Cardiovascular Disease Part 3 Flashcards
What happens during a TECAB (aka MIDCAB) surgery?
- only needs a few openings each abt dime sized
- cameras and instruments are inserted
- pros include faster recovery and heart is not stopped
What happens during an open heart(CABG) surgery?
- heart is stopped
- connected to a the heart-lung bypass machine to circulate blood
- depending on where the blocked artery is, determines if this approach is necessary
recovery time in open heart vs MIDCAB surgery
open heart: 2 to 3 months
MIDCAB: 2 weeks
What is deep vein thrombosis
- clot that is formed in the large veins, commonly in the leg
- not fatal
Treatment for deep vein thrombosis?
- anti-coagulants (heparin and warfarin)
- compression stockings (swelling)
- vena cava filter (surgery)
Can deep vein thrombosis progress?
Yes it can go into the lungs, where it can become an pulmonary embolism
what is a pulmonary embolism?
a blocked blood vessel within your lungs that can be fatal
symptoms of pulmonary embolism
chest pain when taking a deep breath, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, sweating, anxiety
What is the difference between a thrombus and embolus?
where it is produced and where it is blocking blood flow.
Thrombus: blood clot that forms in a blood vessel and blocks blood flow locally (essentially a blood clot that has not moved)
Embolus: can be a blood clot, gas bubble, or fat plaque, etc., that travels in the blood vessel and blocks off blood flow in a place where it is not formed (essentially a blood clot that has moved)
IE: thrombosis can become an embolism by moving
What happens if a blood clot or impaired blood flow occurs in the brain?
it is called a stroke
What are the two main types of strokes?
- hemorrhage (bleeding (possibly from high blood pressure))
- ischemic stroke (blocking of blood flow)
Stroke risk factors
age, hypertension, high red blood cell count, heart disease, blood cholesterol, diabetes, ethnicity
What is an aneurysm
a weakness in the blood vessel
causes of cerebral aneurysms
trauma or injury to head, infection, high blood pressure, tumours, genetic abnormalities
most common type of aneurysm?
saccular (looks like an artery with a balloon on it)
symptoms of an unruptured aneurysm:
- pain above and behind the eye
- numbness, weakness, or paralysis on one side of the face
- dilated pupils
- vision changes
symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm (hemorrhage):
- sudden and extremely severe headache
- nausea and vomiting
- stiff neck
- loss of consciousness
What is a computed tomography angiography (CTA) used for an unruptured cerebral aneurysms
- used to diagnose the cerebral aneurysms. so they look at the structures using imaging to see if there are unruptured aneurysms to be treated
What is the angiogram used for an unruptured cerebral aneurysms?
where they use a catheter (hollow plastic tube) to look at the blood vessels in your brain and so they can take x-rays and look at the blood flow
What is the only treatment for a ruptured cerebral aneurysm? (saccular type)
microvascular clipping: open skull called craniotomy and locate artery with aneurysm and place a small clip on the neck of the aneurysm to block the blood flow from entering the aneurysm (so no more blood leaves the brain)
- stays for rest of your life and is very effective
What is the only treatment for a ruptured cerebral aneurysm? (fusiform)
cant so microvascular clipping because blood flow would be completely cut off.
- clips are put on either side of aneurysm (occlusion) and then a bypass is used to restore blood flow
what is endovascular therapy (coiling) for an unruptured cerebral aneurysm?
doctor inserts a catheter into an artery and fills the aneurysm with spirals of platinum wire so blood can no longer flow into it. prevents rupture
warning signs of stroke
weakness, trouble speaking, vision problems, headache, dizziness, arm or leg weakness, loss of balance, speech difficulty
stroke prevention
quit smoking, maintain normal blood pressure, eat a low saturated-fat, low cholesterol diet, maintain a normal body weight, exercise
True or false: your liver is very good at converting carbohydrates into LDL
The right side of the brain controls what side of the head and what side of the body?
right side of head, left of body