K Flashcards
An index of the degree to which a group of judges, tests, or instruments rate an attribute in the same way, corrected for chance association
A characteristic belief, high amplitude pattern of electrical activity recorded from the brain during the early stages of sleep
K Complex
Benevolent and helpful action intentionally directed toward another person
- This is motivated by the desire to help another, not to gain explicit reward or to avoid explicit punishment
The study of the part played by body movements, such as hand gestures, eye movements, and so on, in communicating meaning
The sense that provides information about the position, movement, tension, and so forth of body parts via specialized kinesthetic receptors in the muscles, tendons, and joints
- This information, called kinesthetic feedback, enables humans and other animals to control and coordinate their movements
A variation of natural selection that favors behavior by an individual that increases the chances of its relatives surviving and reproducing successfully
- If an individual risks its own ability to reproduce or survive but helps its parents or more than two siblings to survive or reproduce, the sacrificing individual will benefit indirectly by gaining inclusive fitness
Kin Selection
The system of formal and informal relationships that make up an extended family in a given culture or society, typically based on blood ties, marriage, or adoption
- The analysis of this in preindustrial societies has been a major concern of cultural anthropology
Kinship Network
An impulse control disorder characterized by repeated stealing of objects that have no immediate use or intrinsic value to the individual, accompanied by feelings of increased tension before committing the theft and either pleasure or relief during the act
A disorder in which males are born with an extra X chromosome, resulting in small testes, absence of sperm, enlarged breasts, mental retardation, and abnormal behavior [Harry F. Klinefelter (1912 - ), U.S. physician]
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
A condition resulting from damage to both medial temporal lobes and marked by hypersexuality, a tendency to examine all objects by placing them in the mouth, visual agnosia, and decreased emotional responsitivity (including loss of normal fear and anger responses) [Heinrich Klüver (1897 - 1975), German born U.S. neurologist; Paul Bucy (1904 - 1992), U.S. neurosurgeon]
Klüver Bucy Syndrome
An individual’s general background knowledge, which influences his or her performance on most cognitive tasks
Knowledge Base
The role an attitude can play in helping to interpret ambiguous information or to organize information
- For example, a positive attitude toward a friend may assist in attributing that person’s negative behavior to situational factors rather than personal characteristics
Knowledge Function of an Attitude
As proposed by U.S. psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1927 - 1987), the theory that the cognitive processes associated with moral judgement develop through a number of universal, invariant stages
- According to the theory, there are three main levels: the preconventional level, the conventional level, and the postconventional level
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
A nonparametric test of the distributional equivalence of two samples or of the fit of a sample to a theoretical distribution [Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov and Nikolai Vasilevich Smirnov, 20th century Soviet mathematicians]
Kolmogorov Smirnov Test
A culture bound syndrome observed primarily in males in China and Southeast Asia
- It is an acute anxiety reaction in which the male suddenly fears that his penis is shrinking and will disappear into his abdomen, bringing death
- In females, the fear is focused on the vulva and nipples
Amnesia caused by thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency
- Individuals have a severe, enduring difficulty in learning new information and often cannot recall memories of events from recent years, although general intellectual functioning and semantic memory are unimpaired
- This frequently is associated with alcoholism and other follows an episode of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy [first described in 1887 by Sergei Korsakoff’s (1853 - 1900), Russian neurologist]
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
A nonparametric method for determining statistical significance of the equality of centrality with ranked data
- It is analogous to one way analysis of variance [William Kruskal and Wilson Allen Wallis (1912 - 1998), U.S. statisticians]
Kruskal Wallis Test
The fourth central moment of a probability distribution
- It is a statistical description of the degree of peakedness of that distribution
A form of malnutrition caused by inadequate intake of protein, usually observed in children in impoverished countries
- The symptoms include impaired growth, distention of the abdomen, and pigment changes in the skin and hair
- Normal cerebral development also may be impaired