Pathologia Flashcards
Hvenær í sáralokunarferli gerist inflammatory phase og hvaða 3 frumur eru aðalleikarar þar?
Gerist innan klukkustunda og aðal frumurnar eru:
- macrophagar
- neutrophilar
- lymphocytar
Hvenær í sáralokunarferlinu birtast neutrophilar? Hvað gera þeir?
Neutrophils start to appear almost immediately and are the predominant cell type for the first 48 hours after the injury has occurred.
- They cleanse the wound site of bacteria and necrotic matter
- release inflammatory mediators and bactericidal oxygen free radicals.
- The absence of neutrophils does not prevent healing, however, and they not appear essential to the wound-healing process.
Hvað gerist ef neutrophila vantar í sáralokunarferlið?
Sárið lokast samt!
Hvenær birtast macrophagar í sáralokunarferlinu og hvað gera þeir?
Macrophages appear 24-48 hours after the injury has occurred. They are the most important cells in the early stage of wound healing and are essential to the wound healing process.
- They phagocytose debris and bacteria, and also secrete collagenases and elastases, which break down injured tissue and release cytokines.
- In addition, macrophages release PDGF, an important cytokine that stimulates the chemotaxis and proliferation of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells.
- Finally, macrophages secrete substances that attract endothelial cells to the wound and stimulate their proliferation to promote angiogenesis. Macrophage-derived growth factors play a pivotal role in new tissue formation.
Hvenær birtast T-lymphocytar í sáralokunarferlinu og hvað gera þeir?
T-lymphocytes migrate into the wound approximately 72 hours following injury. They are attracted to the wound by the cellular release of interleukin 1, which also contributes to the regulation of collagenase.
- Lymphocytes secrete lymphokines such as heparin-binding epidermal growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor.
- They also play a role in cellular immunity and antibody production.
Hver eru 2 helstu einkenni aplastiskrar krísu í sickle-cell sjúkdómi?
- Syndrome of severe anaemia with a lower reticulocyte count and bilirubin level than is usual for the patient
- Usually due to parvovirus B19 infection (erythrovirus), which causes ‘slapped cheek’ syndrome in healthy individuals
Hvað gerist þegar einstaklingur með sickle cell fær parvovirus B19?
Parvovirus B19 interrupts erythropoiesis in sickle-cell patients, causing a precipitous drop in haemoglobin levels
Hvers konar galla í ónæmi veldur neutropenia? Sérstaklega hvaða 6 kríp?
Veldur auknu næmi fyrir bakteríu- og sveppasýkingum, sérstaklega:
- Enterobacteriae spp
- Streptococcus spp
- Pseudomonas spp
- Enterococcus spp
- Candida spp
- Aspergillus spp
Hvaða ónæmisgalli tengist gastric cancer?
Humoral immune deficiency getur valdið auknum líkum á gastric cancer!
Hvað er humoral immune deficiency?
These are deficiencies in B-cell, plasma cells or antibody
Fyrir hvaða 5 krípum verður einstaklingur með humoral immune deficiency veikari?
- Streptococcal spp
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Pneumocystic jirovecii
- Giardia
- Cryptosporidium
Fyrir hvernig krípum verður einstaklingur með T-cell deficiency viðkvæmari? Fjögur dæmi.
Intracellular krípum!
- herpes simplex virus
- Mycobacterium
- Listeria
- intracellular fungal infections.
Fyrir hvernig krípum eru miltislausir viðkvæmari? 3 dæmi.
Increases the risk of infection from polysaccharide-encapsulated bacteria such as
- Pneumococcus
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Meningococcus
Fyrir hvernig krípum eru þeir viðkvæmari sem vantar C3 komplement og hvers vegna?
C3 complement is important for opsonisation, therefore deficiency in C3 results in a susceptibility to infections caused by encapsulated bacteria.
Hvað er opsonization?
Opsonization is an immune process which uses opsonins to tag foreign pathogens for elimination by phagocytes.
Dæmi um 3 kríp sem einstaklingar án C3 komplement eru viðkvæmari fyrir:
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- Haemophilus Influenzae
Hvar er Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) algengast?
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, which is common in Africa and the Mediterranean region.
Hvað er Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) og hvernig erfist það?
