unit 10 Flashcards
Lyndon B Johnson
1963-1968 (after JFK dies)
trying to be different from kennedys
1964 civil rights act
- desegregation
- equal opportunity employment commission
- title VII - gender
war on poverty
great society (2nd term domestic policy)
- medicare + medicaid
- elementary and secondary education act
- 1st african american in cabinet and in supreme court
-1965 voting rights act
- 1965 immigration act ended quotas, family reunification
foreign policy:
- vietnam war started with gulf of tonkin incedent
- blank check
- guns and butter
- 1968 - people start realizing what is really happening, cronkite
- sec of defense clifford works on peace talks
- tv address, i will not run for president
lily ledbetter fair pay act
- from lawsuit over 1964 civil rights act
1964 election
really bad loss for republicans, need to rebrand
LBJ wins in own right
1968 election
dem - humphrey
rep - nixon
- voice for silent majority
major issue = war
- nixon has a plan, humphrey will finish the way nixon started
- law and order, pushback against liberal supreme court decisions
foreign policy:
- realpolitik
- vietnamization, negotiate, only fight if attacked first, replace us with sv troops
- war gets worse before getting better
- 1968 my lai massacre
- 1970 starts bombing cambodia
- 1973 paris peace accords - temp ceasefire,s gov stays in power, n military stays in s -> detente
- working with henry kissinger
cold war:
- ping pong diplomacy with china
- start negotiating with russia
- salt I treaty - reduce nuclear weapons
- ABM treaty - restrict nationwide missile defense systems
- peace ends when russia invades afghanistan in 8 years
middle east:
- us supports israel
- opec does oil embargo
- shuttle diplomacy - kissinger gets opec to end embargo
nixon doctrine: countries responsible for own defense in domestic disturbances
domestic policy:
- social security, subsidized housing
- title IX added to civil rights act for equality for women in school and sports
- lots of inflation from johnson’s crazy high spending in vietnam
- short term: freezes wages and prices, ends gold standard
- nominates 4 supreme court justices, berger court
1972 election
watergate hotel breakin to cheat election in favor of nixon
- investigation, televised hearings
- nixon resigns 1974, succeeded by ford
- works to clean up cia
- whip inflation now, doesn’t really do anything
- lots of imports of cars from japan
1975 north Vietnam takes south Vietnam, us ambassador and as many Vietnamese as possible evacuated
Khmer rouge ordered to free hostages, but communication issues lead to 41 us marines killed after hostages are freed
1975 helsinki accords – human rights focus
1976 election
o Rep – ford
o Dem – carter
Political outsider, will return morality to white house
No coherent vision or major changes
- Carter
o Environmental policy:
Alaska lands act for oil pipelines
Love canal, NY – no regulation of hazardous waste, community suffers health problems
1980 superfund for environmental clean up
o Foreign policy
Detante with china, full diplomatic relations
Salt talks with ussr to limit weapons more, but then Russia invades Afghanistan and us boycotts all their stuff
Camp David accords with Egypt and israel 1978
Rise in Islamic fundamentalist uprisings, iran shah flees - Us allows him to enter for medical care -> us embassy taken over, 53 hostages
- 1980 failed rescue of hostages, seen as decline of power
Carter doctrine – we will fight to protect us interest in middle east - Nobody else really wants to get involved
election of 1980
o Dem – carter, rep – Reagan
Are you better off than 4 years ago?
Moral majority, pushing back against liberal policies
o Domestic policy:
Cuts gov spending, taxes
Reaganomics = supply side economics = trickle down
Recession, but recovery by 1983
Laissez faire, deregulation
1981 patco strike, regan orders them back to work and fires those who don’t
ERA fails to pass in states
Some minorities appointed to federal bench, but not that many overall
Cuts social programs to decrease spending
Sagebrush rebellion – Reagan fires secretary of interior for stealing
Teflon president – nothing sticks
Economic problems continue
1986 immigration and amnesty act
o Foreign policy
Iran hostages freed immediately after he is inaugurated
Increases military spending
Strategic defense initiative – anti-missile system (star wars)
Us supports Iraq in war vs iran
* Israel in issues with Palestine
Perestroika – restructuring soviet economy, glasnost – political openness
Middle east terrorism on the rise
Us ends support for contras in Nicaragua, but Reagan continues
Boland amendment – Reagan, you can’t keep giving money to military rebels, but he just starts doing it on his own
Iran contra affair with Reagan continuing to aid contras, iran and israel involved, millions in profit sent to contras
* Exposed and Reagan goes on tv and takes responsibility
Diagnosed with alzheimers after presidency
1984 election
o Reagan wins again
o Dem – Mondale, with female vp! Vs jesse Jackson with rainbow coalition
Female voters aren’t unified though
1988 election
o Rep – bush, dem – Dukakis vs jesse Jackson again
More dem support but not enough to win
o Foreign policy
Sends money to Poland for democratic government
Desert storn invasion in Kuwait against Iraq
1991 start – 1 treaty to make sure ussr nukes are secured
o Domestic policy:
1990 americans with disabilities act
1990 clean air act to reduce auto emissions
Clarence Thomas appointed to supreme court with David souter
1992 election
o Dem – Clinton, wins
o More women and minorities elected