Time Perspective & Procrastination Extra Reading Flashcards
Hall and Fong (2015)
Future-oriented time perspective is influenced more by long-term _________, i.e. _________
Hall and Fong (2015)
What was the objective (2)
Association between TP and health behaviours
Association between TP and BMI
Hall and Fong (2015)
What were the findings (study 1)
Future oriented = more frequent HBs
Lower impulsivity = more HBs
Hall and Fong (2015)
Study 1 found that contributions of TP and ID’s were non-overlapping, supporting the idea that they are
Conceptually different
Hall and Fong (2015)
What were the Study 2 findings.
TP is positively associated with HBs and negatively associated with BMI
Hall and Fong (2015)
There was also evidence of healthier behaviour practices in those with
A future time perspective
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
Why might men and women not undergo health screenings/lifestyle changes
Upsets their current state of ignorance
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
What is CFC
Consideration of future consequences
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
The present research begins from the assumption that ID’s in TP will guide how….
Persuaded they are by health communication
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
Individual CFCs represent a cognitive mindset which determines the extent to which an individual is influenced by
Potenital immediate/distant outcomes of deciding how to act
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
Low CFC =
High immediate needs
High CFC =
Focus on future implications of behaviour
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
What was hypothesised
High CFC = more sensitive to consequences, more motivated
Low CDC = less likely to undergo T2D screening
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
Low CFC individuals were likely to be least favourably disposed towards screening, when negative
Consequences were presented as ST and positive consequences LT
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
Who was more persuaded when the positive outcomes of screening were presented as long-lasting?
High CFC
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
Overall, the study concluded that high CFC people are
More disposed to LT preventative health behaviours
Orbell and Haggar (2006)
The present findings suggest that careful emphasis of the ST consequences in health communication might…
Increase motivation among the low CFC
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Procrastination reflects a ______ _______ in our self-regulation
Basic breakdown
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Procrastination reflects a basic breakdown in our
Self continuity
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
One conception of the intrapsychic processes behind SR failure is
Primacy of ST mood repair over LT goal pursuit
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Unpleasant emotional states tend to cause SR to
Break down
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Unpleasant emotional states tend to result in a breakdown of SR. Present self then benefits from the
Immediate mood repair
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Procrastination has found to be POSITIVELY ASSOCIATED with a…
Present-hedonistic TP
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
A procrastinator (after procrastinating) might then experience a negative mood from a….
Awareness of discrepancies between current and desired future states
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
The negative good state may trigger _______ reactions to protect the current self
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
The judgemental/reactive thoughts (e.g. from a difficult task) associated with such task may fuel impulsive decisions to
Abandon the task
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Procrastinating has been linked to feelings of self-blame, yet protecting present self seems to
Take precedence
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Counterfactual thinking is a mental stimulation comparing
Unfavourable outcomes that did occur
To possibly better/worse outcomes that MIGHT have occurred
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
P is associated with poor mental health, e.g.
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
The Procrastination Health Model proposed that P confers risk for poor health outcomes through
Direct and Indirect behavioural route
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
What is a direct behavioural route from P to poor health outcomes?
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
In the Procrastination Health Model, behaviour is an example of a ______ route
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
the Procrastination Health Model
Why might a procrastinator have poor-health related outcomes?
Prioritising mood of present self
No reason to improve future self
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
P is commonly seen as a self-defeating
Temporal choice
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
Overall, this paper agues that P is a form of s
Self regulation failure
Primacy of ST mood repair over LT pursuit of goals
Sirois and Pychyl (2013)
What might CURB procrastination, however
Loss of pos. mood states associated with procrastination
Sirois (2015)
Self-rated health is an important predictor of
Objective health/health outcomes
Sirois (2015)
Purpose of study
Explore contributions of personality, current SRH and fatigue to FSHR
Sirois (2015)
Purpose was to explore contributions of personality/current SRH and fatigue on FSHR in the context of…
Chronic illness
Sirois (2015)
Studied two chronic illness samples
Arthritis and IBD
Sirois (2015)
Which personality factor was modestly associated with poor FSRH
Sirois (2015)
FSRH can be thought of as a form of health-
-Related prospection
Sirois (2015)
Suggested reason for the findings?
Positive health-related prospection
Sirois (2003)
The present research sought to examine the meditational roles of (2) in the procrastination-illness relationship
Health behaviours
Sirois (2003)
It was hypothesised that which factors would mediate the effects of P on health?
Poor wellness behaviours
Delay in seeking treatment
Sirois (2003)
University students who rated high on procrastination reported better
Health/less stress at BEGINNING OF YEAR
Sirois (2003)
122 students completed a
Sirois (2003)
It was found P was associated with higher reports of
Stress and illness
Sirois (2003)
The results support a _______________ model for stress in the procrastination-illness relationship
Sirois (2003)
Results showed that P was linked to a tendency
To delay treatment
Sirois (2003)
Why is the generalisability limited
Sample of young healthy students
Sirois (2015)
The findings from this study indicate, to a certain extent, that those who score high on __________ and low on ______________ expect to have better future health while living with chronic illness
(Hall, Fong and CHENG, 2011)
What was the primary objective?
Extent to which TP predicts weight management behaviours in Type 2 Diabetes patients
(Hall, Fong and CHENG, 2011)
Primary objective: TP and weight-management behaviours in people with
Type 2 diabetes
(Hall, Fong and CHENG, 2011)
Future oriented thinking is thought to be conductive to healthier lifestyles because
HBs have benefits that can only be realised AFTER REPEATED PERFORMANCE
(Hall, Fong and CHENG, 2011)
Future oriented time perspective was associated with
SUperior uptake of weight management
(Hall, Fong and CHENG, 2011)
FTP was associated with superior uptake of weight management, mediated by…
Intention strength