Tuberculosis Flashcards
what is Tuberculosis (TB)
a bacterial infection that usually happens in the lungs. Develops when Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria are inhaled into the lungs.
what is the organism responsible for TB
myobacterium tuberculosis
what are the characteristics of mycobacterium
v. slow growing
has v. thick cell wall
what is mycobacterium resistant to
resistant to neutropjil and macrophage destruction
is mycobacteria decolourised by acid alcohol after being stained with dye
no it is a acid and alcohol fast bacilli
how does TB spread from an infected person
person is infected with TB they cough etc, respiratory droplets are released into air. these droplets contain mycobacteria that will remain active for a long time and infect anothr person
where is it more likely to catch TB inside or outside
inside as outside UV radiation eliminates mycobacteria
what is mycobacterium bovis
slow growing aerobic bacterium the causative agent of TB in cattle
how is mycobacterium bovis able to infect humans
consumption of infected cows milk, organism is deposited in cervical and intestinal lymph nodes
can APC kill mycobacterium
what state to macrophages have to be in to be able to kil mycobaterium
how do macrophages become activated to fight off mycobaterium
T1 cell mediated immunological response
what is a problem with activated macrophages
healthy tissue is destroyed as well as pathogen
how can mycobacterium spread in the body
via the lymph nodes
where are the likely places for TB to spread to
TB can lie latent in the body true or false
what is primary TB
no preceding exposure or immunity
what is tuberculous bronchopneumonia
occur when tubercle bacilli are forced or inhaled into multiple terminal bronchial segments during coughing, either when an open pulmonary lesion (cavity) communicates with a bronchus, or when an infected lymph node has ruptured into a bronchus
what is Miliary TB
Miliary tuberculosis (TB) is the widespread dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
what is postprimary/secondary tuberculosis
Reactivation of mycobacterium from latent primary infection disseminated by the blood stream around the body
- New re-infection from outside source, susceptible previously infected host
what are symptoms of post primary TB
may be no symptoms for many months cough sputum haemoptysis plueritic pain or breathlessness malaise, fever, weight loss night sweats
can TB be present without physical signs
is finger clubbing a common symptom in TB
finger clubbing in TB is rare unless very chronic infection
what investigations should be done to diagnose TB
chest x ray
sputum smear-Ziehl-Neilsen
sputum culture