underpoints p. 51 - Flashcards
Feline Herpesviral Diseases causative Agent
FeHV-1 (Alphaherpesvirinae)
Infectious laryngotracheitis of Chicken causative agent
GaHV-1 Alphaherpesvirinae, Iltovirus
Speciality of the epizootiology and pathogenesis of infectious laryngotracheitis of chicken + vaccine?
No viraemia, no germinative infection, birds die because they CANT SNEEZE OR COUGH so they suffocate to death
attenuated vaccine into the drinking water
Mareks Disease causative agent
GaHV2: Mareks disease virus serotype 1
Virulent strains: GHV-2 = MDV -1
Apathogen strains of Mareks disease
Mareks disease survival in environment and pathogenesis + vaccine
in feather follicular epithel cells and dust for about 1 year survival
vaccination is available but doesnt prevent from infection
lymphoproliferative form = acute in 6 week old chicken (tumors all over the body)
and chronic neurological form and visceral form
Mareks disease - acute / chronic form
acute: visceral form, very virulent, higher mortality - tumor infiltration of the viscera, lymphoproliferative
chronic: neurological form - weakness, ataxia, paralysis, eye lesion can lead to blindness (neurological signs)
transient paralysis, lymphoproliferative form in 6 week old chicken or turkey= acute form
turkey herpesvirus causes cross immunity and can be used for vaccination
bc of vaccine clinical signs are rare
in ovo vaccine exists
NO germinative infection but infection through egg shell
survives for long in environment
similar to reticuloendotheliosis, avian leukosis
recovery is an exception!
mainly through aerogenic, NOT mainly through faeces
the low virulence strains cause chronic, mainly neurological signs
highly virulent strains may break through vaccine and protection!
Duck Plague - causative agent
Duck virale enteritis, caused by: AnHV-1 - unassigned Herpesvirus
Duck plague: main signs of disease
duck plague/viral enteritis
sudden and persistent increase in flock mortality
photophobia, eyelid edema, conjunctivitis
convalescent birds are lifelong carriers
wild ducks are important in spread of disease
acute haemorrhagic disease of duck and other waterfowl
death within 4-6 days
muscovy ducks, geese
mallards may transmt the duck enteritis to domestic ducks kept on lakes
liver dystrophy as frequent lesion
persistent infection in wild ducks
may be shed lifelong
often fatal - there is no treatment
damages the blood vessel endothelium
vaccines containing a live attenuated strain can be used for prevention
can settle in wild ducks
also effects geese
can affect all age groups
depression, resp signs and bloody diarrhea
pigeon herpes: causative agent and genus
CoHV-1 - Mardivirus genus
Pigeon herpes, what are the signs
adult pigeons are asymptommatic carriers
mainly in 2-6month old pigeons, diarrhea and conjunctivits
death within 3-4 days
Orthopoxvirus - which diseases does it cause?
Vaccina virus, Camelpox virus, Cowpox virus (zoonotic), Monkeypox virus, Variola virus = Small pox eradicated
Buffalo pox, Mouse pox, Smallpox, Horse pox
Parapoxvirus - Which diseases
Orf virus, Bovine papular stomatitis, Pseudocowpox virus - ALL ZOONOTIC
Capripoxvirus which diseases
Sheep pox virus, Goat pox virus, Lumpy skin disease virus
Suispoxvirus which disease
Swinepox virus
Leporipoxvirus which disease
Myxoma virus