Exam Questions Flashcards
How do we assess space and crowding?
- Visualisation
- Brass wire
- Reflex microscope
- Scanning progress
Why do we take Ceph after TB phase?
- To check Lower incisor proclination in functional phase.
What is Cephlometric ?
- It’s reproducible radiographs of lateral view of skull.
Why do we take ceph?
- Diagnosis
- Treatment planing
- Research
What’s whip spring?
- To rotate incisors mesiolabial rotation / single tooth rotation . Made of Australian wire
How much tooth movement occurs every month?
How long gingiva takes to settle?
3 months
- wear through tooth to tooth contact Incisal or occlusal surface of teeth
- Dissolution of hard tissue by acidic substance
- wear due to interaction of teeth and other surface
What factors involves to improve bad OH? From operator
- Less flesh
- less auxiliaries
- take out wire and review in 2 weeks
- OHI and diet instructions
- brushing technique
What makes OH difficult for patient?
- Crowding
-Medical condition ( dyslexia , diabetes) - Social awareness
- Religion purpose
- Cost
What is Plaque indices ?
- record either the thickness of the plaque or the proportion of each tooth covered by it. And score 0-3
BPE Charting
Basic periodontal examination
- a way of measuring the space between a tooth and the gum tissue next to it. To detect pocketing, bleeding on probe, plaque calculus
0 - Healthy periodontal tissues.
1- Bleeding on probing.
2 - Plaque retentive factors such as overhanging restorations or calculus.
3 Probing depths of 3.5-5.5 mm
4 Probing score of over 5.5 mm
* Furcation involvement
What is infra occlusion?
- Tooth remains in original occlusal plane while rest of arch develops making it appear submerged.
Classification of infra occluded?
- Mild - occlusal surface height is less than 2mm below occlusal height of adjacent teeth.
Moderate- occlusal surface is at level of contact points of adjacent teeth.
Severe- Occlusal height below inter-proximal contact points of adjacent teeth.
What is formula of corsodyl ?
- Chlorhexidine Digluconate
Which one is alcohol free mouth wash?
- Listerine
- Child / religion purpose/ ex alcohol
Fluoride in tooth paste and mouth wash?
- Toothpaste 1350- 1500 ppm
Mouth wash- 225ppm
Where do you find standards for Audit?
- National guidelines
- Local guidlines
What is Theroux retainer?
Cover only permanent teeth
What is TTR for Niti wire?
- Temperature Transition Range
Why do we use bonded retainer?
- Missing 2s to prevent labial segment
- Displacement
- Midline diastema
- Rotated tooth
- tooth out of alignment
How do we grade DPT?
- Grade 1, 2 , 3
- acceptable 95% digital 90% film
Which cases we use Hawley?
- Pontic
- Setlling vertical
Martentistic Stable?
- Classic Niti
Martenistic active?
- Heat activated Niti
Austentistic ?
- Stainless steel
- Super elastic Niti
Alginate settling reaction?
- Potassium alginate + Calcium sulphate =
Calcium alginate + potassium sulphate
2 cements for molar band?
- Zinc polycarboxylate cement
- GIC Glass polyalkenoate cement
- modified glass ionomer Band lock
Ceramic brackets made from?
- Aluminium oxide
Monocrytaline / polycrystalline
Benefit of GIC, using for molar band
- Adhere chemically to tooth
- No etch required
- release fluoride
- weaker bond strength
- no moisture control
Give 5 example how can you put patient’s interest first ?
- Time
- Resources
- Professional behaviour
- Skills
- Knowlegde
- personal development
- Compliance with regulatory requirement
- own health
- Recognisijg when to raise concern
CPD HOURS in 5 year for OT?
- 75 hours verifiable
- unlimited non verifiable
If Niti allergy what can be use?
- Multibreaded ss
Shapes of teeth?
- Supplemental - Resemble a tooth - usually last series 2,5,8
- Conical - Peg shaped, often erupts between upper central incisors.
- Tuberculate- barrel shaped, classically associated with failure of eruption
- Odontome- Complex or compound
When and why fixed prosthodontic restoration should be done
- Age of 25 because mature gingiva present
When does UR1 bud form?
