MOOD DISORDERS - Depressive Disorders Flashcards
Best initial lab test to rule out
underlying medical causes in adolescent
with depression? (2x)
What is needed to confirm premenstrual
dysphoric disorder? (2x)
Symptom rating log over 2 months
Symptom of depression more common
in older than younger children? (2x)
Antidepressant with most studies and
data for adolescent depression? (2x)
Caspi’s study showed which environmental risk factor in a patient with two copies of the short allele of the 5-HTT promoter polymorphism was associated with increased risk of depression as an adult? (2x)
Stressful childhood event
Adolescent with severe depression on
SSRI, now having severe teeth grinding
at night. Cannot lower medication. Best
treatment? (2x)
Acrylic dental guard
Psychiatrist treating depressed teenager.
Withdrawn and doesn’t talk during
assessment. Next step?
Ask about favorite hobbies or movies
Important lab test in MDD?
Treatment for Adolescents with Depression
Study (TADS) concluded that best
treatment of depression is?
CBT, Fluoxetine, and Combined groups
equally efficacious at 36 weeks
A 14 year old comes in with 9 months of sad
mood. She is always irritable, feels sad for
most days, is failing her previous favorite
class, and no longer likes going to ballet.
Depression, not otherwise specified
Depression symptoms more likely present
in childhood onset MDD compared to
adolescent onset?
Psychiatric disorder most likely comorbid
with recurrence of severe abdominal pain
with no physical finding?
Tired 16 yo w/history of well-controlled type I diabetes feeling “down forever.” Sleeps excessively and is failing classes. Occasionally feels ok, esp when smoking marijuana. Diagnosis?
Persistent depressive disorder
14 yo increasingly irritable, grades dropped
in school, talking back to soccer coach,
picking on sister. Appropriate next step?
Screen for mood disorder
Psych disorder comorbid in youth with
Compared to teenagers, children with
depression have more?
Somatic complaints
12 yo with tic disorder on Risperdal has
EPS after starting what medication for
mood disorder?
Psychiatric disorder most likely comorbid
with recurrence of severe abdominal pain
with no physical finding?
What diagnosis is associated with imaging
showing abnormal left prefrontal cortex
volume and function?
Major Depressive Disorder
Which receptor overactivity causes
depression-like symptoms through
Systemic medication derived from what
Vitamin is associated with depression in
Vitamin A
Adolescent with MDD recently attempts
suicide, parents and patient resistant to
start SSRI. Best approach?
Explore beliefs of patient and parents about
A patient shows mild depressive symptoms related to his father’s undiagnosed depression. The father refuses treatment even after you note connection between the son and father’s mood symptoms. How should you proceed?
Start psychoeducation with the whole
family about depression