What are the different types of connective tissue
Loose connective tissue Dense connective tissue Cartilaginous tissue Bone tissue Blood tissue
What are the cellular components of connective tissue
Fibroblast cells
Extra cellular matrix
What do fibroblast cells do
Make fibres
What does the extra cellular matrix contain
Ground substance
What fibres re found in the extra cellular matrix
Collagen fibres
Elastic fibres
Reticular fibres
What do collagen fibres do
Good at handling tension
Are the main structural protein in connective tissue - don’t like being stretched
Collagen fibre structure
Have crimp arrangement
Contain cross links made up of covalent bonds
What do elastic fibres do
Stretch to 150%
What do reticular fibres do
Don’t have elastic properties
What is ground substance
Fluid between cells also in blood supply
What is ground substance made up of
GAG (glycosaminoglycans)
What does extracellular matrix do
Gives connective tissue its morphology and functional characteristics
It is also dynamic
What are GAG
Unbranched polysaccharide chains
Are highly negatively charged therefore draw and hold water in the matrix
E.g. hyaluronic acid
Where is hyaluronic acid found (other than extracellular matrix )
Hyaline cartilage and synovial fluid - make it slippery
Skin- involved in many aspects of tissue repair
Lend plasticity and elasticity to tissue
Trap water too influence tissue consistency
Bind together fibre cells and ground substance in connective tissues. Play role in cell-cell interactions