- 3-4 months
Gingival Necking?
- Gingival swells which stops space closer to
Mechanism of functional appliance?
- Mesial lower buccal segment
- Proclined lower incisor
- Retroclined upper incisors
- Distal upper buccal segment
How can you monitor fixed appliance progress?
- RECORD - OJ, OB, Molar relationship, canine relationship .
What cause ectopic teeth?
- Adjecent tooth erupts and tip which stop tooth to erupt
Where does NHS IOTN cut off?
-IOTN 3 AC 6 or above
What ages NHS cut off?
- referral before 18
- Age of 18
Why tooth gets ankylosed?
- periodontal ligament dies and tooth get covered with bone.
What is MOCDO?
Displacement of contact point
Tooth movements and force?
- Tipping - 35-60g
- Bodiliy 70-120
- torque ,-50-120
- Extrusion - 35-60g
- Intrusion- 10-20g
- Rotation- 35-60
Before fitting URA what OT should check?
- correct patient details
- URA correct design
- disinfectant
- Run finger through to check any sharp edges
What is friction? Importance of friction
- Is a force resisting the relative motion
- To prevent unwanted tooth movement and to optimise tooth movement , friction must be understood and controlled
- If gets wrong - Loss of Anchorage
Which rectangular wire is good for torque? Niti or ss?
- It doesn’t matter because 2 point contact necessary only
- means non ligation of wire
- Allow control buccolingual movement with rectangular wire at centroid
- Centroid 1/3 of apical get change to centre of rotation
Properties of bracket ?
- poor Bio host
- cost
- Bio compatible
- Aesthetic
- secure and robust
- Full archwire engagement
- low/high friction
- Quick easy to use / remove
- assist good oH
What does loop do?
- longer the wire less force . Give range to activate
Which movement change centroid of tooth and which remain same?
- Tipping movement on centroid of tooth
- torque Change centroid of tooth
How many % correction of OJ with functional appliance ?
Why Bite plane doesn’t work in adults?
- Ramus doesn’t grow with extrusion of lower teeth .
How bite plane works?
- Extrude lower teeth and correct curve of spee to flat
what are the Action and uses of Removable appliance ?
- Action-
-tip teeth - Differential tooth eruption
- Space maintainer
- Extrude lower teeth
- Reducing over bite
- Arch expansion
- Space maintainer
- Distalising buccal segment
Debonding check rate?
0- No adhesive
1- less than half tooth
2- more than half tooth
3- an adhesive left on tooth with impression of bracket mesh
Size of Adam’s crib, Spring and TPA?
- 0.7 mmCribs
- 0.5 mm spring
- 0.9mm TPA
How many teeth should be engage for piggy peg?
- 2 teeth each side
What is safety feature in headgear? IO and EO
- EO- Nasal safety tray “ Snap away
IO- Recoil face bow
How long headgears needs to be worn?
10-12 hours a day
What is IO and EO oral force by headgear ?
- IO - 200-250 gms
- EO- 400 gems from back of head
Sleep apnea device ?
- posture lower jaw forward which opens airways - Ortho activate it and OT provide instructions
Which teeth gets effected with root resorption?
- U1s , L1s and molars
Why we use Sella tursica ?
- Age of 7 doesn’t change. It’s most stable
Which measure maxilla and mandibular AP relationship ?
What’s interincisal angle?
What’s MMPA angle and how do you measure it?
- Maxilla and mandibular plane angle - 27 degree
- From go - Mn from ANS to PNS draw lines and where they meet it should be 27degree Class I
Crowding classification?
- Mild- 0-4
Moderate - 4-8
Severe - more than 8
ANB relationships of Class I, II , and III
I- 2-4*
II- more than 4*
III- less than 2*
Why do we take OPG?
- To find 3p
- Position, pathology, and presence
Puberty growth spurt girls and boys?
- Girls 12 +/- 2. Last 2 years
-Boys -14 +/- 2 last 2 yrs
Mandible grow more than maxilla because?
- It has more to catch up and that’s why ANB reduce later on
How much OJ reduction and molar relationship chance with Clarks’ TB ?
