Treatment without HG Flashcards
Headgear and compliance and Compromise result
- If HG worn and managed well and responsibly a few methods of anchorage support or molar distalisation work
- If HG not worn well or managed/ monitor appropriately then use can result in loss of anchorage and unplanned effect on occlusion I.e. unstable Proclination of Lower incisors and ultimately Comprised treatment result.
Treatment without Headgear - Advantages
- Avoid risk of serious injury associated with HG
- Increased clinician control
- Some method decrease the need for pt compliance
Treatment without HG- Disadvantages
- Lower arch- Unwanted effects of such treatment can be excessive Proclination of lower incisors teeth causing stability issue or compromising the final fit of anterior occlusion.
- In upper arch- Loss of anchorage is demonstrated by mesial movement of upper anterior teeth causing increased Overjet
Alternative methods for anchorage support and molar distalisation.
Compliance and non compliance devices
- Compliance :
1- Removable function appliance
2- Upper removable appliance to distal upper buccal segment
3- Class II mechanics
Non- Compliance
- Herbst appliance
- AdvanSync2
- Fixed devices
- TAD’s Temporary anchorage device
Compliance reliant devices
Removable functional appliance
- Force generated by muscle, Fascia and periodontium.
- Aid molar relationship correction
- Use in CL II and CL III cases
- Requires motivated and growing patient
Upper removable appliance to distalise upper buccal segment
- 0.6mm palatal finger springs which must not contact buccal segment surface of molar.
- Southend clasp to aid retention
- Anchorage from palatal vault
- Derotation and outward movement of molars results .
- Anchorage loss manifest as increased Overjet
Class II mechanics
- Inter-maxillary traction (elastics) to transfer anchorage from one arch to another.
- Class II molar relationship correction via forward movement of lower molars
- Reliant on lower arch Xtn in order to prevent excess Proclination of lower incisors. Potentially resulting in labial recession and decrease post treatment stability.
Non- Compliance method reliant methods
- Herbst appliance
- AdvanSync2
- Fixed devices
- TADs Temporary anchorage device
Non- Compliance reliant method
Herbst appliance
- Tooth borne fixed functional appliance
- Disadvantages- Proclination of lower incisor teeth.
- Frequent breakages.
2- AdvanSync2
- Tooth borne fixed functional used with fully bonded arches
- upper and lower molar attachments with telescopic arm
3- Fixed devices -
- there are many examples of such appliances which tend NOT to form mainstream treatment for reinforcing Anchorage or distalising upper molars.
- Disadvantages- Loss of Anchorage is manifest as an Increased OJ .
- Some devices may cause tipping of upper molars.
TADs- Temporary anchorage devices (TADs)
- Titanium screws placed into alveolar bone with aim of providing temporary SK Anchorage
TAD- Mini screw design?
- 3 major component -
-Head, transmucosal collar and the intraosseous thread. - 1.0mm - 2.0mm diameter and 6mm- 11mm length depending on site.
- Designs - Pre drilling and self drilling
- Pre drilling - Screw with blunt tip require pilot hole to be drilled before screw can be inserted.
- Self drilling - Screw has sharp tip and no pre drilling required. Primary stability better and increased success rate.
Disadvantages TADs
- Technique sensitive
- Only certain sites suitable
- Damage to tooth root
- 21 % root contact inexperienced users
- 13% for experienced user
- 10-20 % risk of failure
Mini screw- Anchorage , Molar desalination and Molar intrusion
- Anchorage - Anchorage for retracting anterior teeth or protraction of posterior teeth.
- Molar distalisation - can successfully distalise maxillary molars in growing patient and non growing patients.
- Molar intrusion - Placed buccally and palatally can be used to intrude maxillary molars.
- Used in mandible with lingual arch can intrude mand molars.
Contra- Indications of TADs.
- Smoking
- Inadequate oral hygiene
- bleeding disorder
- Generalised or localised bone pathology
- Immunocompromised pts
- Endocarditis