U Flashcards
An account or explanation for a particular behavior in terms of its adaptive value
Ultimate Explanation
Any periodic variation in physiological or psychological function recurring in a cycle of more than 24 hours, such as the human menstrual cycle
Ultradian Rhythm
Sound whose frequency exceeds the human audibility range, often used to measure and record structures and structural change within the body in the imaging technique called ultrasonography
- Echoes from these waves reflected from tissue surfaces are recorded to form structural images for diagnostic purposes, for example, to examine a growing fetus during pregnancy or to examine internal organs, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and gallbladder, for signs of health or disease
Impartial or without net error
- For example, in these types of procedures, studies, and the like any errors that do occur are random and therefore self cancelling in the long run
A statistic whose expected value is the value of the parameter being estimated
- Thus if G is used to estimate the parameter Ō, G is said to be unbiased if and only if E(G) = Ō
Unbiased Estimator
- The state or condition in which something (eg; the probability of a particular outcome) is not accurately or precisely known
- Lack of confidence or clarity in one’s ideas, decisions, or intentions
An attitude of caring, acceptance, and prizing expressed by others irrespective of an individual’s behavior and without regard to the other’s personal standards, which is considered conducive to self awareness, self worth, and personality growth
- Posited by U.S. psychologist Carl Rogers (1902 - 1987) to be a universal human need essential to healthy development, this is the centerpiece of his client centered therapy and is also emphasized in many other therapeutic approaches
Unconditional Positive Regard
The unlearned response to a stimulus: any original response that occurs naturally and in the absence of conditioning (eg; salivation in response to the presentation of food)
- This is a reflex that serves as the basis for establishment of the conditioned response in Pavlovian conditioning
Unconditioned Response
A stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response, as in withdrawal from a hot radiator, contraction of the pupil on exposure to light, or salivation when food is in the mouth
Unconditioned Stimulus
- In the classical psychoanalytic theory of Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), the region of the psyche that contains memories, emotional conflicts, wishes, and repressed impulses that are not directly accessible to awareness but that have dynamic effects on thought and behavior
- Relating to or marked by absence of awareness or lack of consciousness
In psychoanalytic theory, wishes, impulses, aims, and drives of which the self is not aware
- Examples of behavior produced by this are purposive accidents, slips of the tongue, and dreams that express unfulfilled wishes
Unconscious Motivation
The incorrect restriction of the use of a word, which is a mistake commonly made by young children acquiring language
- For example, a child may believe that the label dog applies only to Fido, the family per
The process of gaining insight about oneself or others or of comprehending the meaning or significance of something
- In many forms of counseling and psychotherapy understanding the network of relationships between a client’s behavior and such things as his or her environment, experiences, and feelings is considered essential to success
A subtype of schizophrenia in which the individual exhibits prominent psychotic features, such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, or grossly disorganized behavior, but does not meet the criteria for any of the other subtypes of the disorder
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
Having a single dimension or composed of a single or a pure factor