Unit 4 Structures Flashcards
Identify this structure:
Retractor bulbi
Identify this structure:
Optic nerve
Identify this structure:
Optic canal
Identify this structure:
oval foramen
Identify this structure:
Round foramen
Identify this structure:
Alar canal
Identify this structure:
Rostral alar foramen
Identify this structure:
Caudal alar foramen
Identify this structure:
Left optic nerve
Identify this structure:
Right optic nerve
Identify this structure:
Optic chiasma
Identify this structure:
Optic canal
Identify this structure:
Olfactory bulb
Identify this structure:
Optic nerve
Identify this structure:
Optic chiasma
Identify this structure:
Pituitary gland
Identify this structure:
Olfactory tract
Identify this structure:
Trapezoid body
Identify this structure:
Medulla oblongata
Identify this structure:
What causes this?
Facial nerve paralysis
Identify this structure:
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Identify this structure:
Nerve of the pterygoid canal
Identify this structure:
tympanic fissure
Identify this structure:
petrotympanic fissure
Identify this structure:
Internal acoustic meatus
Identify this structure:
Major petrosal nerve or the nerve of the pterygoid canal
Identify this structure:
Major petrosal nerve
Identify this structure:
Geniculate ganglion
Identify this structure:
Facial and vestibulocochlear nerves
Identify this structure:
Chorda tympani
Identify this structure:
Major petrosal nerve
Identify this structure:
Facial nerve
Identify this structure:
Stapedius muscle
Identify this structure:
Manubrium of the malleus
Identify this structure:
Ear drum
Identify this structure:
Left middle ear cavity
Identify this structure:
Petrotympanic fissure
Identify this structure:
Lingual nerve
Identify this structure:
Chorda tympani
Identify this structure:
Temporal branch
Identify this structure:
Rostral auricular branch
Identify this structure:
Masticator nerve
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Masseteric branch
Identify this structure:
Inferior alveolar nerve
Identify this structure:
Lingual nerve
Identify this structure:
Buccal nerve
Identify this structure:
Pterygoid nerve
Identify this structure:
Deep temporal nerve
Identify this structure:
Great auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
Caudal auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
Internal auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
Facial nerve
Identify this structure:
Cervical branch of the facial nerve
Identify this structure:
Ventral branch of C2 CSN
Identify this structure:
Dorsal buccal of the facial
Identify this structure:
Ventral buccal of the facial
Identify this structure:
Parotid gland duct
Identify this structure:
Communicating branch
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Palpebral branch
Identify this structure:
Rostral auricular branch
Identify this structure:
Conchal cartilage
Identify this structure:
Annular cartilage
Identify this structure:
Caudal auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
Internal auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
Facial nerve
Identify this structure:
Distal vagal ganglion
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Tympanic bulla
Identify this structure:
Cranial cervical ganglion
Identify this structure:
Sympathetic trunk
Identify this structure:
Cranial laryngeal nerve
Identify this structure:
Vagosympathetic trunk
Identify this structure:
Palpebral branch VII
Identify this structure:
Zygomatico-temporal - maxillary
Identify this structure:
Orbital ligament
Identify this structure:
Frontal nerve - opthalmic
Identify this structure:
Infratrochlear nerve
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Dorsal buccal nerve
Identify this structure:
Ventral buccal nerve
Identify this structure:
Deep facial vein
Identify this structure:
Buccal nerve of the mandibular
What test is this?
Facial nerve function test
Identify this structure:
Tympano-occipital fissure
Identify this structure:
Glosspharyngeal nerve
Identify this structure:
Pharyngeal branch of IX
Identify this structure:
Carotid sinus
Identify this structure:
Carotid plexus
Identify this structure:
Hypoglossal nerve
Identify this structure:
Sensory ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve
Identify this structure:
Cranial branch - lingual branch
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Styloid process of the thyroid
Identify this structure:
Cranial laryngeal nerve
Identify this structure:
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Vagosympathetic trunk
Identify this structure:
Left reccurent laryngeal neve
Identify this structure:
Cervico-thoracic ganglia
Identify this structure:
Vertebral nerve
Identify this structure:
Postganglionic sympathetic fibre
Identify this structure:
Cardiac nerves from the vagus
Identify this structure:
Sympathetic chain
Identify this structure:
Vagosympathetic trunk
Identify this structure:
Phrenic nerve
Identify this structure:
Vagosympathetic trunk
Identify this structure:
Ansa subclavia
Identify this structure:
Cervico-thorascic sympathetic postganglion
Identify this structure:
Hypoglossal nerve
Injury to what nerve causes this?
Hypoglossal nerve
Identify this structure:
Levator veli palatine
Identify this structure:
Inferior alveolar nerve
Identify this structure:
Buccal nerve of mandibular
Identify this structure:
Pterygoid nerve
Identify this structure:
Branch for sublingual
Identify this structure:
What nerve damage causes this?
What causes this?
Mandibular nerve
The maxillary nerve branches of the trigeminal nerve are not affected in this case, but the facial nerve is paralyzed. How would you justify this?
Identify this structure:
Lacrimal canal
Identify this structure:
Maxillary foramen
Identify this structure:
Alveolar foramina
Identify this structure:
Pterygopalatine fossa
Identify this structure:
Caudal palatine foramen
Identify this structure:
Sphenopalatine foramen
Identify this structure:
Internal carotid foramen
Identify this structure:
Oval foramen
Identify this structure:
Rostral alar foramen
Identify this structure:
Caudal alar foramen
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Zygomatico facial
Identify this structure:
Maxillary nerve
Identify this structure:
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Identify this structure:
