causes cephalitis
-worldwide (few in US)
-100% fatal
Mode of infection for Naegleria microencephalitis
Nasal passages
Naegleria sp.
microbe that causes Naegleria microencephalitis
Giardiasis , trichomoniasis, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis
diseases caused by mastiophora protoza
- found in GI tract/ fecal matter of grassland mammals
- attacks intestinal walls of GI tract
-affects food absorption - life cycle stages = cysts/ trophozoite
- has no mitochondria
- stomach acids do not destroy cysts
-waterbourne diarrhea epidemic
-causes prolonged diarrhea
Giardia lamblia
microbe that causes giardiasis
is Giardia lamblia resistant to chlorine
How can Giardiasis be prevented
boiling / filtering water
Mode of infection for Giardiasis
-contaminated water / food
- hand to hand
-fecal / oral
lab diagnosis for Giardiasis
stool sample / O& P ( need 3 samples)
why are 3 samples of O &P needed for Giardiasis
because protozoa do not suddenly reproduce
false positive could occur
Treatment for Giardiasis
- causes urinary infection / genital tract infection
- no cysts
- if vaginal pH increases, protoza may grow
-only STI caused by protozoa
-anaerobic (no oxygen needed)
Mode of infection for Trichmoniasis
What is the normal flora for Trichmoniasis
male / female urethra
Treatment for Trichmoniasis
Lab diagnostic for Trichmoniasis
microscopic exame for females
urine sample for men