Focus of Bowenian family therapy
model? (2x)
Differentiation from family and being
true self in the face of their pressures.
Animal in experiment gets benzo and
fear extinction procedure is successful.
When medication is stopped, initial fear
response returns. Type of learning? (2x)
Abused child hides at sound of front
door even after the abusive parent is
imprisoned. Which learning model
explains this response? (2x)
Classical conditioning
Energetic, Hyperactive 5 yo. Mom puts in
soccer to learn rules and limits. Thomas
and Chess temperamental
characteristic? (2x)
Child gets 90% on test but feels like
failure for not getting 100%. Cognitive
distortion? (2x)
Absolutistic thinking
5 yo falls and scrapes knee and mom
applies bandage. Why does it help?
Address the threat to physical integrity
Psychosocial crisis during toilet training
according to Erik Erikson
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
Young child tells coach that he doesn’t want
to play basketball anymore because of
missing a basket during the game, and he is
not as good as the other kids. Stage of
Industry vs inferiority
“Primary maternal preoccupation” per
Winnicott means?
Mother turns inwards engaging in fantasy
about baby in womb
What statements made by 5 y.o. girl show
management of guilty feelings about
Oedipal victory over adoptive mother?
Never wanting to get married, have
children, or comments about adoptive
mother being better than biological mother
What type of internal tension exists for a
student who wants to score well on an
exam, but also wants to spend the weekend
Cognitive dissonance
Initial response when child is separated
from primary caretaker according to
Bowlby’s theory of attachment?
Describe the Explanatory Model of Illness
per Arthur Kleinman?
Etiology of illness as understood or
perceived by patient, relatives, caretakers
Who is considered one of the founders of
Child psychoanalysis?
Anna Freud
In infant psychiatry, from work by Fraiberg,
parents’ view of baby and role of parenting
comes from?
Parents’ memories with their own primary
Child at supermarket parking lot is bitten
by a dog. Now child will not go to
supermarket. Why?
Parking lot represents conditioned
What approach reinforces less preferred
behaviors by increasing access to preferred
Premack Principle
Term by Margaret Mahler to describe
developmental phase when mother is seen
to have a unique identity by child?
Term by Margaret Mahler to describe
infants beginning to differentiate from
mother after symbiosis?
Who developed the concept of the
transitional object, such as a blanket, to
help with separation and individuation?
Donald Winnicott
What is considered the conditioned
stimulus when a young child is stung by a
bee at a park, then cries when asked to go
to a park, and avoids parks completely?
The park
How do children learn best, according to
psychologist, Lev Vygotsky?
Skills taught are just beyond current level
Why do negative emotional reactions
happen to depressed patients, according to
cognitive psychology?
Automatic perceptions
What sociobiological behavior concept that
describes the thriving of a species at the
expense of an individual organism, is also a
defense mechanism?
In ego psychology, reason why children
blame others when they get in trouble?
Defense against painful affects
Core developmental concept of Winnicott?
Infant-caregiver dyad is an emotionally
facilitating force in development
What is typical in children, according to self