Lyfjafræði Flashcards
Hver er munurinn á insúlín NPH (neutral protamine hagedron) og regular insúlín?
Regular insúlín er kombination prodúkt sem virkar hraðar en insúlín NPH eitt og sér.
Hvar örvar insúlín upptöku glúkósa?
Perifert, aðallega rákóttum vöðvum og fituvef.
Glycogenesis er…
…myndum glycogens úr glúkósa.
Glycolysis er…
…súrefnisháð (aerobic) ferli þar sem glúkósi er brotinn niður og myndar pýruvate ásamt myndum 2 ATP mólekúla.
Hvað er glycogenolysis?
Biochemical niðurbrot glycogen í glúkósa.
Gluconeogenesis er…
…ferli þar sem glúkósi er búinn til úr öðru en kolvetnum.
5 atriði sem hefta seyti insúlíns:
- Hypoglycemia
- Fasta
- Somatostatin
- Alfa-adrenergic activity
- Leptin
10 atriði sem auka seyti insúlíns
- Hyperglycemia
- Aukning í fríum fitusýrum í blóði
- Aukning í amínósýrum í blóði
- Gastrointestinal hormónin (secretin, gastrin, CCK, GIP)
- Glucagon, GH, Cortisol parasympathetic stimulation
- Acetyl choline
- Beta-adrenergic stimulation
- Insulin resistance
- Offita
- Sulfonyl urea lyf (glyburide, tolbutamide)
2 dæmi um súlfonyl urea lyf.
Glyburide, tolbutamide
5 atriði sem valda því að sjúklingur þarf MEIRA insúlín en vanalega:
- hiti
- sýking
- aðgerð
- trauma
- hyperthyroidismi
6 atriði sem valda því að sjúklingur þarf MINNA insúlín en vanalega:
- niðurgangur
- ógleði/uppköst
- skert frásog næringar í GI
- hypothyroidismi
- nýrnabilun
- lifrarbilun
Insúlín hindar/örvar framleiðslu glúkósa í lifur?
Insúlín hindrar eða örvar prótínmyndun?
Insúlín hindrar eða örvar lipolysis og proteinolysis?
6 aukaverkanir insúlíns.
- hypoglycemia
- insulin resistance
- hypokalemia
- ofnæmi
- lipohypertrophy
- lipodystrophy
Hvernig virkar glucagon?
Það er antagonisti, örvar cAMP synthesis.
Hvað gerir glucagon?
Hraðar á hepatic glycogenolysis og gluconeogenesis.
Slakar á sléttum vöðvum í meltingarvegi.
Ábendingar fyrir glucagon (3):
- alvarleg hypoglycemia hjá sj. sem nota insúlín (notar 1mg á 20mín fresti, þarf svo að muna að gefa kolvetni til að replenisha glycogen birgðir í lifur!)
- Fyrir myndgreiningu af meltingarvegi
- Lyf gegn betablokker og calciumgangnablokker eitrun (gefur 3mg bolus og svo 3mg/klst dreypi ef þörf)
2 frábendingar fyrir notkun glucagons.
Insúlínoma og pheochromocytoma.
4 aukaverkanir glucagons:
- ógleði/uppköst
- útbrot
- lágþrýstingur
- tachycardia
Hvers vegna virkar glucagon ekki alltaf í hypoglycemiu?
Þarft að hafa glycogen birgðir í lifur - glucagon virkjar birgðirnar og breytir þeim í glúkósa en getur ekkert gert ef glycogen er ekki til staðar.
Hvað er levothyroxine og hvernig metaboliserast það?
T4 sem umbreytist ca 50% í T3 sem er virka formið.
Hversu mikið af levothyroxine er tekið upp í meltingarvegi?
40-80% ef tekið sem tafla per os
Hvað gerir T4?
Eykur grunnhraða metabolisma, eykur nýtingu glycogen birgða og örvar gluconeogenesis (framleiðslu glúkósa úr non-carbohydrate sources).
Hvenær næst hámarksvirkni levothyroxines per os vs iv?
Fyrsta svörun iv er eftir 6-8 klst og hámarksvirkni eftir 24 klst. Fyrsta svörun per os er eftir 3-5 daga og hámarksvirkni eftir nokkra daga.
Helmingunartími levothyroxine:
9-10 dagar ef hypothyroid manneskja, 6-7 dagar ef euthyroid.
Hvernig er levothyroxine skilið út?
Mestu leyti með þvagi en 20% í hægðum.
Hversu mikið calcium er í hartmann´s solution (lactated ringer)?
