motor unit definition
A single a-motor neuron and all of the corresponding muscle fibres it innervates
Motor unit characteristics
- size of motor units vary
- all fibres innervated simultaneously-all or nothing
- all same fibre-type
- The size of the MU dictates level of control
Describe the process of neurotransmission across a neuromuscular junction
- action potential comes down nerve terminal
- opens voltage gates ion channels
- Ca2+ enters
- exocytosis of the synaptic vesicles which fuse to the membrane
- acetylcholine released
- acetylcholine crosses synaptic cleft and binds to ligand gated ion channels
- Na+ enters the muscle fibres
- sarcolemma depolarised
- muscle contraction is initiated
- acetylcholine is then broken down by an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase
How can neuromuscular transmission be influenced
- can act at the acetylcholine receptor (eg. Curare related drugs)
- Anticholinesterase drugs (prevent hydrolysis of Acch)
- Botulinum toxin
Explain excitation-contraction coupling
Transverse tubules in the muscle fibre activate the vesicles to release Ca2+ simultaneously to ensure contraction of the whole muscle at the same time
- The signal for contraction is a sudden rise in Ca2+ around the myofilaments. This is brought about by depolarisation of the t-tubules and diffusion and Ca2+= ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
What are t-tubules and what are their roles in excitation contraction coupling
Conduct action potentials from the cell surface to the core of the fibre, are in direct contact with the sacroplassmic reticulum
What are the ryanodine receptors
Are a type of Ca2+ channel within the sarcoplasmic reticulum
What are the different receptors in muscle
Muscle spindle
Golgi tendon organ
What is a muscle spindle
Sensitive to stretch
Provide information on muscle length
Modified muscle fibres
What is the golgi tendon organ
Found close to or in tendon
Monitor ensign developed in muscle
Prevents damage during excessive forc generation (excessive stimulation results in reflex relaxation of muscle )
What is the size of motor units for muscles which require revise control
Small motor units
What type of motor units are recruited firs during normal exercise
Slow motor units
What can an electromyograph be used to detect
Neuropathy and myopathy
What does an EMG detect
Electrical potential generated by muscle cells
Wha might abnormal spontaneous activity indicate on an EMG
Nerve or muscle damage
What are intramural muscle fibres
Present in muscle spindles
Well innervated with sensory nerves
Inhibits the anatagonistic muscle and stimulates the agonistic muscle