70% of Over jet reduction
60% of molar change
Which tooth has additional palatal cusp
- Upper first maxillary molar
Which group of teeth are present in permanent dentition that are not present in primary dentition?
State three difference in permanent and primary teeth
- Primary teeth are smaller than PD
- Primary teeth are thinner than PD
- Primary teeth roots are shorter than PD
What is leeway ?
- Leeway space is difference between mesio-distal distance of primary cuspids and molars and their permanent successors
How leeway space is relevant in Orthdontics?
- when primary teeth exfoliate , there is slight amount of space (about 2.5mm per side in lower arch and 1.5mm per side in upper arch).
This space allows forward movement of lower molars and therefore we achieve Class I molar relationship
What age orthodontic can palpate canine
Age of 10
At what age upper central incisor develop?
- 3-4 months
What sequence does the permanent dentition erupt?
- 6, 1,2,4,5,3,7,8
- 6,1,2,3,4,5,7,8
What full form of MBT?
What’s other system than MBT?
- Roth and Andrew’s
- 50% of Orthdontic patient get 1 White spot lesion within 8weeks
5 hierarchy of COSHH
- Elimination
- substitution
- Engineering control
- Administrative control
There are 5 steps to a COSHH assessment
- Collect information of substance
- Evaluate risk
- Measure control
- Record finding
- Review assessment
What happens after TB phase?
- Bilateral open bite
- ROJ - Incresed
- OJ reduce
What should we do after TB phase?
- Review in 3 months TB wear NTO
Centre of resistance
- It is point on tooth when single force is passed through it. Would bring about its translation along the line of action of force.
GDC 9 standards
- Put pt interest first
- Communicate effectively with patient
- obtain Valid consent
- Maintain and protect patient information
- Have clear and effective complaint procedure
- Work with colleagues in patient’s best interested
- Raise concern if patient are at risk
- Make sure our Personal behaviour maintain confidence in us and dental profession
Two type of acid
- Bacterial acid cause caries
- non / bacterial Food acid cause erosion
What PH LEVEL OF demineralisation and remineralisation
- 5.5PH Demineralisation
- 6.7 remineralisation
The oral balance
Demineralisation = Remineralisation
- Bacteria plaque + refined carbohydrates = Demineralisation
- Saliva + OH + Flouride + Natural protective = Remineralisation
What happens when less saliva
- Dry mouth
- Caries
- trauma
Saliva rate in night time
- No saliva
Largest secretion salivary gland?
- Submandibular gland - 70%- Mixed saliva
- Parotid gland - 25% - serous
- Sub lingual 5%- Mucous
Leeway space - between CDE and 345
- CDE - 23mm
-345- 21mm
What age Intercanine width completed ?
- age of 9
Definition of Toque , bodily movement, Tipping, intrusion and extrusion?
Torque - Move tooth buccolingually , centroid change into centre of rotation
Bodily moment - Occurs when crown and root moves an equal distance in same direction.
Tipping - centroid stay same when force applied to crown of tooth.
Extrusion- tooth movement in coronal direction to modify the tooth position.
Intrusion- Movement when tooth partially moved into bone
Growth patterns and post natal growth
- Different tissues have different time and
- Neural
- Somatic
- Genital
- Lymphoid
Growth patterns and post natal growth
- Different tissues have different time and
- Neural
- Somatic
- Genital
- Lymphoid
Which tooth shape cause crowding?
- Supplemental type
What’s the difference between tipping and bodily movement ?
- Tipping around centre of rotation
- Whole tooth moves
When do we need space?
- Crowding / spacing
- Levelling curve of spee
- Arch expansion
- Incisor AP position - Palatal root torque requires space.
- Angulation of teeth - Upper incisors should be mesially angulated if not need space.
- Inclination of teeth
- Increased OJ
When self lighting bracket might be used for?
And adv and dis adv. of self ligating bracket?
- High anchorage demands.
- Severely excluded teeth.
- large lateral tooth movement. E.g. space opening for excluded teeth.
- Alignment of severely crowded teeth.
- Adv- less friction, transmission of lighter force is advantage with it, Purported to use self ligating bracket some say less tx time , quicker alignment .
Dis adv- Accurate bracket position is more difficult for high standard finishing.