Tölfræði (EBM) Flashcards
Hvernig lítur histogram út?
Hvað er likelihood ratio?
Þetta er tengt grafinu sem Hjalti er alltaf að sýna.
Likelihood ratios are defined as the ratio of the probability of a test result among patients with a target disorder to the probability of that same test result among patients who do not have the target disorder.
Hvað er Fagan nomogram (likelihood ratio nomogram)?
The likelihood ratio nomogram (or ‘Fagan’ nomogram) enables a post-test probability to be graphically calculated if the pre-test probability and likelihood ratio are known. A line can be drawn connecting the pre-test probability and likelihood ratio, and this will intersect at the post-test probability on the right hand side:
UK national census er dæmi um hvernig rannsókn?
Cross-sectional study
Er hægt að nota cross-sectional rannsóknir til að meta relative risk á að fá sjúkdóm? En cause vs effect?
Neibb, hvorugt.
Hver er munurinn á parametric vs non-parametric statistical significant tests?
Statistical significance tests can be either parametric or non-parametric. Parametric tests usually assume that data is normally distributed, whereas non-parametric tests are usually based on rank order.
3 dæmi um parametric significance tests:
- Unpaired student’s t
- Paired student’s t
- Pearson’s test
5 dæmi um non-parametric signifance tests:
- Mann-Whitney U
- Wilcoxon paired
- Sign
- Spearman’s rank
- Kendall’s test
Aðeins er hægt að nota chi-square test með hvernig data?
Nominal data (líka kallað categorical data)
Hvað er Gaussian distribution?
Normalkúrfa sem fylgir týpískri “bjöllulögun”.
In a Gaussian distribution:
- The median is the middle point of the observations
- The mode is the most commonly observed measurement
- The mean is the arithmetic average
In a Gaussian distribution 95% of the observations fall within +/- 2 standard deviations of the mean.
Hvað er relative risk? Hvað mælir það?
Relative risk, or risk ratio, (RR) is used to compare the risk in the two different groups. It is the ratio of the absolute risks of the disease in the treatment group (ART) to the absolute risk of the disease in the control group (ARC). It measures the strength of association between a factor and an outcome.
Hvernig er number needed to treat reiknað út?
The NNT is defined as the inverse of the absolute risk reduction (ARR) and can therefore be calculated by:
NNT = 1 / ARR
Hvað er specificity?
The specificity is the proportion of true negatives correctly identified by the test.
Hvað er kaplan meier graf og hvernig lítur það út?
Notað til að bera saman survival hjá hópum sjúklinga sem fá mismunandi meðferð.
Hvað er Hospital Episode Statistics í UK?
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) is a data collection process that involves the collection details of all hospital admissions, outpatient appointments and A&E attendances at NHS hospitals in England.
Hvernig reiknar maður likelihood ratio fyrir positive vs. negativt test?
The likelihood ratio for a positive test = sensitivity / (1-specificity)
The likelihood ratio for a negative test = (1-sensitivity) / specificity
Hvernig er sensitivity reiknað?
Test positives / true positives
Hvernig er specificity reiknað?
Test negatives / true negatives
Ef próf er með minna en 100% specificity, þá fáum við falskt…
…jákvæð próf
Ef próf er með minna en 100% sensitivity, þá munum við fá…
…falskt neikvæð próf