Oral Anatomy Flashcards
What is Position of oral Cavity
Anterior border - lip
Posterior border - Oropharynx
Superior border - hard palate
Inferior border - floor of mouth
Oral cavity derived into?
Vestibules - distance between lip and teeth
Oral cavity - cavity between teeth and pharynx
Lip muscle
Buccinator muscle - opening of parotid gland visible opposite maxillary second molar
Alveolar, mucogingival junction, attached and free gingival, marginal gingiva.
Epithelium fold of mucosa
Maxillary Tuberosity
Round prominence of bone behind last maxillary molar
Retro molar area
Triangle behind last mandibular molar
PH of mouth- 6.5
Watery liquid secreted into mouth by glands providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing and aid digestion.
- unsimulated Adult date 0.3 -0.5 ml per min
- simulated - 1-2 ml
- 99% water + waste product, protein, enzymes, hormones, immunoglobin.
Functions: Remineralisation, protection, lubrication, digestion, buffering, water balance, taste, mastications .
The Oral Balance
Demineralisation - bacteria plaque + carbohydrates
Remineralisation- Salive+ OH+ fluoride+ natural protective factors
Minor salivary glands
Cluster of small glands formed in sub mucosa ducts ,open in mouth
Major salivary glands
1- Parotid gland - 14-28 grams, lies infratemporal fossa b/w mastoid process and border of ramus of mandible , angle of mandible . largest gland , Duct - Stensons duct 5cm open upper 6-7 molars. Saliva 25% serous.
2- submandibular gland- second largest, Duct Whartons duct above mylohyoid muscle open lingual frenum , sub lingual papillae . Saliva mucous and serous
3- sublingual gland- smallest , sub lingual fossa , Duct- Not one common duct. Bartholium duct and Rivinus . Saliva mucous
Muscles of mastication
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
- Square shape, muscle powerful, thick
- origin zygomatic arch, insertion Ramus.
- action close mouth
Clench your teeth to palpate your Masseter
Which muscle use to maintain central occlusion for wax bite ?
Temporalis muscle
-Fan shape
- Origin temporal bone insertion coronoid process
- action closes mouth and pull jaw back.
Which muscle use to bring jaw back when you are bite in Normal occlusion?
Lateral Pterygoid
- Short cone shaped muscle ( two heads)
- Origin 2 head sphenoid bone and lateral pterygoid plate . Insertion- condyle and capsule of TMJ
Action- jaw side to side , push jaw forward, opening and depressing mandible.
Which muscle Protude jaw for bite registration for functionals?
Lateral Pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Origin - lateral pterygoid plate superficial maxilla tuberosity
Insertion- ramus and angle of mandible
Action - close mouth
Summary of Jaw movements?
Mouth close
- Masseter, Temporalis and medial pterygoid
Opening and Protraction
Lateral pterygoid
Temporalis muscle
Which muscle pull to take Intra oral photos ?
Which muscle control size of vestibules?
Which facial muscle is not attached to bone?
Which muscle cause grinning ?
Which muscle draw corner of mouth up and down during laugh?
Zygomatic muscles
Which muscle cause smile expression?
Zygomatic major
Which muscle cause half
Zygomatic minor
Levator labii superior
-Raise upper lip
- flare nostrils
- wrinkle nose
Which muscle use for habitual incompetency or pout?
-Keep Blous of food during chewing and swallowing.
- compress cheek to teeth
-Wrinkle skin of neck
- lower jaw
-lower lip
Innervation of muscle of facial expression
Innvervation of muscle of mastications,
Facial - 7th cranial nerve-
Mastication - 5th trigeminal nerve (if damage chronic burning pain and difficulty chewing)
What is Tongue?
Part of tongue?
- Tongue is muscular, mobile organ which lies in floor of mouth.
- Root, tip , 2/3 of dorsum covered with papillae (taste buds), ventral
4 functions : chewing , taste, swallowing, speak,
Natural cleansing, protection,
Muscle of Tongue?
Etrinsic - outside tongue move tongue alter shape
Intrinsic - produce changes in shape.