Tradecraft GSO: Fleet Management Dialog 01 Lost Chauffeur Flashcards
GSO: Halo, ini Anne.
GSO: Hello, this is Anne.
Sopir: Hai Anne, ini Budi. Saya dijadwalkan untuk menjemput Mr. Brown di Hotel Western jam 8:00 malam tapi dia tidak ada di sini. Saya bertanya kepada resepsionis dan mereka memberitahu saya bahwa Mr. Brown tidak check-in. Apakah Anda tahu barangkali dia ketinggalan pesawat?
Chauffeur: Hi Anne, this is Modi. I am scheduled to pick-up Mr. Brown at the Western Hotel at 8:00 PM but he is not here. I checked with the front desk and they informed me that Mr. Brown did not check-in. Do you know if he missed his flight?
GSO: Budi, apakah kita berbicara tentang David Browne tdy-er dari Bagian Politik?
GSO: Modi, are we talking about David Browne the tdy-er for the Political Section?
Sopir: Saya kira begitu; Seharusnya dia datang pagi ini?
Chauffeur: I think so; he was supposed to arrive this morning?
GSO: Tunggu, saya akan cek catatan saya di sini. Ya, dia datang pagi ini. Anda bilang tadi sekarang Anda di hotel apa?
GSO: Hold on, let me check my notes here. Yes, he arrived this morning. What hotel did you say you are at?
Sopir: Saya ada di Western Hotel dekat kedutaan.
Chauffeur: I am at the Western Hotel near to the Embassy.
GSO: Budi, Mr. Browne menginap di Westin Hotel, pusat kota dekat pusat komersial.
GSO: Modi, Mr. Browne is staying at the Westin Hotel, downtown near the commercial center.
Sopir: Oh, Westin Hotel …. ok ….
Chauffeur: Oh, the Westin Hotel….ok….
GSO: Tunggu, tunggu, Budi?
GSO: Wait, hold on, Budi?
Sopir: Ya, saya harus pergi cepat-cepat.
Chauffeur: Yes, I must go quickly.
GSO: Dengarkan Saya akan menghubungi hotel untuk memberi tahu Mr. Browne bahwa Anda akan terlambat beberapa menit dan saya akan menelepon operator karena mereka mungkin punya nomor ponselnya. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sampai ke Westin?
GSO: Listen. I will call the hotel to inform Mr. Browne that you will be a few minutes late and I will call dispatch as they might have his cell number. How long will it take you to get to the Westin?
Sopir: Tidak lebih dari 20 menit.
Chauffeur: No more than 20 minutes.
Dispatcher: Dispatch.
Dispatcher: Dispatch.
GSO: Ok. Silakan berangkat. Saya akan menghubungi dispatcher dan Mr. Browne ok?
GSO: Ok. Go ahead and get started. I will contact dispatch and Mr. Browne ok?
Sopir: Ok. Terima kasih.
Chauffeur: Ok. Thank you.
(GSO menilpun dispatch)
(GSO calls dispatch)
GSO: Selamat sore, ini Anne.
GSO: Good evening, this is Anne.
Dispatcher: Ya, apa ada masalah?
Dispatcher: Yes, is there trouble?