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an X-linked recessive inherited disorder characterised by a defect in the enzyme G6PD. This enzyme is important in red blood cell metabolism and the defect can result in haemolytic crises. It is the most common human enzyme defect
Haemolytic crises in patients with G6PD deficiency most commonly occur in response to:
- Illness, most notably infection and DKA
- Drugs including certain antibiotics, antimalarials, sulphonamides and aspirin
- Foods, most notably fava beans
Dæmi um 4 sýklalyf sem eru triggerandi fyrir sjúklinga með G6PD skort og 2 sýklalyf sem eru örugg.
Several antibiotics are recognised to trigger haemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency including nitrofurantoin, quinolones (such as ciprofloxacin), trimethoprim and chloramphenicol. The use of penicillins and cephalosporins is safe however, and does not trigger haemolysis.
Hvernig er greining polycythemia vera?
The diagnosis of PCV requires two major criteria and one minor criterion, or the first major criterion and two minor criteria:
Major criteria:
- HB > 18.5 g/dl in men, 16.5 g/dl in women
- Elevated red cell mass > 25% above mean normal predicted value
- Presence of JAK2 mutation
Minor criteria:
- Bone marrow biopsy showing hypercellularity with prominent erythroid, granulocytic and megakaryocytic proliferation
- Serum erythropoietin level below normal range
- Endogenous erythroid colony formation in vitro
Hverjar eru þrjár major criteria fyrir greiningu polycythemia vera?
Major criteria:
- HB > 18.5 g/dl in men, 16.5 g/dl in women
- Elevated red cell mass > 25% above mean normal predicted value
- Presence of JAK2 mutation
Hverjar eru þrjár minor criteria fyrir greiningu polycythemia vera?
- Bone marrow biopsy showing hypercellularity with prominent erythroid, granulocytic and megakaryocytic proliferation
- Serum erythropoietin level below normal range
- Endogenous erythroid colony formation in vitro
Hver eru meginmarkmið meðferðar við polycythemiu vera og hver er meðferðin?
The main aim of treatment is to normalize the full blood count and prevent complications such as thrombosis. Venesection is the treatment of choice but hydroxyurea can also be used to help control thrombocytosis.
Hvað er polycythemia vera og á hvaða aldri greinist hún helst?
Polycythaemia vera (PCV), which is also referred to as polycythaemia rubra vera, is a clonal haematological malignancy in which the bone marrow produces too many red blood cells. It may also result in the overproduction of white blood cells and platelets. It is most commonly seen in the elderly and the mean age at diagnosis is 65-74 years.
Hver eru helstu einkenni polycythemia vera?
Patients can be completely asymptomatic and it is often discovered as an incidental finding on a routine blood count. Approximately 1/3 of patients present with symptoms due to thrombosis, of these 3/4 have arterial thrombosis and 1/4 venous thrombosis. Features include stroke, myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
10 einkenni polycythemia vera.
- Einkenni tengt thrombosu, svo sem DVT, arteríal thrombar, stroke, MI, emb. pulm.
- Plethoric appearance
- Lethargy and tiredness
- Splenomegaly (common)
- Pruritis (in 40% – particularly after exposure to hot water)
- Headaches, dizziness and sweating (in 30%)
- Gouty arthritis (in 20%)
- Budd-Chiari syndrome (in 5-10%)
- Erythromyalgia (in <5% – burning pain and red/blue discolouration of hands and feet)
- Increased incidence of peptic ulcer disease (possibly related to increased histamine release from mast cells)
6 dæmi um microcytiska anemiu (MCV undir 80)
- Iron deficiency anaemia
- Thalassaemia
- Anaemia of chronic disease (can also be normocytic)
- Sideroblastic anaemia (can also be normocytic)
- Lead poisoning
- Aluminium toxicity (affects some haemodialysis patients but now rare)
8 dæmi um normocytiska anemiu (MCV 80-100):
- Haemolysis
- Acute haemorrhage
- Bone marrow failure
- Anaemia of chronic disease (can also be microcytic)
- Mixed iron and folate deficiency
- Pregnancy
- Chronic renal failure
- Sickle-cell disease
9 dæmi um macrocytiska anemiu (MCV yfir 100):
- B12 deficiency
- Folate deficiency
- Hypothyroidism
- Reticulocytosis
- Liver disease
- Alcohol abuse
- Myeloproliferative disease
- Myelodysplastic disease
- Drugs e.g. methotrexate, hydroxyurea, azathioprine
Hvaða immunoglobulin finnast í öllum vökvum líkamans?
Hvað eru immunoglobulin? Hvaða hlutverki gegna þau?
Öðru nafni antibodies.
They are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells. They act as a critical part of the immune response by specifically recognizing and binding to particular antigens, such as bacteria or viruses and aiding in their destruction.
