Unit 1 - Insecticides Flashcards
What are the classical insecticides that cause toxicosis?
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, pyrethrins/pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, amitraz, and nicotine
What are the novel insecticides that cause toxicosis?
Dimethyltoluamide (DEET), fipronil, imidacloprid, and hydramethylnon
What are the 5 common incidences of insecticide poisoning?
Accidental incorporation into animal feed
Mis-use OR mis-calculation for external parasites
Accidental access/exposure to pesticides
Malicious poisoning
Low level exposure - cumulative residues
When assessing insecticides, what considerations must be taken?
Formulation, toxicity, product type, and if they are a restricted use pesticide
What are the sources of chlorinated hydrocarbons?
Environment, bioaccumulation, malicious poisonings, and old stored products
Most are banned in the US
Where do chlorinated hydrocarbons distribute most commonly?
Fat, brain, liver, kidney - they like fatty tissue
Where are chlorinated hydrocarbons excreted?
bile and milk
How may starvation play a role in chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicosis?
Fats stores are mobilized during starvation. Since it targets fat it will be mobilized too (can be in blood stream)
What is the MOA of chlorinated hydrocarbons?
They increase stimulation of the nervous system by either decreasing the action potential threshold or inhibits post synaptic binding of GABA
When is the onset of clinical signs for chlorinated hydrocarbons toxicosis?
Several hours
What are the early clinical signs for chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicosis?
Nausea - vomiting and salivation Ataxia Hyperexcitability Tremors Chewing
What are the advanced clinical signs for chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicosis?
Seizures (2-3 day duration)
Recumbency - paddling and opisthotonus
Clamped jaw
What avian clinical signs are associated with chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicosis?
Blindness, incoordination, abnormal posturing, sudden death, and decreased reproduction
What are the preferred samples for diagnosing acute chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicosis?
Brain and liver
Blood and GI contents works too
What samples do you want to use to diagnose chronic chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicosis?
Fat, blood, milk, and eggs