Type 2 Diabetes Flashcards
What is type 2 diabetes?
When cells are not responsive to the insulin.
How many cases of diabetes is type 2?
About 90%
What are the 4 main types of diabetes?
Type 1, gestational (pregnant), secondary, type 2.
How common is type 2 diabetes in Canada?
30% of Canadians have it but every one has a 50% chance of developing pre-diabetes or diabetes in their lifetime. Rates are increasing.
What is type 2 diabetes characterized by?
Having abnormally high blood sugar levels.
What does type 2 diabetes start with and evolve with?
Starts with abnormal blood sugar levels and evolves into also having problems with blood lipid levels, blood fats are too high. Blood pressure is too high. Affects cholesterol levels in body.
Why is the cost of treating type 2 diabetes in Canada so high?
The costs of treatments AND the costs associated with preventing and treating other complications that come from diabetes like kidney failure, blindness, etc.
Why is it that in USA women are at higher risk and in Canada men are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes? (Prof emphasized this so it is prolly on exam.)
In USA, women have more obesity than men. in Canada, men have more obesity than women. Type 2 risks follows obesity risks.
Whose life expectancy shortens more with type 2 diabetes? Someone diagnosed early or late in life?
The younger, the more years lost.
What is QALY years?
Number of years you feel well enough to function.
Diabetes risk is higher in some ethnic groups even for a given ______ status
What ethnic group has highest type 2 diabetes risk?
South Asian.
Can you develop type 2 diabetes with a reasonable BMI?
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes?
Central obesity, unexplained weightloss, frequent urination, thirst, frequent infections, fatigue, slow to heal from cuts and bruises, dry itchy skin, singling or numbness in hands or feet.
Why is there a weight loss effect from diabetes?
Urination of calories from glucose.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
Overweight, 45+ years old, have immediate family with type 2, are physically active less than 3 times a week, had gestational diabetes or gave birth to a baby over 9 lbs (child also at increased risk).
What are the tests for diabetes?
Blood tests include hemoglobin A1c Test (HbA1c) and the oral test which is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
What is an A1c test?
A blood test where they look at the sugar coating of the red blood cells.
What do results of an HbA1c Test indicate?
Normal is below 5.7%, prediabetes is 5.7-6.4%, diabetes is 6.5% +
During an OGGT test, after 2 hours of consuming the sugary drink, what will be your blood sugar if you’re in the diabetes range?
11.1mmol/L +
True or false: you’re only diabetic if you fail both the tests; fasting and after you consume sugary beverage
False, you only need to fail one to be diabetic. (Fasting is +7mM and 2hrs after is +around 15mM)
What is the biology behind type 2 diabetes?
You’re insulin resistant, inability to produce enough insulin to keep glucose in the normal range
What happens to insulin producing cells as someone develops type 2 diabetes?
They die. You lose functioning beta cells and developing plaques that looks like Alzheimer’s in the brain.
What happens during type 2 diabetes?
Glucagon goes up and insulin goes down
In type 2 diabetes there is too much ______ ________.
Glucagon secretion.
What is the management for type 2 diabetes?
- Weight loss by healthy eating and regular PA
- Exercise training
- blood sugar monitoring
- diabetes medications including the possibility of insulin therapy
How many different classifications for medications for type 2 diabetes?
12, and within each classification, several different drug types and names
What does ozempic do?
It is a drug that does several things for type 2 diabetics like causing weight loss, enhancing insulin secretion, enhances insulin sensitivity and reduces the desire for food.
What is the primary effect of ozempic?
To lower A1c