Preganglionic axons from major petrosal nerve
Identify this structure:
Major palatine nerve
Identify this structure:
Minor palatine nerve
What causes this?
Horners syndrome ?..
Identify this structure:
Dorsal rectus
Identify this structure:
Dorsal oblique
Identify this structure:
Lateral rectus
Identify this structure:
Ventral rectus
Identify this structure:
Ventral oblique
Identify this structure:
Medial rectus
Identify this structure:
Abducent nerve
What causes this?
Lateral strabismus paralysis of oculomotor nerve
What causes this?
Paralysis of trochlear nerve
What causes this?
Medial strabismus paralysis of abducent nerve
What causes this?
Ptosis - llevator palpebrae superiorioris muscle
Identify this structure:
Branch of C5 that goes to the phrenic nerve
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Suprascapular nerve
Identify this structure:
Suprascapular nerve
What causes this?
Injury to the suprascapular nerve
Identify this structure:
Axillary nerve
Identify this structure:
Branchial plexus
Identify this structure:
Axillary nerve
What is this autonomous zone for?
Axillary nerve
Identify this structure:
Ulnar nerve
Identify this structure:
Median nerve
Identify this structure:
Distal branch of the musculotaneous nerve
Identify this structure:
musculocutaneous nerve
Identify this structure:
Proximal branch of the musculocutaneous nerve
What is this an autonomous zone for?
The medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve of the musculotaneous
What is this reflex test and what does it test for?
Biceps brachii test for musculocutaneous injury
Identify this structure:
Radial nerve
Identify this structure:
Proximal branch to the triceps
Identify this structure:
Cranial cutaneous antebrachial nerve
Identify this structure:
Lateral cutaneous antebrachial
Identify this structure:
Deep muscular branch
Identify this structure:
Proximal branch to triceps
Identify this structure:
Sensory branch of the radial nerve
Identify this structure:
Dorsal proper digital nerve
Identify this structure:
Dorsal common digital nerve II-IV
What is this the cutaneous innervation for?
The radial nerve
Damage to what nerve causes this?
Radial nerve
What reflex test is this?
Extensor carpi radialiis reflex test
What reflex test is this?
Triceps brachii reflex test
Identify this structure:
Median nerve
Identify this structure:
Ulnar nerve
Identify this structure:
Caudal cutaneous antebrachial nerve of the ulnar nerve
What injury causes this?
Right brachial plexus injury
Identify this structure:
Medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve of the musculocutaneous in the cat
What nerve innervates this organ?
Medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve from the musculocutaneous
Identify this structure:
Intercostal artery nerve and vein
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Intervertebral ganglion
Identify this structure:
Dorsal branch
Identify this structure:
Ventral branch
Identify this structure:
Epidural space
Identify this structure:
T12 lateral branch
Identify this structure:
T13 lateral branch
Identify this structure:
L1 lateral branch
Identify this structure:
L2 lateral branch
Identify this structure:
L3 lateral branch
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Pelvic/terminal ganglia
Identify this structure:
Obturator nerve
Identify this structure:
Femoral nerve
Identify this structure:
Saphenous nerve
Identify this structure:
Prepubic tendon
Identify this structure:
Cranial gluteal nerve
Identify this structure:
Caudal gluteal nerve
Identify this structure:
Sciatic nerve
Identify this structure:
Ischiatic nerve
Identify this structure:
Ichiatic nerve
Identify this structure:
Caudal cutaneous nerve
Identify this structure:
Tibial nerve
Identify this structure:
Deep fibular nerve
What reflex test is this and what nerve does it test?
Cranial tibial test; fibular
Identify this structure:
Tibial nerve
What is happening in this picture and what causes it?
Casual flexed hock caused by tibial nerve damage
What reflex test is this and what kind of nerve damage does it test for?
Gastrocnemius reflex test Tibial nerve damage
What reflex test is this and what does it test for?
Extensor reflex test and Tibial nerve damage
Identify this structure:
Caudal rectal nerve
Identify this structure:
Ventral perineal nerve
Identify this structure:
Pudendal nerve
What region is this?
Ischiorectal fossa
What is going on here?
Perineal reflex test to test the pudendal nerve
Identify this structure:
Lumbar-sympathetic chain and ganglia
Identify this structure:
Lumbar splanchnic nerve
Identify this structure:
Postganglionic sympathetic axons
Identify this structure:
Rostral auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
Internal auricular branch
Identify this structure:
Caudal auricular branch
Identify this structure:
Great auricular nerve
Identify this structure:
C2 ventral branch
Identify this structure:
Facial nerve VII
Identify this structure:
Cervical branch of the facial
Identify this structure:
Auriculopalpebral nerve
Identify this structure:
Ventral buccal branch
Identify this structure:
Dorsal buccal branch
Identify this structure:
Mylohyoid nerve
Identify this structure:
Mental nerves
Identify this structure:
Buccalis nerve
Identify this structure:
Infraorbital nerve
Identify this structure:
Zygomatico facial nerve
Identify this structure:
Infratrochlear nerve
Identify this structure:
Frontal nerve
Identify this structure:
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Identify this structure:
Rostral auricular plexus
Identify this structure:
Palpebral nerve
Identify this structure:
Rostral auricular nerve
Identify structure 1.

Identify structure 2.

Ora serata
Identify structure 3.

Identify structure 4.

Ciliary process
Identify structure 5.

Pars plicata
Identify structure 6.
Pars plana
Identify this structure:
Lacrimal caruncle
Identify this structure:
Medial commisure of the eyelids
Identify this structure:
Nictitating membrane
Identify this structure:
Lateral comissure of the eyelids
Identify this structure:
Helix of the Pinna
Identify this structure:
Cutaneous marginal pouch
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Intertragic incisure
Identify this strucure:
Identify this structure:
Pretragic incisure
Identify this structure: