Cephlometric Flashcards
What is Cephlometric ?
- It is reproducible radiographs of lateral Skull to assess facial, dental and skeletal relationship in vertical and anterior posterior dimensions.
How much magnification and distance?
10% with 6ft tube- film distance
How can you tell age by ceph?
- Spine 1,2,3 changes shape to more rectangular
What information Ceph give you?
- Dimension and relationship of bones - Skeletal pattern
- Position and angulation of teeth
- Size and shape of soft tissue
Why do we use Ceph for?
- Diagnose
- Treatment planing
- research
- Monitor progress
Problem with accuracy of Cephs?
- Bad technique when taking radiographs
- Lips tensed together or apart
- Heads not straight
- Machine set up wrong
- Patient is not biting together
- Poor identification of points
- Mistakes in measurement
What are the points of Cephmetric points, planes?
- Point A.
- Point B.
- Sella S
- Porion Po
- Nasion N
- Orbital Or
- Gonion Go
- Menton Me
- Pogonion Pog
- Gnathion Gn
- SN lines
Frankfort plane?
Porion to orbital Po - Or
Mandibular Plane
Go Gonion - Me Menton
Maxilllary plane
ANB angle for average?
3 degree +/- 2
SNA angle?
- 81 degree +/-3
SNB angle
- 78 degree +/- 3
Maxillary and mandibular plane angle ? MMPA
- 27 degree +/- 5
Upper incisors to Maxillary plane angle? UI MxPn
- 109 +/- 6
Lower Incisor to Mandibular plane? LI MdPn
- 93 degrees +/- 6
Interincisal angle ?
135 degree +/- 10
Lower incisors- mandibular plane angle LI Apo
- 1mm +/-2mm
TFH - Total facial height
UAFH - Upper anterior face height
- 54mm
LAFH- Lower anterior face height
- 65mm 55%
Nasiolabial angle NLA
-100 degree
E- line
Upper lip - 4mm
Lower lip - 2mm
ANB - Skeletal class
Class I - 2-4 degree
Class II- more than 4 degrees
Class III- less than 2 degrees
How do you take Cephlometric?
- It is taken from distance of 1.5m with head at the right angle to the xray beam at distance of 30cm.
-Magnification 10% 6 ft distance tube and film - Two ear rods which are placed in external auditory meatus.
- Saggital plane should be parallel to xray film
- Teeth in centre occlusion
- Frankfort plane horizontal.
Define A point?
- the point of deepest concavity anteriorly on maxillary alveolus
Define B point?
- The point of deepest concavity anteriorly on mandibular symphysis
Define S sella?
- The midpoint of Sella Turcica ( pituitary fossa)
Define N Nasion?
- The most anterior point on fronto- nasal suture
SN line define?
- The plane demonstrated by line through the nasion and sella
Which angle represents the relative anterior- posterior position of maxilla to cranial base?
The angle represents the relative anterior - posterior position of the mandible to cranial base?
Which angle represents the relative anterior posterior position of maxilla to mandible and can used to determine skeletal class?
What is Eastman correction?
- it’s correction potential inaccuracy in position of Nasion.
- If SNA is greater than 81 degrees , 0.5 per degree should be subtracted from ANB
- If SNA degree less than 81 degrees, 0.5 per degree should be added to ANB
The correction of for ANB can only be applied if SN- maxillary plane within normal range of 8 +/- 3 degrees
-E.g SNA is 85 degree - average 81= 4
6 - (0.5*4) =
6-2 = 4 degree
Wits Appraisal ?
- To avoid Error associated with discrepancies of position of cranial base within skull
- Useful for assessing mandible and maxillary AP relationship seperate from skeletal basses.
- Draw perpendicular lines from A point or B point the occlusal plane
- BO+1mm ahead of AO (Male)
- BO = AO