THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT - Parent Management Training Flashcards
After parents set boundaries on their
child’s video game playing, the child’s
temper tantrums escalate in frequency
and intensity. What is this called? (2x)
Extinction burst
4 yo with aggressive behavior, divorced parents have joint legal/physical custody. Arguments between parents when they see each other + yelling at child. In parent guidance meetings, first priority? (2x)
Identify parents’ shared concerns about
Grandparents scolding 5yo child for loud
play, and behavior continues to get
worse. (2x)
Adolescent bangs his head to get what he
wants. Persistence of this behavior after
parents stop responding is known as?
Partial reinforcement extinction effect
What intervention is a prevention strategy?
Parent management training for parents of
child with persistent aggression and
Social learning theory suggests having the
parents do what when applied to disruptive
behavior in their children?
Making non judgemental comments about
their child’s play
16 yo loses driving privilege due to
drinking alcohol. What intervention is this?
Parents’ spanking of child during a tantrum
leads to continued and worsening tantrums
due to what phenomenon?
How should a parent respond to a 3 year
old snatching and hoarding toys during
therapy session?
Ignore the behavior
What helps children adapt to transitions of
divorce or custody changes?
Consistent schedule
3 yo with defiant behaviors, impulsive and
hyperactive in 2 settings. Vanderbilt rating
suggests ADHD and oppositional defiant
disorder. First line treatment?
Behavioral therapy alone
Parents of child with angry outbursts come
up with plan. If child asks for toy at the
store and has a meltdown, child loses
screen time for the day. Type of strategy?
After three weeks of child receiving reward
for five good behavior stickers during
school day, child’s behavior significantly
improves. What would be the best
reinforcement schedule to use for
maintenance of behavior, according to
operant conditioning?
Reward for a random number of stickers
Technique used when child has a temper
tantrum, parents turn away and avoid
communication until tantrum ends?
Planned ignoring
Child has aggressive outbursts during
transitions. Therapist and parents develop
a schedule, use deep breathing during
transitions, and don’t give treats during
outbursts. Type of treatment?
Behavior Analysis
Parents reward child with staying home
from school when feigning illness. Type of
Negative reinforcement
Child with anorexia nervosa tantrums at
meals until food is removed from table.
Type of behavioral conditioning?
Negative reinforcement
Intervention to motivate 9 yo child to clean
their bedroom?
Rewarding child when they clean room