2mmól/l calcium
Hvernig virka barbituöt?
Barbiturates are thought to act primarily at synapses by depressing post-synaptic sensitivity to neurotransmitters and by impairing pre-synaptic neurotransmitter release
Hvernig lyf er thiopental sodium?
Hvaða áhrif hefur thipental sodium á hjarta- og æðakerfið?
Thiopental sodium is negatively inotropic, decreases cardiac output by approximately 20%. It also decreases systemic vascular resistance sem veldur lágþrýstingi.
Hvaða áhrif hefur thiopental sodium á öndun?
It is potent respiratory depressant and a period of apnoea may occur after administration.
Hvaða áhrif hefur thiopental sodium á nýru?
Minnkar blóðflæði til þeirra OG eykur vasopressin seyti, sem allt saman veldur minnkuðu urine output.
8 aukaverkanir thiopental sodium:
- Hypotension
- Arrhythmias
- Myocardial depression
- Laryngeal spasm
- Cough
- Headache
- Rash
- Hypersensitivity reactions
Hver er intubation skammtur af suxa?
The ‘intubating’ dose of suxamethonium is 0.5-2 mg/kg and the usual single dose for an adult is between 50-100 mg intravenously. Infants and younger children are relatively resistant to suxamethonium and usually require a dose of 1-2 mg/kg.
Hver er hámarksskammtur lidocain per kíló?
The maximum safe dose of plain lidocaine is 3 mg/kg (maximum 200 mg). When administered with adrenaline 1:200,000 the maximum safe dose is 7 mg/kg (maximum 500 mg).
In this case the patient weighs 70 kg and the maximum safe dose is 70 x 3 mg, which equals 210 mg lidocaine hydrochloride, the maximum dose for local infiltration according to the BNF(link is external), however, is 200 mg.
7 aukaverkanir própófóls
- Pain on injection (in up to 30%)
- Hypotension
- Transient apnea
- Hyperventilation
- Coughing and hiccough
- Headache
- Thrombosis and phlebitis
Hvernig virkar própófól?
Its mechanism of action is unclear but is thought to act by potentiating the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine, which enhances spinal inhibition during anaesthesia.
7 atriði sem lengja virkni atracurium og annarra non-depolariserandi neuromuscular blokkandi lyfja:
- Hypokalaemia
- Hypocalcaemia
- Hypermagnesaemia
- Hypoproteinaemia
- Dehydration
- Acidosis
- Hypercapnia
Hvernig virkar atracurium? (sem er non-dep neuromuscular blokker)
Atracurium competes with acetylcholine for nicotinic (N2) receptor binding sites at the post-synaptic membrane of the neruomuscular junction. This prevents acetylcholine from stimulating the receptors. Because the blockade is competitive muscle paralysis occurs gradually
Hvað gerist ef maður gefur meira en 600 microg per kíló af atracurium? Hver eru þá einkennin?
Histamine release may occur if doses >600 μg/kg are used. This can result in:
- cutaneous flushing
- hypotension
- bronchospasm
- Bradycardia has also been reported
Hver er intubations skammtur af atracurium?
The ‘intubating’ dose of atracurium is 0.3-0.6 mg/kg and subsequent doses are one-third of this amount. Satisfactory intubating conditions are produced within 90 seconds of administration. There is a linear relationship between the dose and the duration of action and atracurium is non-cumulative with repeated administration.
Hvers vegna veldur lidoccain vasodilation?
This is believed to be due mainly to the inhibition of action potentials via sodium channel blocking in vasoconstrictor sympathetic nerves.
Hvernig virkar lidocain?
Lidocaine works as a local anaesthetic by diffusing in its uncharged base form through neural sheaths and the axonal membrane to the internal surface of the cell membrane sodium channels. Here it alters signal conduction by blocking the fast voltage-gated sodium channels. With sufficient blockage, the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron will not depolarize and will be unable to transmit an action potential, thereby preventing transmission of pain signals.
Hver er helmingunartími lidocains?
1,5 til 2 klst! Virkar hins vegar bara 30-60 mín nægjanlega til verkjastillingar fyrir inngrip.
7 aukaverkanir suxa:
- Bradycardia
- Hyperkalaemia
- Raised intracranial pressure
- Raised intraocular pressure
- Prolonged paralysis
- Anaphylaxis
- Malignant hyperthermia
Hvað getur gerst ef þú notar theophylline og citalopram saman og hvers vegna?
Citalopram can result in hypokalaemia, potentially increasing the risk of torsades de pointes when prescribed together with theophylline. Co-prescription with theophylline should, therefore, be avoided.
