Topic 4 - Natural Selection And Genetic Modification - Definitios And Concepts Flashcards
Who is Alfred Russel Wallace?
A scientist that came up with the idea of natural selection, independently of Darwin
Wallace’s observations provided further evidence to support the theory of evolution, despite his proposed mechanism differing from Darwin’s.
What are antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
Bacteria that mutate to become resistant to an antibiotic, survive and reproduce very rapidly
This rapid reproduction allows them to pass on their antibiotic resistance.
What is Archaea?
One of the three domains consisting of primitive bacteria existing in extreme environments.
What is Ardi?
A 4.4-million-year-old female hominid fossil showing phenotypic traits of both humans and apes.
What is Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)?
A soil-borne bacterium that secretes a toxin that kills insect larvae
The gene for toxin production in Bt can be introduced into the DNA of crop plants to provide insect resistance.
What is Bacteria?
One of the three domains that consists of true bacteria.
What is biological control?
The introduction of a new organism (often a predator) into an ecosystem to control a pest or pathogen.
What is carbon-14 dating?
Estimating the age of carbon-containing material found in or alongside archeological remains.
Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
Charles Darwin.
What is classification in biology?
The organisation of organisms into groups based on their characteristics and structure.
What is competition in an ecosystem?
When different organisms compete for the same resources (e.g. light, water, mates, territory)
This limits population size and stimulates evolutionary change.
What is Eukarya?
One of the three domains that consists of all eukaryotic organisms.
What is evolution?
The gradual change in the inherited traits within a population over time due to natural selection.
What are fertilisers?
Natural or artificial materials added to soils to provide essential nutrients and improve plant growth.
What is the five kingdom classification system?
The classification of organisms into five major kingdoms: Animalia, Fungi, Plantae, Prokaryotae, and Protoctista.