Lífeðlisfræði öndunar Flashcards
Skilgreining á dead space í lungum:
Dead space is defined as the volume of inhaled air that does not take part in gas exchange.
Í hvaða 3 atriði má skipta dead space í lunganu?
- Anatomical dead space: the portion of the airways that conducts gas to the alveoli. No gas exchange is possible in these spaces.
- Alveolar dead space: the sum of the volumes of those alveoli that have little or no blood flowing through their adjacent capillaries, i.e. the alveoli that are ventilated but not perfused. This is negligible in healthy people but can increase considerably in individuals with lung disease that causes ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
- Physiological dead space: the sum of the anatomical and alveolar dead spaces. The physiological dead space can account for up to 30% of the tidal volume.
Hvernig er hægt að mæla anatomical dead space?
The anatomical dead space can be measured by the nitrogen washout test (Fowler’s method). The physiological dead space can be measured by the Bohr equation.
Alveolar dead space er mjög lítið í heilbrigðum einstaklingum en í hvaða sjúkdómum eykst það og út af hverju?
The alveolar dead space is negligible in healthy adults but can increase dramatically in the presence of lung disease (e.g. pulmonary embolus, pneumonia) due to ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
Nítrógen N2 - prósentuhlutfall og hlutþrýstingur í alveolar lofti:
569 mmHg
Súrefni - prósentuhlutfall og hlutþrýstingur í alveolar lofti
104 mmHg
Vatn - prósentuhlutfall og hlutþrýstingur í alveolar lofti:
40 mmHg
Koltvísýringur (CO2) - prósentuhlutfall og hlutþrýstingur í alveolar lofti:
47 mmHg
Hvað er Henry´s law og hvað segir það?
The behaviour of gases when then come into contact with liquids (e.g. blood) is described by Henry’s law. Henry’s law states that the concentration of gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the solubility and partial pressure of that gas.
Therefore, the greater the partial pressure of the gas, the greater the number of gas molecules that will dissolve in the liquid. The concentration of the gas in a liquid is also dependent on the solubility of the gas in the liquid. Gas molecules establish an equilibrium between those molecules dissolved in liquid and those in air.
2 helstu leiðirnar sem líkaminn bregst við hækkuðu eða lækkuðu V/Q mismatch á staðbundnum hluta í lunganu:
- Hypoxic vasoconstriction: In the presence of a low V/Q ratio (i.e. areas of poor ventilation), hypoxic vasoconstriction can occur, which redirects incoming blood to the affected area to other parts of the lung. This decreases the perfusion of the hypoxic region, raising the V/Q ratio.
- Bronchoconstriction: In the presence of a high V/Q ratio (i.e. areas of poor perfusion), the bronchi constrict, increasing the resistance and decreasing the ventilation of affected area that is not well perfused. This reduces the amount of alveolar dead space that occurs and lowers the VQ ratio.
Hvernig bregst líkaminn við low V/Q hlutfalli á einum stað í lunganu?
Hypoxic vasoconstriction: In the presence of a low V/Q ratio (i.e. areas of poor ventilation), hypoxic vasoconstriction can occur, which redirects incoming blood to the affected area to other parts of the lung. This decreases the perfusion of the hypoxic region, raising the V/Q ratio.
Hvernig bregst líkaminn við high V/Q hlutfalli á einum stað í lunganu?
Bronchoconstriction: In the presence of a high V/Q ratio (i.e. areas of poor perfusion), the bronchi constrict, increasing the resistance and decreasing the ventilation of affected area that is not well perfused. This reduces the amount of alveolar dead space that occurs and lowers the VQ ratio.
Hvar eru periferal chemoreceptors fyrir respiratoriska funksjón?
The peripheral chemoreceptors are situated in the aortic and carotid bodies.
Hvar eru carotid bodies periferu chemoreceptorarnir staðsettir nákvæmlega og hver er ítaugun þeirra?
The carotid bodies are small distinct structures located at the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries and are innervated by the carotid sinus nerve and subsequently the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX).
Í hvaða tvær týpur skiptast frumurnar í carotid bodies chemoreceptorunum?
- Type I (glomus) cells – chemoreceptive cell containing transmission-rich dense granules that contact carotid sinus nerve axons
- Type II (sheath) cells – sustentacular supportive cells
Hvar eru aortic bodies periferu chemoreceptorarnir staðsettir og hver er ítaugun þeirra?
The aortic bodies are located in the aortic arch and receive their innervation from the vagus nerve (CN X). They are structurally similar to the carotid bodies but functionally less important.
Hvað skynja periferu chemoreceptorarnir nákvæmlega?
The peripheral chemoreceptors detect large changes in pO2 as the arterial blood supply leaves the heart. They are relatively insensitive, but their effects occur almost instantaneous. Following the detection of an abnormally low pO2, afferent impulses travel to the respiratory centres in the brainstem, and several responses are then coordinated, which aim to increase the pO2 again.
Hvernig lítur oxygen dissociation kúrvan út? Hvaða þýðingu hefur “right vs. left shift” á kúrvunni?
A right shift indicates decreased oxygen affinity of haemoglobin allowing more oxygen to be available to the tissues. A left shift indicates increased oxygen affinity of haemoglobin allowing less oxygen to be available to the tissues.
Hvaða áhrif hefur methemoglobulin á oxygen dissocation kúrvuna?
Methaemoglobin is an abnormal form of haemoglobin in which the normal ferrous form is converted to the ferric state. Methaemoglobinaemia causes a left shift in the curve as methaemoglobin does not unload oxygen from haemoglobin.
Hvaða áhrif hafa organisk fosföt (t.d. 2,3-DPG) á súrefnis dissocation kúrvuna?
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) is the main primary organic phosphate. An increase in 2,3-DPG shifts the curve to the right, whilst a decrease in 2,3-DPG shifts the curve to the left. 2,3-DPG binds to haemoglobin and rearranges it into the T state, which decreases its affinity for oxygen.
Hvað áhrif hefur pH á oxygen dissociation kúrvuna? Af hverju?
A decrease in the pH shifts the curve to the right, while an increase in pH shifts the curve to the left.
This occurs because a higher hydrogen ion concentration causes an alteration in amino acid residues that stabilises deoxyhaemoglobin in a state (the T state) that has a lower affinity for oxygen. This rightwards shift is referred to as the Bohr effect.