Frumulífeðlisfræði Flashcards
Hver er munurinn á hjartavöðva og rákóttum vöðva varðandi striation?
Rákóttir: Striated
Hjartavöðvi: Striated but arrangement less organised
Munurinn á nucleus í hjartavöðva vs. rákóttum vöðva:
Rákóttir: Multiple nuclei located peripherally
Hjartavöðvi: Usually single nucleus (but can be two), located centrally
Munurinn á discs í hjartavöðva vs rákóttum vöðva:
Rákóttir: None
Hjartavöðvi: Intercalated discs
Munurinn á gap junctions í hjartavöðva vs rákóttum vöðvum:
Rákóttir: No
Hjartavöðvi: Yes
Hver er munurinn á hjartavöðva vs rákóttum vöðvum hvað varðar kalk influx?
Cardiac myocytes, like skeletal myocytes, contract via excitation-contraction coupling. Cardiac myocytes, however, use a mechanism that is unique to cardiac muscle called calcium-induced calcium release (CICR). This involves the influx of calcium ions (Ca2+) into the cell, triggering further release of ions into the cytoplasm (a ‘calcium spark’).
Summera upp neurological action potential í 6 skrefum:
- Resting potential: Small subset of potassium channels open, permitting K+ to enter and exit the cell based on electrochemical forces. There is no net movement of K+ ions. (see above)
- Threshold: As a depolarising stimulus arrives, a few Na+ channels open, allowing Na+ ions to enter the neuron. The increase in positive ions inside the cell depolarises the membrane potential and brings it closer to the threshold at which the action potential is generated (-55mV). Once the threshold of excitation is reached, the neuron will fire an action potential. It is an ‘all or nothing’ phenomenon.
- Depolarisation phase: After the threshold potential is reached, additional voltage-gated sodium channels open, and Na+ ions rush into the cell. The voltage across the membrane rapidly reverses and reaches its most positive value.
- Repolarisation phase: At the peak of the action potential, two processes occur simultaneously. Many of the voltage-gated sodium channels begin to close, and more potassium channels open. This allows positive ions to leave the cell and causes the membrane potential to shift back towards the resting membrane potential. As the membrane potential approaches the resting potential, the potassium channels are maximally activated and open.
- Hyperpolarisation phase: The membrane potential then hyperpolarises beyond the resting membrane voltage as more potassium channels are open at this point than during the membrane’s resting state, allowing more positively charged potassium ions to leave the cell.
- Recovery: A return to steady-state occurs as the additional potassium channels opened during the action potential close. The membrane potential is now determined by the subset of potassium channels that are normally open during the membrane’s resting state.
Hámarks flæði á mín. með bláum 22G æðalegg:
36ml/mín sem gerir 28 mín. fyrir 1L.
Hámarks flæði á mín. fyrir grænan 18 GG æðalegg:
90ml/mín sem gerir 11 mín fyrir 1L.
Hámarksflæði á mín. í orange 14GG æðalegg:
240mL/klst eða 4mín per 1L.
Cardiac action potential í 5 fösum (0-4):
Phase 0 – Rapid depolarization phase
An action potential is triggered once the membrane potential reaches the threshold (approximately -70 mV)
Fast Na+ channels open and there is a rapid influx of Na+ ions
Na+ channels automatically inactivate after a few milliseconds
L-type Ca2+ channels open
Phase 1 – Early repolarisation phase
Commences once Na+ channels inactivate
Some K+ channels open briefly
Efflux of K+ and Cl– ions
Phase 2 – Plateau phase
Slow influx of Ca2+ ions via L-type channels that opened in phase 0
Efflux of K+ ions via delayed rectifier K+ channels
Plateau sustained by balance between movement of Ca2+ and K+ ions
Phase 3 – Rapid repolarisation phase
L-type Ca2+ channels close
K+ channels remain open and there is further efflux of K+ ions
Phase 4 – Resting phase
Resting potential restored by Na+/K+ ATPase and Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger
Resting potential is approximately -90 mV
Na+ and Ca2+ channels are closed in the resting phase
Bygging frumukjarnans (nucleus):
The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains most of the cell’s genetic material. The nucleus is enclosed by two lipid membranes, called the nuclear envelope, that separate the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. There are tiny holes called nuclear pores situated within the nuclear envelope that assist in the regulation of the exchange of materials such as proteins and RNA, between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Nucleolus: hvar er hann og hvað gerir hann?
The nucleus also contains the nucleolus, a smaller structure that lacks a surrounding membrane and occupies approximately 25% of the volume of the nucleus.
The primary function of the nucleolus is to transcribe ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and combine it with proteins to form incomplete ribosomes. rRNA is important for the construction of ribosomes, which are the site of protein translation.
Hvar fer protein translation fram?
Mitochondria: bygging og hvað þær gera:
Mitochondria are membrane-bound organelles that are responsible for the production of the cell’s supply of chemical energy. This is achieved by using molecular oxygen to utilise sugar and small fatty acid molecules to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process is known as oxidative phosphorylation and requires an enzyme called ATP synthase. ATP acts as an energy-carrying molecule and releases the energy in situations when it is required to fuel cellular processes.
Dæmi um 3 hlutverk kjarnans í frumunni:
- The control gene expression and facilitate the replication of DNA during the cell cycle.
- The production of messenger RNA (mRNA) which encodes for enzymes and, therefore, assists with the control of the metabolic functions of cells.
- The control of the structure of the cell via the transcription of DNA which encodes for structural proteins.
Hvað er sarcolemma, endomysium, epimysium og fascicle?
- Utan um hvern og einn myofibers er endomysium
- Nokkrir slíkir saman mynda fascicle
- Utan um allan vöðvann er epimysium.
- Alveg innst, fyrir innan endomysium er sarcolemma. Hún er í raun frumuhimnan fyrir myofiberinn.
Hvað er idiopathic systemic capillary leak syndrome (ISCLS)?
ISCLS is a rare disorder characterised by episodes of severe hypotension, hypoalbuminemia, and haemoconcentration.
Continous capillaries: hvar eru þær og 3 eiginleikar þeirra:
- found in skeletal muscle, myocardium, skin, lungs and connective tissue
- least permeable
- continuous layer of endothelium and basement membrane
- intercellular clefts transmit water and small lipid-insoluble solutes
Fenestrated capillaries: hvar eru þær og hverjir eru 3 eiginleikar þeirra?
- found in kidneys, exocrine glands, intestine and endocrine glands
- specialised for rapid fluid filtration
- endothelium has “windows” or fenestrae bridged by a thin porous membrane through which water, nutrients and hormones can pass
- basement membrane is intact
Discontinual eða sinusoidal capillaries: hvar eru þær og hverjir eru 2 eiginleikar þeirra:
- found in spleen, liver and bone marrow
- allow movement of blood cells
- endothelium has gaps > 100nm and an incomplete basement membrane
Hvar eru tight capillaries og hverjir eru eiginleikar þeirra?
- found in central nervous system
- continuous capillaries with adjacent endothelial cells joined by tight junctions forming an impermeable barrier that prevents the passage of lipid-insoluble solutes and maintains a constant environment for the brain.
Hvað eru pericytes og hvað gera þeir?
Pericytes are accessory cells associated with continuous capillaries that wrap around the capillary to envelop part of the wall.
They are thought to regulate vessel structure and diameter and may be a source of fibroblasts.