lp 7 vocab Flashcards
abnormal sounds that the nurse hears when trying to listen to breathing. They will hear these on top of normal breathing sounds.
when someone will often completely stop breathing during their sleep. It is common in patients and can be caused from the tongue blocking the threat.
Crackles (Rales)- .
when listening to breathing, small adventitious sounds that sounds like crackling during inspiration of lungs
- shortness of breath, can be a major sign of major lung problems.
drug that will help to remove mucus from lining of lungs. This will happen by discharging mucus.
High pithed loud noise coming from lungs. This is caused by narrow airways leading out of body, causing the higher pitched noises coming from lungs.
Cough/Deep Breath-
help top clear out lungs. Deep breath will fill lungs, and the cough will expel and clear all air out of lungs.
Incentive Spirometer-
will help to expand lungs capability. This will measure how much you can breathe out at a time, and with slow deep breathes you can slowly expand how strong your lungs expand.
Peak Flow measurement-
test that measures how much air flows out of the lungs at a maximum time. This can help track progress as to lung expansion.
- too little of oxygen is available to the blood and can cause damage to tissues.
too little of oxygen inside of blood, if keeps going on can cause other main problems inside of heart/lungs/tissues like hypoxia.
Pulse Oximetry-
tony device that goes on fingers that will measure the level of oxygen in the wearers blood. Can indicate how well lungs work.
Humidify oxygen-
oxygen that is humidified will be moistened and delivered to a patient. This is used when the patient needs help to form secretions and help to promote comfortableness in patient.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Disease that makes It hard to breathe due to the blockage of airflow.
Nasal cannula-.
oxygen delivering device that delivers oxygen into patient’s nose. Needed for patients who have hard time breathing
Simple face mask
- clear mask that provides oxygen to patients. Patients who use this kind of mask are dizzy patients, heart attack to hemorrhages. Used in small minor cases.
Nonrebreather mask
used in important energy situations like patient is actively dying without oxygen. This mask is paired with an oxygen tank that allows the person to not have to breath on their own and let the machine do it for them.
venturi mask-
has a filter on the mask where oxygen comes in, this filter will help to give a consistent percentage of oxygen into the patient on every breath. Each breath is the same due to this mask and does so at a higher rate.
- fraction of inspired oxygen- this is how much oxygen happens to be in gas that is currently being inhaled.
- partial collapse of lung, the lung is not expanding enough as it should, and the patient is not getting enough oxygen to their body as a result.
Barrel chest-
too much oxygen in the chest, the lungs get too inflated and will expand rib cage for longer than it should be.
- air gets trapped inside of the skin. Sounds that sounds like cracking or popping when pushed down on the skin can occur due to air slipping out.
Clubbing of fingernails-
fingernails expand to large proportions due to larger number of soft tissues being present in nail.
comparable to wheezing, a high-pitched sound that happens during breathing. Can be caused by narrowing airway or difference in flow of airway.
Pleural friction rub-
during the breathing of a patient, this loud noise sounds adventitious due to the pleural surfaces rubbing against one another while movement is occurring.
- heard during both inspiration and expiration, fluids movement in large airways causes a constant bubble noise.
during a physical exam, the nurse will tap body parts and feel vibrations through the skin and make inferences from the noises.
using a stethoscope as a nurse to listen inside of the body and examine noises coming from body.
the patient is the same on both sides of body.
- something that is affecting both sides of the patient, not just one side.
Lung Fields-
a diagnostic system will search the lungs and will give nurse information based on its finding.