Hvaða 5 týpur eru til af immunoglobulinum?
A, G, D, M, E
Hvað gera IgA mótefni og hvar er þau helst að finna?
- Protect body surfaces that are exposed to outside foreign substances.
- Found in the nose, respiratory tract, digestive tract, eyes, ears and vagina. Also found in saliva, tears and blood.
- 10-15% of all antibodies present in body.
- A small number of people do not produce IgA.
Hvað gera IgD mótefni?
These are expressed in the plasma membranes of immature B-lymphocytes.
How they work is not clearly understood.
Constitute < 1% of all antibodies.
Hvað gera IgE mótefni? Hvar er þau helst að finna?
These antibodies cause the body to react to foreign substances, such as pollen, fungus, spores and animal dander.
They are found in the lungs, skin and mucous membranes.
Antibody levels are often high in patients with a history of allergy.
In normal, healthy individuals constitute only 0.05% of all antibodies.
Hvað gera IgG mótefni og hvar er þau að finna?
Very important in combating viral and bacterial infections.
The smallest but commonest antibody – 75%-80% of all antibodies found in the body.
They are found in all body fluids.
The only antibody type that can cross the placenta and help to protect the fetus.
Hvaða mótefni fer yfir fylgju?
Hvað gera IgM mótefni?
The first type of antibody made in response to an infection. They also cause other immune system cells to destroy foreign substances.
They are the largest antibody found in the body and constitute 5-10% of all antibodies.
Hvað eru margir fasar í sáralokunarferlinu?
- Hemostasis
- Inflammatory phase
- Proliferative phase
- Maturation phase
Hvernig lýsir fyrsta stig sáralokunarferlisins sér?
Fyrsta stigið er hemostasis.
Hemostasis is the process of the wound being closed by clotting. It begins with the leakage of blood from the body. The first step of hemostasis is when blood vessels constrict to restrict the blood flow. Next, platelets stick together in order to seal the break in the wall of the blood vessel. Finally, coagulation occurs and reinforces the platelet plug with threads of fibrin, which are like a molecular binding agent.
Hversu hratt gerist hemostasis í sári?
The hemostasis stage of wound healing happens very quickly. The platelets adhere to the sub-endothelium surface within seconds of the rupture of a blood vessel’s epithelial wall. After that, the first fibrin strands begin to adhere in about sixty seconds. As the fibrin mesh begins, the blood is transformed from liquid to gel through pro-coagulants and the release of prothrombin. The formation of a thrombus or clot keeps the platelets and blood cells trapped in the wound area.
Hvað gerist í inflammatory phase í sáralokunarferlinu og hvaða tíma tekur það?
The inflammatory phase (up to 48 hours after injury) – Blood vessels dilate to allow antibodies, white blood cells, growth factors, enzymes and nutrients to reach the wounded area. The characteristic signs of inflammation are seen. The predominant cell types seen are neutrophils and macrophages, which serve to autolyse devitalized necrotic tissue.
Hvað gerist í proliferative phase í sáralokunarferli og hvaða tíma tekur það?
The proliferative phase (up to 3 weeks after injury) – New granulation tissue, comprised of collagen and extracellular matrix develops. Epithelialisation occurs during this phase. During epithelialisation epithelial cells develop at the wound margins and then divide and migrate towards the centre of the wound. Angiogenesis occurs with fibroblasts and capillaries growing into the necrotic areas. Healing wound mass is greatest after 3 weeks.
Hvað gerist í maturation phase í sáralokunarferlinu og hvaða tíma tekur það?
The maturation phase (up to 1 year after injury) – The final phase occurs when the wound has closed. This phase involves remodeling of collagen from type III to type I. Cellular activity reduces and the number of blood vessels in the wounded area regresses and decreases. Wound remodeling continues for up to 1 year.
Af hverju eru nýfædd börn náttúrulega með meira bilirubin en fullorðnir?
Bilirubin levels are higher in neonates than in adults because newborn babies have a higher concentration of red blood cells, which also have a shorter lifespan. It is usually a short-lived and harmless condition, but there are also some potentially serious causes that need to be assessed for.
Í hvaða tvo hópa skiptist neonatal gula?
- Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia (can be physiological or pathological)
- Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia (always pathological)
Einkenni neonatal gulu (5)
- Gula í augum (sést ef bilirubin fer yfir 35 micromól/L) og jafnvel búk (þarf að vera komið yfir 225 micromól/L til að sjást þar)
- Poor feeding
- Excessive sleepiness
- Faltering growth
- Features of the underlying cause
4 adverse atburðir sem geta gerst við blóðgjöf:
Immunological complications
Administration errors (‘wrong blood’ episodes)
Infections (bacterial, viral, possibly prion)
- Febrile transfusion reaction
- Acute haemolytic reaction
- Delayed haemolytic reaction
- Allergic reaction
- TRALI (Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury)
- TACO (Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload)
- GVHD (Graft-vs-Host Disease)
Einkenni og meðferð Febrile transfusion reaction við blóðgjöf:
- Presents with 1 degree rise in temperature from baseline. Patient may also have chills and malaise.
Most common reaction (1 in 8 transfusions).
Usually caused by cytokines from leukocytes in transfused red cell or platelet components. - Supportive only. Paracetamol helpful.
Einkenni og meðferð Acute haemolytic reaction við blóðgjöf:
- Fever, chills, pain at transfusion site, nausea, vomiting, dark urine.
Feeling of ‘impending doom’ often reported early on.
Most serious type of reaction. Often ABO incompatibility due to administration error. - STOP THE TRANSFUSION. Administer IV fluids. Diuretics may be required.
Einkenni Delayed haemolytic reaction við blóðgjöf:
- Most commonly occurs 4-8 days after a blood transfusion.
Patient presents with fever, anaemia, jaundice and haemoglobuinuria.
Direct antiglobulin (Coombs) test positive.
Due to low titre antibody too weak to detect in cross-match and unable to cause lysis at time of transfusion. - Most delayed haemolytic reactions have a benign course and require no treatment.
Monitor anaemia and renal function and treat as required.
Einkenni og meðferð Allergic reaction við blóðgjöf:
- Usually caused by foreign plasma proteins but may be due to anti-IgA.
Allergic type reactions usually present with urticaria, pruritis, hives. May be associated with laryngeal oedema or bronchospasm.
Anaphylaxis rare. - For allergic reactions treat symptomatically with antihistamines. There is no need to stop transfusion.
If anaphylaxis occurs the transfusion should be stopped and the patient should be administered adrenaline and treated as per the ALS protocol.
Einkenni og meðferð TRALI (Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury) við blóðgjöf:
- Abrupt onset non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema within 6 hours of transfusion.
Associated with the presence of antibodies in the donor blood to recipient leukocyte antigens.
This is the most common cause of death associated with transfusion reactions. - STOP THE TRANSFUSION. Oxygen should be administered. Approximately 75% of patients require aggressive respiratory support.
Diuretic usage should be avoided
Einkenni og meðferð TACO (Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload) við blóðgjöf:
- Acute or worsening respiratory distress within 6 hours of transfusion of a large volume of blood. Evidence of pulmonary and peripheral oedema and fluid overload. Rapid increases in blood pressure common. BNP is usually elevated to at least 1.5 times pre-transfusion value. Most commonly occurs in the elderly and those with chronic anaemia.
- Blood transfusion should be slowed so that the unit is given over 3-4 hours. Diuretics should be administered with the transfusion.
Einkenni og meðferð GVHD (Graft-vs-Host Disease) við blóðgjöf:
- Rash, fever, diarrhoea, and liver dysfunction 1-4 weeks after transfusion.
Viable T lymphocytes in blood components are transfused, engraft and react against the recipient’s tissues and the recipient is unable to reject the donor lymphocytes because of immunodeficiency, severe immunosuppression, or shared HLA antigens. - Treatment is supportive and there is no proven effective treatment for transfusion-associated GVHD.
Hver er munurinn á primary og secondary wound healing?
- Primary: týpískt healing eftir skurðaðgerð t.d. - hreint sár sem við lokum og það byrjar strax að gróa
- Delayed primary: oft notað í óhreinum sárum. Þá koma neutrophilar fyrst inn og hreinsa sárið í 2-3 daga og svo er því lokað.
- Secondary primary: vefur hefur tapast úr sárinu, t.d. necrosa eða biti farið úr. Granulationsvefur kemur þá fyrst inn í sárið.
Lýsa 4 stigum sáralokunarferlisins.
- Haemostasis: platelets losa út growth factors sem hefja healing cascade.
- Inflammatory: Complement cascade er activerað. Neutrophils koma að eftir nokkrar klst og hreinsa bakteríur og necrosu. Monocytar koma svo og breytast í macrophaga á sólarhringum 2-3, leysa alls konar cytokin.
