Headgear Flashcards
Define headgear
- Applying posterior directed forces to teeth and skeletal structures from extra oral force
History of headgear
- Introduced in 1800’s but later abandoned as they thought Intra oral elastics would effect same
- 1940 introduced again after Cephalometric radiographs demonstrated that potentially adverse effect of elastics ( Extrusion of molars, Proclination of lower incisors)
Headgear use
- Anchorage
- Traction
Classification of headgear
- Distalising HG -
- Reverse (Protraction) HG
Distalising HG
- Direction of elastic traction has distal component.
-Most often used in crowded class 2 cases.
Type of Distalising HG
- Occipital directed High pull
- Combination directed Pull
- Cervical directed low pull
Reverse Protraction HG and component
- Means of applying ANTERIOR directed forces to the teeth and skeletal structures from an extra oral source.
- Chin up : Restrain forward growth of mandible by changing direction of force to downward and backward
- Forehead cap - Support
- Framework
- Intra oral splint/ device : for RME
- Elastics - Traction force to maxilla
Components of HG
- Head cap/ neck strap
- Elastics
- Facebow e.g Kloehn bow ( Distalising HG)
- Face mask e.g Delaire type (Protraction HG)
- Removable / FA
- Chin cap
- Safety straps / mechanism
Reverse pull headgear / Facemask
Type of Facemask
- Hickman
- Delaire
- Petit
- Turbinger
Uses of Distalising HG
Dental and skeletal
Dental 70% - Reinforce Anchorage
- Distalise single or block of teeth
- To Extrude single or blocks of teeth ( low pull / cervical HG)
- To intrude single or blocks of teeth (High pull HG).
- Skeletal- small effect 30%
- Maxilla - Suppression of anterior growth 1-2mm over 10 yrs which is permanent even after treatment has been ceased.
- Mandible - Suppression of anterior growth - Retrusion of chin during chin cap treatment, but catch up mandibular growth may occur during pubertal growth .
Which HG bring favourable outcome achieve Dento skeletal ?
- cervical HG
Uses of Reverse protraction HG
Dental and skeletal
Dental - Protraction of single or block of teeth
Skeletal -
Maxilla - Enhancement due to accelerated growth. 2mm advancement of maxilla if rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and protraction HG is used in primary dentition.
Mandible - Suppression- effect is relevant than max
Treatment timing
- before age of 8-10years after this age orthodontic movement overwhelms any SK changes
- Early use skeletally and dentally can be effective
Factor influencing effect :Duration of force and duration for Head Gear
- 10 - 12 hours Anchorage
- 12-14 hours for traction
- Magnitude force:
Anchorage -250- 300g per side
Traction - 400-500g per side Sk effect
Factor influences effect
Centre of rotation
- Single rooted teeth - Centroid
- U6 - trifurcation ( split in root)
- Max - between roots of U45
Centre of resistance
- This is point in body at which resistance to movement .
- The centre of resistance is on long axis of tooth between one third and half of the root length apical to alveolar crest.
Resolution of forces
- Force through centre of resistance - bodily movement
- Force above centre of resistance - distal root tipping
- Force below centre of resistance- Mesial root tipping
- above occlusal plane - Intrudes teeth
- below occlusal plane- Extrudes teeth
Problems with HG
- Tooth related
- Patient related
Problem with HG - Tooth related
- Unwanted tooth movement ( tipping, extrusion may cause clockwise rotation of mandible- Pt becomes more sk 2)
- lingual tipping of lower incisors can cause a clockwise rotation of mandible increasing LAFH and with chin up therapy.
- Forward movement of maxilla
Problem with HG - Pt related
- Pt compliance - Many pt over estimated wear. HG calendar has been shown increase wear of 2.6hours/day
- Biological variability
- Extra/ Intra oral soft tissue injuries
- Pain
- Difficulty with insertion
- Nickel allergy
Safety feature in HG
-BOS recommends 2 safety features together to use
- Safety face bow and release mechanism ( Snap away elastics mechanism) together.
E.g. Masel safety strap, snap release system ( to prevent recoil injuries)
- Written instructions must be given to pt advising them not to wear it if it’s not fitting, removing or of it disengages while they are asleep.
- Seek medical advice if injury should occur.
- Infraorbital injuries may be asymptomatic initially but may exacerbated later can even lead to Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
Less anterior tooth retraction and more Anchorage loss with HG compared to TAD’s