TPO65 Flashcards
in a way that shows someone or something is preferred to others
example: All snakes that have pit organs
feed preferentially on warm-blooded prey
If a substance or object is transparent, you can see through it very clearly
example: The pit is covered by a thin transparent membrane
happening as a result of something
the gas with a consequent deformation of the membrane
the quality of having a reaction to something or someone, especially a quick or positive reaction
example: the outside air causes no loss in responsiveness
so different that both cannot happen, be correct, or be accepted at the same time
example: a result that is incompatible with the hypothesis that a pressure change is sensed.
having similar features to another thing and therefore able to be compared with it
example: infrared radiation is absorbed by a specific compound, analogous to the light sensitive pigments in the eye, or the pit organs are sensitive to the slight temperature rise caused
when infrared radiation reaches it.
the qualities of being careful and accurate
example: not only from observations of the precision with
which a snake can strike
making you remember a particular person, event, or thing
example: This is reminiscent of the way information from the eyes is handled; the crossover of the optic nerve in the optic chiasma..
a container used for storing or putting objects in
example: was essentially a receptacle for airborne
to show something clearly, through signs or actions
example: a receptacle for airborne particles, and through them, manifested a variety of chemical properties…
the process of burning
example: had a role to play in combustion, respiration, and other reactions
the process of breathing
example: had a role to play in combustion, respiration, and other reactions
consisting of various types mixed together
example: Chemists could examine solids and liquids, exposing them to a variety of tests and seeing how
they contributed to assorted reactions
a set of instructions or information
example: weighing gases was outside their brief
pneumatic trough
a trough that is filled with water or mercury for use in collecting gases
example: a new instrument, the pneumatic trough. This instrument is important for what it made possible in the handling of air..
a scientist who studies plants
example: was a botanist and chemist as well as a physiologist
the liquid that carries food to all parts of a plant:
example: like the pressure of sap in plants
to invent
example: In devising this apparatus, Hales had coincidentally furnished
a set of equipment or tools or a machine that is used for a particular purpose
example: In devising this apparatus, Hales had coincidentally furnished…
to supply or provide something needed
example: furnished an instrument for catching and
holding air
basic or main
example: it became a staple
of the chemical laboratory
to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain
example: it was possible to speculate and then to
demonstrate that the gaseous state…
something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits
example: Geographical constraints have had important consequences
plants in general, or plants that are found in a particular area
example: since the natural vegetation tends to be sparse
small in numbers or amount, often spread over a large area
example: However, since the natural vegetation tends to be sparse
a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time
a farmer who breeds and takes care of animals, especially in Africa and Australia
example: nomadic pastoralism-keeping livestock (such as sheep
and goats) by wandering from place to place…
an organization consisting of different groups of people working together for business or political reasons
example: The pastoralists were typically organized into large tribal confederations capable of controlling the vast territories
To cultivate is also to try to become friendly with someone because that person may be able to help you
example: governments needed to cultivate the support of friendly tribal groups
unfriendly and not liking something
example: tried to control hostile tribes by combat, deportation
a fight, especially during a war
example : s and tried to control hostile tribes by combat, deportation
the action of forcing someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there or who has broken the law
example: tried to control hostile tribes by combat, deportation
very powerful, forceful, or effective
example: and they were a potent force in Iranian affairs
a fertile or green area in an arid region
example: it possible to farm crops outside the few oases
not large in size or amount, or not great in value
example: developed around the qanat system gave modest yields and required hard work from the peasant farmer
an amount of something positive, such as food or profit, that is produced or supplied
example: developed around the qanat system gave modest yields and required hard work from the peasant farmer