unit 4 Flashcards
cutaneous membrane
provides protection; skin
mucous membrane
absorption and secretion of mucus; lines all internal body cavities that open to the exterior of body
serous membrane
protection and reduces friction; lines internal body cavities closed to the exterior of body; 2 layer membrane separated by fluid
synovial membrane
(only connective membrane) lubricates joints; surrounds joint cavities
cutaneous membrane structures
Epidermis is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium; Dermis is mostly dense (fibrous) connective tissue
mucus membrane structures
Epithelium type depends on site; Loose connective tissue (lamina propria)
serous membrane structures
Simple squamous epithelium; Areolar connective tissue
synovial membrane structures
loose areolar connective tissue only
major functions of integumentary system
insulates and cushions organs; protection; body heat retention; aids in excretion of urea and uric acid; synthesizes vitamin D
composed of fat; not actually part of integumentary system
outer layer; stratified squamous epithelium; avascular; contains keratinocytes
connective tissue; underlies epidermis; papillary and reticular layers
fingerprints and footprints; pain and touch receptors
blood vessels; sweat and oil glands start; deep pressure receptors
stratum basale
deepest layer; cells undergoing mitosis (dividing); alive cells; contains melanocytes
stratum spinosum
2 deepest; increasingly flatter and more keratinized (dying); still alive cells
stratum granulosum
3 deepest; transitional layer (moving to non living cells); flattened
stratum lucidum
formed from dead cells of deeper layers; only on hairless areas;
stratum corneum
outermost layer; dead cells (filled up with keratin- prevents water loss from skin); shingle-like
cells involved in skin color
two other factors that determine final skin color
carotene (vegetables) and hemoglobin (oxygen content in blood cells)
pigment produced by melanocytes to determine color
sebaceous glands
all over skin except palms and soles; produces sebum (oil); soft skin, soft hair, kills bacteria
sweat glands - eccrine
skins surface; temp regulation
sweat glands - apocrine
duct empty into hair follicles in armpit and genitals; body odor (sweat with fatty acids)
where are sweat glands most abundant
palms and soles
everywhere except palms and soles; hard keratinized epithelial cells; protection and warmth
hair roots
enclosed by follicle
hair shaft
projects from surface
arrector pili (smooth) muscle
contracts and pulls hair follicle
more keratinized than hair, stratum basale extends beneath nail beds (growth); lack of pigment; we cut the free edge; provides protection
main concern when it comes to burns
dehydration and lack of electrolytes; also affects airways
first degree burns
only in epidermis; skin is red and swollen; regrows easily
second degree burns
epidermis and outer part of dermis; skin red, painful, and blistered; blistering and scaring while healing
third degree burns
destroys epidermis and dermis; painless- nerves destroyed; blanched (grey-white or black); extends to fat; no easy regrowth
fourth degree burns
extends to deeper tissues (bone, muscles, tendons); dry and leathery; needs surgery; no easy regrowth
importance of rule of nines
estimates tissue damage and fluid loss - when hospital care is needed; 11 sections that are each 9% of body surface area
basal cell carcinoma
least malignant and most common; arises from stratum basale
squamous cell carcinoma
stratum spinosum; caused by sun; can spread to lymph nodes and become malignant
malignant melanoma
most deadly and most rare; arises from melanocytes; spreads to lymph nodes and blood vessels (ABCDE)
asymmetry; border irregularity (not smooth); color; diameter (larger than 6mm); evolution (one or more of ABCD is evolving
fluid product of cutaneous membrane
sweat and sebum
fluid product of mucous membrane
fluid product of serous membrane
watery serous fluid
fluid product of synovial membrane
synovial fluid
cells of membranes lining intestines produce
blood vessels are only in
adipose is
not apart of cutaneous membrane
two types of sweat
salty and stinky
stratum basal includes
hair and nails
redness from blushing
pallor or blanching
emotional stress and become pale; anemia, low blood pressure, or impaired blood flow
yellow skin from liver failure
black and blue; blood escaped circulation
hair matrix
growth zone; where division of well nourished stratum basale epithelial cells happens
hair papilla
provides blood supply to matrix in hair bulb
dermal papillae
peg like projections from superior surface (papillary layer)
discoloration of skin from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of blood; blue ish color
partial thickness burns
involve top two layers of skin; first and second degree burns
full thickness burns
destroy epidermis and dermis; third and fourth degree burns
adaptation of sensory receptors
they become exposed to stimuli for prolonged periods of time
system that controls activity of eccrine sweat glands
nervous system