Unit 10- Personality Flashcards
pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
free association
exploring unconscious, a person relaxes and says what comes to their mind
theory of personality attributes thoughts/actions to unconscious motives
reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts/memories/feelings
unconscious energy, strives to satisfy basic sexual/aggressive drives
conscious, mediates id/superego, prefers pleasure over pain (satisfies id desire), executive part of personality
represents internalized ideas, provides standards for judgement/aspitations
psychosexual stages
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital, childhood stages of development, id’s pleasure seeking energies focus on erogenous zones
oedipus complex
boy’s sexual desire to mother, jealousy and hatred for father (sees him as rival)
children incorporate parent’s values into superego
pleasure seeking energies at the stage with unresolved conflicts
defense mechanisms
ego’s protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
defense mechanism, banishes from consciousness anxiety arousing thoughts
psychodynamic theories
modern-day, view personality with a focus on unconscious and childhood
collective unconscious
inherited reservoir of memory traces from species history
projective test
personality test, provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one’s inner dynamics
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
express inner feelings through stories
Rorschach inkblot test
identify inner feelings by analyzing interpretations of inkblots
false consensus effect
overestimate extent to which we share beliefs and behaviors
terror management theory
explore response to reminders of impending death
humanistic theories
view personality and potential for healthy personal growth
self actualization
motivation to fulfill ones potential
unconditional positive regard
attitude of total acceptance toward another person
self concept
thoughts and feelings about ourselves
patterns of behavior to feel and act
personality inventory
used to assess selected personality traits
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
identify emotional disorders
empirically derived test
testing pool of items, selecting those that discriminate between groups
social cognitive perspective
behavior influenced by interaction between people’s traits and their social context
behavioral approach
effects of learning on personality development
reciprocal determinism
interacting influences of behavior/internal cognition/environment, Bandura’s theory
positive psychology
study of optimal human functioning
center of personality, organizer of thoughts, feelings, and actions
spotlight effect
overestimating others’ noticing appearance and performance
self esteem
one’s feelings of high and low self worth
self efficacy
one’s sense of competence and effectiveness
self serving bias
a readiness to perceive oneself favorably
excessive self love and self absorption
identity of personal attributes over group identifications
priority to goals of group, defines one’s identity
Sigmund Freud
mind divided into id, ego, and superego, components create personality
Alfred Adler
one basic desire to belong and feel significant
Carl Jung
orientations of personality: extraversion/introversion, 8 personality types
Abraham Maslow
humanistic, human behavior driven by needs
Carl Rogers
humanistic, behavior motivated by self actualization
Paul Costa
5 factor model
Martin Seligman
research on helplessness, prevent depression
oral psychosexual stage
pleasure centers on mouth (sucking, biting, chewing)
anal psychosexual stage
pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination
phallic psychosexual stage
pleasure zone is genitals, coping with incestuous feelings
latency psychosexual stage
a phase of dormant sexual feelings
genital psychosexual stage
maturation of sexual interests
reaction formation
people express feelings that
are the opposite of their
unconscious feelings
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- physiological needs
- safety needs
- belonging needs
- esteem needs
- self actualization
The big 5 personality factors
- Conscientiousness:
self-discipline, careful
pursuit of delayed
goals - Agreeableness:
helpful, trusting,
friendliness - Neuroticism: anxiety,
insecurity, emotional
instability - Openness: flexibility,
variety - Extraversion