Understanding and Apply Scrum [P5]: Scrum Artifacts - The important of product backlog transparency Flashcards
Why is it important for product backlog to be transparent?
- express the value that we can be adding to the product
- top = highest value
- so stakeholders can see what’s coming up next and where their ideas fit into the list
- so dev team can offer insight into order - e.g. different order might make it easier to accomplish and add more value in that way
- so dev team understands backlog - general idea of what they’ll be working on when it comes to crafting sprint backlog —> easy transition + not forcing themselves into a corner as they know what’s coming and how it can impact the current sprint’s work
Should we show off the product backlog in the sprint review? Why?
- show off product back in sprint review as part of the inspection with the increment
- get an understanding of whether the product backlog and order is the best thing for the next sprint —> make next sprint planning go as smooth as possible?