Unit 1- study guide Flashcards
Understand principles and importance of hand hygiene
Alcohol-based products are more effective for standard handwashing or hand antisepsis than soap or antiseptic soaps
Soap and water are still necessary for hand hygiene if hands are visibly soiled or when caring for patients infected with Clostridium difficile
The most important recommendation in evidence-based guidelines on how to prevent HAIs is for health care workers to correctly perform hand hygiene before and after every patient encounter
Before/after patient
before clean procedure
after touching patents stuff
after body fluid exposure risk
- Understand the proper usage of PPE and use of standard precautions.
Stanrdard precautions: all blood, body and fluid secretions may contain transmissible infectious agents. Prescatuions apply to all patients
Gloves-when anticipate contact with blood or any other potentially harmful/contaminted skin could occur
gown-protect skin and clothes from contact from blood/ body fluids
goggles/mask-used to protect from procedures that are likely to generate splashes or sprays.
- Describe measures used to protect self from blood borne pathogens
Wear disposable gloves whenever providing care, particularly if you may come into contact with blood or body fluids. Also wear protective coverings, such as a mask, eyewear and
a gown, if blood or other body fluids can splash
change and remove gloves regularly
- Describe use of category specific/disease specific precautions.
gloves, gown, masks,eye west
- Describe use of category specific/disease specific precautions
- Describe use of category specific/disease specific precautions.
gown and gloves
- Describe procedure for applying sterile gloves
a. Perform thorough hand hygiene. Place glove package near work area.
b. Remove outer glove package wrapper by carefully separating and peeling apart sides
c. Grasp inner package and lay on clean, dry, flat surface at waist level. Open package, keeping gloves on inside surface of wrapper
Open inner glove package on work surface. Hand of a person opens glove package with L for left and R for right marked on the inner surface of a wrapper, kept on a workbench.
d. Identify right and left glove. Each glove has a cuff approximately 5 cm (2 inches) wide. Glove dominant hand first.
e. With thumb and first two fingers of nondominant hand, grasp glove for dominant hand by touching only inside surface of cuff.
f. Carefully pull glove over dominant hand, leaving a cuff and being sure that cuff does not roll up wrist. Be sure that thumb and fingers are in proper spaces (see illustration).
STEP 1FPick up glove at cuff of dominant hand and insert fingers. Pull glove completely over dominant hand (example is for left-handed person).
g. With gloved dominant hand, slip fingers underneath cuff of second glove
Pick up glove for nondominant hand.
Hand of a person picks up glove from sterile surface.
hCarefully pull second glove over fingers of nondominant hand (see illustration).
Pull second glove over nondominant hand.
i. After second glove is on, interlock hands together and hold away from body above waist level until beginning procedure (see illustration).
- Describe procedure for performing a sterile dressing change a
Perform hand hygiene and apply clean gloves
Gently remove tape, bandages, or ties: use nondominant hand to support dressing and, with your dominant hand, pull tape parallel to skin and toward dressing
With gloved hand or forceps, remove dressing one layer at a time, observing appearance of drainage on dressing. Carefully remove outer secondary dressing first, and then remove inner primary dressing in contact with wound bed
inspect wound and periwound for appearance, color, size (length, width, and depth), drainage, edema
Fold dressings with drainage contained inside and remove gloves inside out
create sterile field
clean around wound from least to most infected-remove gloves
put on clean gloves, apply dressing
secure dressing with tape
remove of all infected stuff
- Describe procedure for obtaining a wound culture
create sterile field with sterile gloves
take culture out of package
rub culture inside of wound after cleaning
place culture swab back into tube, sign date and sign culture and send to lab
- Describe steps to perform an integumentary assessment.
