Health and Safety Flashcards
The health and safety at work 1974
- Employers duty to ensure health and safety and welfare at work
- Employer must ensure that machinery and equipment are safe and without risk to health
- material do not pose risks
- Keep accident book
- washing facilities - soap / handtowel
- lavatories
- Changing area with locked lockers
- Correct seating for task
- Rest rooms to eat
- Clean premises
Health and safety at work act 1974
Risk assessment
- Look for hazard
- Decide the who might be harmed
- Evaluate risk
- record risk
- review at set time
- Train staff
- Record training
Fire precaution act 1971
- Display written fire procedure notice
- Clear sign of exit (Sign and signals) regulation 1996
- Exit door marked
- Nominated fire warden
-Install smoke detector - Good housekeeping- Remove combustible rubbish
- Staff training and recording
What’s Fire safety order 2005
- Complete a fire safety specific risk assessment
- Below and above ceiling and fire adviser for specifics
Premises - Occupiers liability act 1957
- Entrance and exit safe
- Steps and stairs well lit with secure handrails
- Passages, stairs, lobbies free of hazard
-Ceilings and walls should be washable and free of ridges - No sharp edge on furniture
- Electrical equipment out of children reach
- Fire heater should be guarded
Display screw equipment regulation 1992
- Design of workstation , equipment, general environment
- Occupational health aspects of operating VDU ( visual display unit)
- Eye sight assessment for those VDU for significant part of their working day
First aid - Health and safety 1981/2008/2015
- Must provide first aid
- All practice should have first aid
- No legal requirement but training for first aider
RIDDOR- Reporting of injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurence Regulation 2013
- Worked related accident cause death
- Cause serious injuries
- diagnose cases of certain industrial diseases
- Certain dangerous occurrence (potential harm)
- Person incapacity for routine work more than 7 days after incident at work.
- Reported to HSE within relevant timeframd
COSHH- 1994/ 2002/ 2014
Risk assessment
- Identify risk
- Record who might be harmed
- Risk assessment
- Monitor risk
- Control risk
- Identify any PPE require
- Train staff
- Record training
Manual Handling operation regulation MHOR
- Employer
- Avoid risk of injury as far as reasonably practicable
- Include lifting of loads, pushing, pulling, carrying and moving them by body force
LOLER 1998 - Lifting operating and lifting equipment regulations 1998
- To ensure the safe provision of safe operating and lifting of equipment owns by organiser or not
- Provision and use of work equipment regulation (PUWER) for inspection and maintenance including escalator and moving walkways
Waste management
- identity, Assessing and evaluating risks
- what problem ?
- What and who could be harmed ?
- What could happen ( how severe how often) ?
- What is being done to prevent it?
- what more could be done to prevent or control it?
- Implement and manage
- Monitor, review and audit
The Environmental act 1990, 1995
- Pollution control
- Discharge air
- Discharge water
- Discharge land
- safe storage and disposal of clinical waste
Electricity at work Regulation 1989
- Safiety of fixed and portable apliances
- PAT testing every 3 years
Storage of drugs
- Stored as per manufacturer
- advisable locked in cupboard and open by authorised person
Pressure vessels
- Autoclaves and compressor
- staff training how to use autoclave and must be documented
Disposal of waste
- Sharp to be placed in sharp box - Rigid puncture proof sharps container
- Transfer of waste to carriers to be documented and signed both parties
-Removed in order Gloves, apron, mask, eye wear
- Uniforms
- Changed daily and washed to manufacture’s instruction
- Closed in shoes to be worn avoid spillage, irritant and substance
- Gloves to prevent contact with saliva, blood, tissues, mucous membranes
- Eye protection wear when close proximity to clinical activity
- Face mask/ visor to protect against dental aerosol or dust
Radiation Hazards - IRMER 2017
- HSE responsible for compliance with radiation protection regulations in dentistry
- IRMER 2017 - The ionising radiation medical exposure regulation 2017:
- Concerned with protection of patient
- Greater emphasis on QA
- QA programmes must be documented and audited
- CQC will encompass within their visits
IRR 2017.
- Safety of Employee and general public
Sharp injury - HS Sharp instrument in healthcare
- Employer responsible
- Prevention of sharps injuries to healthcare staff through development of strategies,
Policies and use of safer sharps devices where reasonable possible. - Follow your local sharp injury policy
Water safety - DUWL
- Best practice Legionella and Pseudomamas and other bacteria in water system.
- Control of legionella, hygiene, safe hot water, cold water and drinking water systems.
- Self contained bottles are used should be drained at the end of day, flushed with RO water and left open and stored inverted.
- water line should be flushed 2 mins at beginning and end of day and after significant period when they have not been used.
- 20-30 second flushed between patient
- Careful handling and holding correctly
- Check instrument passivation layer is chip opt rust
- Check cutting surfaces for chips, racks or sharpness
- Remove from use if broken and blunt
- Use manufacturer’s instruction on decontamination and sterilisation
Cross infection - Type of cross infection
- Directly
- Pt to pt
- Pt to operator
- Any source to 3rd party
- Indirectly
- Pt to instrument/ surface to staff
- Staff to instrument / surface to pt
Agents involved in cross infection ?
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungal
- CJD new variant
- Universal precaution - Best practice
- Medical history - Identify risk
- Proper sterilisation/ infection control
- Use cross infection measure : PPE
- Immunisation-
- Zoning
- Disinfection of impression
- Single use of item
Which immunisation for IPC
- Hepatitis B
- Rubella
- Polio myelitis
- tetanus
- Pertusis
- diphtheria
- Tuberculosis