Acetaminophen er…
Hvernig virkar paracetamól?
Paracetamol is thought to work by selectively inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase 3 (COX-3) receptors in the brain and spinal cord. COX-3 is responsible for the production of prostaglandins in these areas, which sensitizes free nerve endings to the chemical mediators of pain. Therefore by selectively inhibiting COX-3 paracetamol effectively reduces pain sensation.
Hvernig er paracetamól skilið út?
It is metabolized in the liver and excreted renally.
Hvaða pathways eru notaðir í lifur til að skilja paracetamól út?
- Glucuronidation (40-60%)
- Sulfate conjugation (20-40%)
- N-hydroxyloxation via the hepatic cytochrome p450 enzyme system (10-15%)
Hvers vegna getur paracetamól valdið eitrun?
N-hydroxylation via the hepatic cytochrome p450 enzyme system is responsible for the production of NAPQI (N-acetyl-p-benzo-quinone imine). NAPQI is primarily responsible for the toxic effects of paracetamol. NAPQI is an intermediate product and is subsequently irreversibly conjugated with the antioxidant glutathione to produce an inactive, non-toxic, metabolite.
Fyrir hvað stendur ABCDE í verkjameðhöndlun?
- A - Ask about pain regularly. Assess pain systematically.
- B - Believe the patient and family in their reports of pain and what relieves it.
- C - Choose pain control options appropriate for the patient, family, and setting.
- D - Deliver interventions in a timely, logical, coordinated fashion.
- E - Empower patients and their families. Enable patients to control their course to the greatest extent possible.
Dæmi um skala til að meta verki hjá börnum.
Hvaða verkjalyf skal nota fyrir börn með væga, miðlungs eða slæma verki?
Áhætta ACE inhibitors e.g. ramipril á meðgöngu?
If given in 2ndand 3rd trimester can cause hypoperfusion, renal failure and the oligohydramnios sequence.
Áhætta Aminoglycosides eins og gentamicin á meðgöngu?
Áhætta aspirins á meðgöngu?
High doses can cause 1st trimester abortions, delayed onset labour, premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus and fetal kernicterus. Low doses (e.g. 75 mg) have no significant associated risk.
Áhætta Benzodiazepines
e.g. diazepam á meðgöngu?
When given late in pregnancy respiratory depression and a neonatal withdrawal syndrome can occur.
Áhætta Calcium-channel blockers á meðgöngu?
If given in 1st trimester can cause phalangeal abnormalities.
If given in the 2nd and 3rd trimester can cause fetal growth retardation.
Áhætta Carbemazepine á meðgöngu?
Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Neural tube defects
Áhætta Chloramphenicol á meðgöngu?
Grey baby syndrome
Áhætta corticosteroids a meðgöngu?
If given in the 1st trimester may cause orofacial clefts
Áhætta danazol á meðgöngu?
If given in the 1st trimester can cause masculinisation of female fetus’s genitals.
Áhætta finasteride á meðgöngu?
Finasteride should not be even handled by a pregnant woman. Crushed or broken tablets can be absorbed through the skin and can affect male sex organ development.
Áhætta haldóls á meðgöngu?
If given in the 1st trimester may cause limb malformations.
If given in the 3rd trimester increased risk of extrapyramidal symptoms in neonate.
Áhætta heparíns á meðgöngu?
Maternal bleeding
Áhætta isoniazid á meðgöngu?
Maternal liver damage.
Neuropathy and seizures in the neonate.
Áhætta isotretinoin á meðgöngu?
High risk of teratogenicity (e.g. multiple congenital malformations, spontaneous abortion, and intellectual disability.
Áhætta lithiums á meðgöngu?
If given in 1st trimester risk of fetal cardiac malformations.
If given in 2nd and 3rd trimesters risk of hypotonia, lethargy, feeding problems, hypothyroidism, goitre and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in neonate.
Áhætta metformíns á meðgöngu?
Risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia.
Áhætta methadons á meðgöngu?
Risk of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome.
Áhætta methotrexate á meðgöngu?
Risk of numerous congenital malformations e.g. fetal growth retardation, mandibular hypoplasia, cleft palate, spinal defects, ear defects and club foot.
Áhætta misoprostols á meðgöngu?
Can cause miscarriage
Áhætta NSAIDS á meðgöngu?
If given in 1st trimester can cause miscarriage, delayed onset labour, premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus and fetal kernicterus.
Áhætta estrodiols á meðgöngu?
Increased risk of urogenital abnormalities.