inspect skin: color, pigmentation, areas of hyper/hypo pigmentation , abnormal color changes
palpate skin: temperature, moisutre, texture, thickness, edema, mobility/turgor, vascularity
note any lesions: color, shape, size, location
inspect/palpate the hair : texture distribution, scalp lesions
inspect nails:shape color consistency
teach skin self examination
- Utilize the Braden score to identify patients at risk for development of pressure ulcers.
sensory perception- 1-4 limited to no impairment
moisture-1-4-moist to rarely moist
activity1-4 bedfast - walks frequently
mobility-1-4immobile-no limitation
nutrition-1-4-poor to excellent
friction-1-3 problem to no problem
extreme light/whiteness of skin
skin turning blue
skin turning red or purple
skin turning yellow
brown tan
skin Turing brown tan
solely a color change, flat and circumscribed, <1 cm
ex freckles, flat nevus, measles, scarlet fever
macule larger then 1 cm
Mongolian spot vitiligo measel and rash
something you can palpate
solid, elevated,circumscribed lesion <1cm in diameter
ex-elevated nevus(mole), wart
papules wider then 1 cm
psoriases and lichen plants
solid, elevated hard or soft lesion larger then 1 cm may extend deeper into dermis than papule
lesion larger then a few centimeter in diameter, firm or soft, deeper into dermis, may be malignant
superficial, raised, transient, and erythematous lesion, slightly irregular shape caused by edema
ex-mosquiotp bite, allergic reaction
wheals coals to form extensive reaction
elevated cavity containing free clear fluid up to 1 cm
ex-chicken pox, herpes and dermatitis
larger vesicle then 1 cm in diameter thin walled and ruptures easily
friction blister, pemphigus, burns
turbid fluid (pus) in cavity
acne ot impetigo
encapsulated, fluid filled cavity in dermis to subcutaneous layer that tensely elevates skin
sebaceous cyst and wen
thickened, dried out, exudate left when vesicles or pustules burst or dry up
impetigo, weeping eczematous dermatitis
compact, desiccated flakes of skin from shedding of dead excess keratin cells
ex-drug reaction, psoriasis, excema or dry skin
linear crack with abrupt edges. extending into dermis
cheilosis and athletes foot
scooped out but shallow depression, superficial lesion, epidermis is lost, lesion is moist but no bleeding , heals without scar
deeper depression, extruding into dermis, irregularly shaped, may bleed and leaves scar
presssure sore, statis ulcer
self inflicted abrasion, skeptical and sometimes crusted
scratches from itching from insect bite
after skin lesion is repaired, normal tissue is lost and replaced with connective tissue
ex-healed surgery of injury/ acne
atrophic scar
scar that is skin level depressed with loss of tissue
scar that is elevated by excess scar tissue which is invasive beyond site of oringal oinjurt
prolonged intense scratching eventually thickens and produces tightly packed sets of papule
Kg – lbs
1 kg = 2.2 lbs
Oz – ml
1 oz= 30 ml
Tsp – ml
1 tsp= 5 ml
Tsp – gtt
1 tsp= 60 gtt
ml – gtt
1 ml= 20 drops
Oz – ml
30 ml in 1 oz
Mcg – mg
1 mg = 1000 mcg
Tbsp – tsp
1 tbsp = 3 tsp
Fl. Oz – pt
16 fl oz = 1 pint
Pt – ml
500 ml to 1pt
Cup – oz
8 oz- cup
Qt – gal
4 qt = 1gal
1 kg = 1000 g
g - mg
1 g = 1000 mg
mg- mcg
1 mg = 1000 mcg
l - ml
1 L = 1000 mL
lb - oz
1 lb= 16 oz
fl oz- dr
1 fl oz = 8 fl dr
qt - pt
1 qt = 2 pt
tbsp = 1oz
2 tbsp = 1 oz
1 gal = _ mL
1 qt= _ mL
1000 (1L)
1 pt = _ mL
_ ml = _ oz =_ cups
240 mL = 8oz = 1cup
_ ml = _ oz =_ tbsp
30 mL = 1oz = 2tbsp