Relapse and orthodontics retention Flashcards
What is Relapse ?
- The Return , following correction of original features of malocclusion
Unfavourable changes from the final tooth positions achieved at the end of Orthodontic treatment.
When relapse will occur?
- Tooth position dictated by equilibrium of forces drives from :
- Periodontal and gingival tissues
- Orofacial soft tissues
- Post treatment facial growth
- Occlusion
Define Physiological Recovery?
- Reorganisation of periodontal and gingival fibres occur following active orthodontic treatment.
- Physiolocal recovery can result in relapse as periodontal structures under tension during treatment “ spring back” once orthodontic appliance are removed.
Re- organisation of Periodontal structures
Bone Prevalence
- 3 Months
Gingiva Prevalence
- Supra crestal fibre - 6 months
- Free gingival fibre - 12 months
Why retainer check in 12 months?
- gingival fibre takes 12months to re organise
Why do we see patient every 6-8 weeks?
Periodontal fibre takes 1-2 months to re organise
Oro Facial Soft tissue
- Teeth were Initially positioned in neutral zone
- Orthodontic tx may change this balance
- The greater the change in relation to neutral zone, greater the tendency to relapse.
Post tx facial growth
- AP changed - class 3
- Vertical changes - AOB , OB
- late vertical incisors crowding
Occlusal factor can aid Stability? E.g
- Adequate overbite following correction of anterior overbite
- Adequate overbite following correction of class 3 incisor relationship
- Appropriate inter- incisal angle in class 2/2 cases
- Good intercuspation
Overbite in class 3 incisors
InAdequate and adequate overbite
-Inadequate over bite - less likely to be stable
E.g removable appliances tips teeth forwards and upwards
- Adequate overbite- more likely to stable if
. Initial OB increased
. Upper incisors are initially Retroclined
Interincisal angle class 2 div 1
- Inadequate - Large inter-incisal angle after Overjet correction
- Mostly seen upper incisor are Retroclined during tx rathe rather than bodily moved
Unstable result
Interincisal angle class 2 div 1
- Lower inter- incisal angle after Overjet correction achieved due to BODILY Movement palatally.
More stable final overbite
Occlusal intercuspation
- Good intercuspation is preferable in all cases to enchance post tx stability
Occlusal intercuspation affecting stability
-Cusp to cusp interdigitation is less than stable.
- Anterior- posterior (half unit class 2 molar relationship)
- lateral - associated with displacement
Age related changes
- A decrease in arch length following age 10-19
- inter molar width increasing until age of 13 and then static
- Arch length and inter canine width increasing until age of 13 then Reduce
These factors can be sometimes be confused with relapse in patient who have had earlier orthodontic treatment.
True Relapse
Orthodontic treatment choices can have negative effect on the stability equilibrium increasing like-hood of relapse.
Example of True relapse
- Altering the patient’s original arch form
- Expanding inter canine / inter molar width
- Proclining lower incisors excessively
- incomplete Overjet reduction
- incomplete correction of inter- incisal angle
Orthodontic Retention
- Retention is phase of orthodontic treatment which maintain the teeth position after tx
Explain Orthodontic retention
Orthdontic retaiers resist the tendency of teeth to return to their pre treatment positions under influence of:
- Periodontal tissue factors
- Soft tissue factors
- occlusal factors
- continue Dento facial growth
Rationale for Retention
- To allow for Re organisation of gingival and periodontal tissues
- Minimise changes due to growth
- Maintain position of teeth have been placed in unstable position for compromise or aesthetic reason
Consideration when planning retention?
When - ideally at tx planing stage
Type- removable or fixed
Durations- 12 months/ forever ?
Type of Retainer
Removable Retainers
- Vaccum formed retainer (VFR)
- Hawley
Fixed retainers
- Labial bow 0.7mm
- Adam cribs on 6s 0.6mm
- Palatal baseplate