Thoracic Cage Flashcards
How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
How many pairs of ribs are there?
12 (some people have 11-13 – sometimes an extra cervical or lumbar)
What are the parts of the sternum?
manubrium, body, xiphoid process
The medial superior part of the manubrium is a notch. What’s it called? And what’s the aka?
jugular (aka sternal) notch
What are the names of the articular facets on either side of the jugular (aka sternal) notch?
clavicular notches
At what age do sternabrae tend to complete fusion?
between puberty and 25
At what age does the xiphoid process fuse to the body of the sternum?
Around 40
What’s the aka for the body of the sternum?
gladiolus (latin for small sword)
What’s the name and two akas for the joint of the manubrium to the body of the sternum?
manubriosternal joint aka sternal angle aka angle of Louis
What is the manubriosternal (aka sternal angle aka angle of Louis) a landmark for?
rib 2
Along the side of the body of the sternum are costal notches for the articulation of:
costal cartilage
Which are the “true” ribs? And why are these “true”?
ribs 1-7 because they have a direct connection to the sternum via their own costal cartilage
Which are “false” ribs, and why are they called “false”?
ribs 8-12 because they have either have an indirect connection with sternum via 7th rib costal cartilage (8-10) or they don’t connect at all (11 and 12)
Which are floating ribs and why are they called “floating”?
ribs 11 and 12 because they are unattached anteriorly
Which are “typical” ribs?
ribs 2-10
What makes typical ribs “typical”?
they have a head, neck, tubercle and shaft
What’s the longest rib?
rib 7
The head of each rib has a superior and inferior facet. What do they articulate with?
- inferior facet of head of rib articulates with the superior costal facet of the vertebral body of the vertebra with the same number
- superior facet articulates with the inferior costal facet of the superior vertebra
- e.g. the superior costal facet on T4 articulates with rib 4
- e.g. the inferior costal facet on T4 articulates with rib 5
Where is the neck of a rib located?
between the head and the tubercle
Where is the tubercle of the rib and what does it articulate with?
located between the neck and shaft of the rib; articulates with the TVP of the vertebra with the same number
What directions do ribs travel after they come off the vertebral body?
- posteriorly
- laterally
- inferiorly
…until they get to the rib angle, then travel… - anteriorly
What are the parts/surfaces of the shaft of the rib?
- angle
- costal groove (for the costal nerve)
Which costal facet on the vertebral body articulates with the rib of the same number?
superior costal facet
The inferior costal facet on a vertebral body articulates with the head of the superior or inferior rib?
inferior rib (e.g. the inferior costal facet on T4 articulates with rib 5)
Which are the atypical ribs and which vertebral bodies do they articulate with?
ribs 1, 11, 12 – each articulates with the vertebral body with the same number (just articulate with one vertebra)
Which is the shortest, broadest and most curved of the ribs?
rib 1
The anterior part of the 1st rib is the attachment point of a muscle. What’s the muscle and name of the attachment point on the rib?
anterior scalene muscle; scalene tubercle
There are two grooves for veins in the first rib. What are they called and which is anterior/posterior?
- groove for subclavian artery (anterior)
- groove for subclavian vein (posterior)
What factors distinguish ribs 11 and 12 from the others?
- floating ribs
- small facet on the head of the rib
- no neck, no tubercle
- doesn’t make contact with the TVP, just vert body
In addition to articulating with numerically corresponding vertebral body, the IVD and the vertebra above, what else do true ribs (1-10) connect with posteriorly?
intervertebral disc
Which have typical vertebral bodies and what makes them “typical”?
vertebra 2-9 because they each have 2 articular facets
- each articulate with the rib of the same number and the inferior rib
- each articulates with an IVD
Which are atypical ribs and what makes them “atypical”?
ribs 1, 11, 12
- not connected to a disc
- articulate with numerically corresponding vertebral body only
- 1 articulates with TVP, but 11 and 12 do not have tubercles and do not articulate with TVPs
Which have atypical vertebral bodies and what makes them “atypical”?
vertebrae 1, 10, 11, 12
- T1 has complete superior facet and demi-facet inferiorly
- T10-12 have only one facet surface on each side
What are some distinguishing features of cervical vertebrae?
- uncinate processes (2-7)
- bifid SPs
- transverse foramen
- oblique facet orientation
Where does the vertebral artery travel in relation to vertebrae?
through transverse foramina of C1-C6
What are some distinguishing features of thoracic vertebrae?
- two costal demi-facets on the body (per side)
- costal facets on TVPs
- SP that points down
- facet orientation tends to be in the frontal/coronal plane
What are some distinguishing features of lumbar vertebrae?
- large bodies
- large SPs projecting horizontally
- facet orientation tends to be in the sagittal plane
What do the superior angle, spine, and inferior angle of the scapula landmark?
T2, T3, rib 7
Which vertebrae articulate with each other at joints between their bodies and between their articular processes (with facets)?