- Proliferative: fibroblastar koma 2-4 dögum eftir áverkann. Háræðar byrja að myndast og granulationsvefur.
- Remodeling: epithel vex yfir sárið. Þessi fasi getur verið í ár eða meira. Myofibroblastar draga sárið saman.
Hvers vegna skreppa sár saman eftir að þau eru gróin?
Út af því að myofibroblastar eru teygjanlegir og draga sárið saman.
Hvernig er beingróandi í mismunandi stigum?
- Reactive phase: dagar 1-7. Blæðing og hematóma myndast, platelets safnast fyrir. Akút bólga, fibroblastar migrera á staðinn og granulationsvefur myndast.
- Soft callus phase frá degi 4 út viku 3. Chondroblastar (búa til brjósk) og fibroblastar mígrera inn í granulationsvefinn sem var búinn til í fyrsta fasa. Þeir leggja þar niður hyaline cartilage og “woven bone”.
- Hard callus phase: mánuðir 1-3. Osteoblastar frá periosteum koma inn og leggja niður bæði woven og trabecular bone. Callusinn er sjáanlegur eftir ca 6 vikur.
- Remodelling phase: Ár+. Osteoclastar og osteoblastar remodela beinið hægt og rólega í sinni upprunalegu mynd. Trabecular beini er skipt út fyrir sterkara bein.
Hvernig gróa sinar?
- Fibroblastar framleiða týpu 3 collagen á fyrstu vikunni.
- Mikið magn af illa skipulögðu kollageni komið á 3 vikum.
- Gradually svo remondelað í týpu I kollagen á allt að 18 mánuðum.
3 mismunandi týpur af skaða á taugar og hvernig það grær:
- Neuropraxia: vægur skaði eftir þrýsting á taug.
- Axonotmesis: axon degenerast en nærliggjandi vefur er heill. Tekur mánuð að vaxa 2cm.
- Neurotmesis: neural integrity er lost og recovery limited.
Hvernig grær hjartavöðvinn?
Necrotiskur vöðvi er invaded af granulation vef og fibroblöstum og fáum svo ör.
Hvernig grær heilinn?
Þar eru engir fibroblastar.
Necrotiskt svæði er yfirleitt fjarlægt með gliosis og þar með tapast hluti heilans. Neuroplasticity getur komið með eitthvað af því til baka.
Fáum hins vegar ekki ör, það gæti haft mjög slæm áhrif á heilann.
7 atriði sem seinka wound closure:
- Sýking
- Ischemia
- Bjúgur
- Lélegt blóðflæði
- Hypoxia
- Næringarskortur
- Meira trauma á sama svæði
3-faldur tilgangur inflammationar:
- Deal with cause if possible (drepa t.d. veiru eða bakteríur)
- Fjarlægja skemmdan vef
- Hefja gróning
Hvaða fruma losar histamín í vefjaskaða?
Mast frumur
Hvaða fruma losar TNFalfa í vefjaskaða?
Hvaða frumur losa nitric oxide og prostacyclin í vefjaskaða? Hvaða áhrif hafa þau?
Endothelial frumur innan á æðunum.
Hafa æðavíkkandi áhrif og æðarnar verða “lekar” til að polymorph frumur komist út í vefina (neutrophilar festast líka á viðtaka á endothelial frumunum og virkja sama ferli).
Monocytar geta orðið að… í sáraheilunarferli?
macophögum. Koma eftir nokkrar klst.
Í sáralokunarferli gefa neutrophilar og macrophagar frá sér hvaða cytokin?
TNF alfa
IL6, IL1 og TNF alfa hafa áhrif á m.a. hvaða 3 atriði í akút fasa sáralokunarferlis?
- Adrenal/pituitary axis: ACTH og í kjölfarið glucocorticoids
- Inducar PG: fáum febrile response frá hypothalamus
- Aukin framleiðsla í lifur: fáum akút fasa prótín eins og CRP og serum amyloid
4 hlutverk complement kerfisins:
- Lysis á bakteríum með MAC (bindast bakteríunum og merkja þær þannig)
- Chemotactic fyrir leucocyta
- Opsonisation
- Inflammation
3 triggerar fyrir complement kerfið:
- Classical pathway IgG eða IgG antigen complex
- Alternate pathway C3b binds to pathogen surface
- Lectin pathway
Hvað gerir kallikrein?
Breytir kininogen í bradykinin.
Hvenær losnar kallikrein?
Við vefjaskaða