June Exam Questions Flashcards
At what age maxillary canine erupts
What does IOTN 5i stands for?
- 5 means greater need
- i means impeded
5 auxiliaries use to close spaces . Explain advantages and disadvantages of each
- Power chain - adv Cheap, dis adv can get stain with certain food
- Closing loop- good alternate for non- sliding machanism cheap , dis adv - difficult to activate and time consuming.
- Bennett’s modules - Good force at once but loose force quickly too
- E- links - Cheap but Oh tricky / can irritate gingiva if not placed properly
- Niti coil - Active force all the time but OH TRICKY
- IO elastics- easy to place and remove but can be tricky in beginning to get use to it . BUT needs compliance
What is clinical governance?
Clinical governance is system through which NHS organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment which excellence in clinical care will flourish.
What is difference between Audit and research?
Audit - To check if we are meeting standards
Research- Induct study to answer question e.g Drug A is better than Drug B.
Describe audit you have been involved into illustrate the 5 stages of audit cycle?
- Identify topic
- Set ur standard
- Data collect/analysis data
- Compare & analysis findings
- Make the change
Describe 2 methods of determining an audit standards
- National guidelines ie. NICE National Institude for Health and care excellence
- Comparison to agreed standards
List typical features of patient who has thumb sucking or digit sucking habit
- Increased Overjet
- Decreased overbite
- Bimaxillary proclination
- Unilateral crossbite with mandibular displacement.
- upper incisors proclined
- lower Retroclined
What non orthodontic specific interventions can be used to help dissuade the habit?
- Socks
- Nasty nail varnish
- Boxing gloves
- Behaviour intervention - Encouragement every visit, reward
What orthodontic intervention could be used to disused habit?
- Habit breaker appliances
- Rake appliance
- Bluegrass roller appliance
- Thumb crib
- Hawley retainer with thumb appliance
At what age BOS British orthodontic society guidelines suggest to stop thumb sucking
- Before permanent. Teeth erupt- 6 years upper central incisor
At debond appt Pt saw decal . Explain to parent and patient that is decalcification?
A- Parent asked- is it common problem ?
- Removal of calcium and phosphorus minerals are removed from tooth surface .
- Yes 50% patient get 1 wsl after orthodontic treatment
B- What cause decal?
- Poor OH
-Inadequate fluoride - Sugar carbohydrate
- Time
- Bacteria plaque
C- How can it be prevented ?
- High fluoride tooth paste
- good OH
- Cut down sugar and carbohydrate or have it with meal
- Regular check up with dentist
What advice would you give for the management of decalcification following removal of fixed appliances?
- 50% mild decal gets better in 6months. Review in 6 months to see what has got better
- Excellent OH + Normal tooth paste or tooth moose.
- send to GDP for more options like Microabrasion/ composite / veneer.
- Mild delcalcification improve may improve post treatment
- Moderate surface lesion- Microabrasion.
- Severe cases may need restoration.
What is definition of Anchorage
- Resistance of unwanted tooth movement
As Newton’ s Law of action - Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Reaistance of forces generated in reaction to active component of the appliances.
Anchorage can be reinforced extra- orally using headgears. Name the components of Headgear?
- Extra oral Straps ( Anchorage)
- Recoil face bow
- Metal frame
A pt woke up with dis mental headgear next to pillow. What advice would you give it to them?
- Do not wear Headgear
- Book appt to check Asap.
- If Headgear contacted to eye then A&E until unless no need for A &E
Viva -Instruction for bond
- Brushing atleast 3 times a day/ Target OHI.
- Fluoride tooth paste 1350-1500ppm
- Diet- No sugar or carbohydrate, have it with meal
- Avoid snacking between meals/ low sugar diet .
- Use disclosing tablets to improve OH.
Viva- Etch
- Why we use it- to create micro enamel resistance to hold bracket.
- if touch lip? Wash , let pt know (duty of conduor), incident form, let pt know it will heal or will cause scab will occur.
Viva- Twin block
- what do you see? Functional appliance Clark’s twin block.
Define TB? - It constructed to posture the mandible forward away from rest position as result soft tissue (muscle of mastication and facial muscle) stretch generate forces that cause tooth movement. - TB function?
OJ reduction , OB reduction, Proclination of lower incisor, Retroclination of upper central incisors, Mesial movement of lower buccal segment, Distal movement of upper buccal segment.
Transformation of phase 1 to phase 2? - 3 months NTO to assess relapse and settle Bilateral open bite with FA and settling elastics
- Steep and deep mechanism (in class II without deep overbite to prevent Pt biting on tip of bite plane.
- Trim TB .
- Fixed with Early Class II Elastics.
Viva - Bonded retainer
- when do we use it?
Spacing,lower incisor rotation, lower incisor Missing, Extrusion of lower incisors, Periodontal compromise tooth, teeth with short root (splint), or teeth out of alignment - Emergency appt- bonded ret-
Wire can fracture, composite can fracture, take Put down notes and take photos , Ask ortho - if wire still active or not.
Six phases of treatment
- Anchorage management
- levelling and alignment
- overbite control
- over jet control
- space closure
- finishng