NEO 61 Flashcards
done in order to avoid something
example: habitually swimming at depths below those at which they are in danger from above, and taking evasive action if they see a bird diving toward them.
the effect by which the position of an object seems to change when it is looked at from different positions
example: Terns also have to learn to adjust for parallax
to take the place of something useful or needed with something else of similar value
example:learn by trial and error to compensate for parallax
an animal with no spine:
example:. Many fishes follow vertical movements of their invertebrate prey
only lasting for a short period of time
example: provide good opportunities for terns to catch fish, but they are usually localized and transitory.
in a very great hurry and often in a state of excitement or confusion:
example: follow them as they feed, diving frantically in the short intervals when the prey fish are forced close to the
surface by the predators pursuing them from below.
wood used for building:
example: timber supplies in Chaco Canyon
sudden and brief increase
example: particularly during a big spurt (sudden and brief increase) of construction that began in A.D. 1029
to show that something is true:
example: . A dense population is attested not only by the famous great houses (such as Pueblo Bonito) spaced about a mile apart on the north side of Chaco Canyon, but also by holes drilled into the northern cliff face to support roof beams
a long, thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete, esp. one used to support weight in a building or other structure
example: by holes drilled into the northern cliff face to support roof beams
a place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place
example: between the great houses, and by the remains of hundreds of small settlements on the south side
in a way that only exists or happens in some parts or situations:
example: Those outliers had dams to
catch rain, which fell unpredictably and very patchily; a thunderstorm might produce abundant rain in one desert area and no rain in another area just a mile away.
to consume entirely : USE UP
example: all late-period pottery in Chaco Canyon was imported, probably because exhaustion of local firewood supplies precluded firing pots within the canyon itself)
to prevent something or make it impossible
example: all late-period pottery in Chaco Canyon was imported, probably because exhaustion of local firewood supplies precluded firing pots within the canyon itself)
a brightly colored bird of the parrot family found in Central and South America
example: for making ornaments; and macaws (parrots)
to remove earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past:
example: study tracing the origins of corncobs excavated from Pueblo Bonito.