Short Hip Rotators/Quads/Hamstring Flashcards
Name the Short Hip Lateral Rotators
Hint: there are 6!
1) Piriformis
2) Obturator Internus
3) Gemellus Superior
4) Gemellus Inferior
5) Quadratus Femoris
6) Obturator Externus
Origin: inner margin of obturator foramen
Insertion: posteromedial aspect of greater trochanter
Action: external rotation
Obturator Internus
Origin: Anterior Sacrum through the greater sciatic notch to…
Insertion: posteromedial aspect of the greater trochanter
Actions: external rotation, abduction at 60 degrees, medial rotation at >60 degrees
Origin: ischial spine
Insertion: posteromedial aspect of the greater trochanter (via tendon of obturator internus)
Action: external rotation
Gemellus Superior
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: posteromedial aspect of greater trochanter
Action: External Rotation
Gemellus Inferior
Origin: outer margin of the obturator foramen
Insertion: posteromedial aspect of the greater trochanter
Action: external rotation
Obturator Externus
A triangle-shaped sesamoid bone in the tendon of the quadriceps
The Patella
Origin: lateral ischial tuberosity
Insertion: intertrochanteric crest
Action: external rotation
Quadratus Femoris
Name the muscles of the Quadriceps
1) Rectus Femoris
2) Vastus Lateralis
3) Vastus Medialis
4) Vastus Intermedius
Origin: AIIS and superior acetabular rim
Insertion: tibial tuberosity
Action: hip flexion; knee extension
Rectus Femoris
Origin: Anterior Pubic Bone
Insertion: Just inferior to lesser trochanter
Action: Hip adduction; hip flexion
Hint: makes up the floor of the femoral triangle
Origin: Anterior Pubic Bone
Attachment: Proximal Linea Aspera
Action: Hip adduction; hip flexion
Adductor Brevis
Origin: Anterior Pubic Bone
Insertion: Linea Aspera
Action: Hip Adduction; Hip Flexion
Adductor Longus
Origin: Anterior Pubic Bone
Insertion: Proximal Anteromedial Tibia (1 of Pes Anserinus Muscles)
Action: Hip adduction; knee flexion; knee medial rotation
Hint: Only hip adductor to cross the knee
Origin: Anterior Pubic Bone
Insertion: Linea Aspera, Supracondylar
Action: Hip adduction; hip flexion
Adductor Magnus - (adductor part)
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity
Insertion: Adductor Tubercle
Action: hip adduction; hip extension
Adductor Magnus - (hamstring part)
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity
Insertion: Fibular Head
Action: Hip extension; knee flexion; knee lateral rotation
Biceps Femoris (long head)
Origin: Line Aspera (mid-shaft)
Insertion: Fibular Head
Action: Knee Flexion; Knee Lateral Rotation
Biceps Femoris (short head)
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity
Insertion: Proximal Anteromedial Tibia (one of the pes anserinus)
Action: Hip extension: knee flexion; knee medial rotation
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia
Action: hip extention; knee flexion; knee medial rotation